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Philip Rogers

HadIt.com Elder
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Everything posted by Philip Rogers

  1. I agree w/bergie, file for TDIU, now. Correction, yesterday!!! If you can't work due to your SC disability you will win. It may take yrs but you WILL WIN!!!! Never give up!!!!!!!!!!!! pr
  2. Guess I'll have to miss it. I refuse to watch anything that requires me to watch a 30 second commercial, that I didn't ask to see. I'll let the rest of you "sheep" enjoy it. jmo pr
  3. Cuz they wanted to deny you and f*** w/you, hoping you will give up and go away. Sorry but that's the way it is. That really sux!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pr
  4. Good luck, grasshopper! Back in '89 I had my claim done in 3-4 months but the appeal took 10 yrs. Ain't nuttin' gonna change. jmo pr
  5. Pete was being nice . . . I say it'll probably be more like 2-4 yrs and if it gets remanded make it more like 4-5 yrs. They don't just review it and send it back. They decide yes, no or remand for whatever reason. pr
  6. The November suspense date will remain unchanged until the claim is looked at again. If at that time they determine more info is needed or some requested info isn't there yet, they will request what's needed or may re-request whatever hasn't arrived and/or set up a new suspense date. I believe suspense dates generally run 60, 90 or 120 days. I think if you review M-21- whatever the number is you can find more info on the actual claims process. The best part is now you can relax because basically nothing is going to happen again until November. I know it sux but you haven't even hit a yr yet. pr
  7. Just file a claim, for SMC, for ED, especially if your doc says it's caused by your meds. The current rate paid is $96 monthly, plus they'll supply a few viagra, or the equivalent, monthly. I wouldn't worry about the other stuff, as you're pretty safe. jmo pr
  8. Have him file for TDIU NOW!!!! He may also be eligible for SMC letter "k" if his SC disabilities cause ED (erectile dysfunction). That pays an additional $96 monthly and can be caused by DMII and heart disease. pr
  9. The suspense date is merely the next time they plan to look at your claim. Nothing more, nothing less. On that date they may check to see in the C&P results are in, check if medical records have arrived, etc. It's just the date they plan to look at your claim again. So between now and 11/2/10 you can relax. No need to check the mailbox or call VA because nothing is happening. pr
  10. Carlie's correct, nothing about your stressor is relevant, to the claim, at this point. They may review your stressor, w/you, but please don't muddy the waters by adding this. Remember, someone would like to reduce your disability, if possible. You should, as Carlie discussed, describe all the problems your PTSD is causing in your daily life. Whatever you do don't minimize it's affects on you, your ability to work, your family and personal relationships, your daily living, etc. Some suggest you should describe your worst day. Remember, the doc is only seeing you for a very short time and needs to get an factual picture of everything in order to do a report that shows your current condition. I suggest you review the criteria for each percentage of disability for PTSD to get a better picture of where you fit and be sure to describe those criteria at your C&P exam. You should also review the worksheet, for the PTSD review exam, which a link to can be found on hadit's home page. jmo pr
  11. Tami - what's your goal? Are you trying to get 100%?? Or TDIU?? Are you working, now?? Do your SC disabilities keep you from working?? Just trying to make sense of why you're asking for an increase. Thanks! pr
  12. Carolyn - testosterone is a hormone/steroid and I can't see why they wouldn't let you give the injection. Ask the doc to allow it. They may "teach" you and monitor you once or twice, to make sure you do it properly and don't hit a vein or artery. It should be the same size needle, unless the hormone is more viscous. They'll generally give it in the hip due to the thickness of the needle or the volume of medication given, so it doesn't hurt as much but it can be given in the arm, as I believe they are given intramuscularly. jmo pr
  13. Allan - I'd add another yr or two to that, at minimum. jmo pr
  14. Sorry, John, but probably 3-4 yrs before you get a decision from the court but as you say it gives you another reason to live longer. I'm not sure if the court case survives your death but I kinda doubt it . . . but then what do I know. It'll probably be another 6 yrs before it's resolved, if you win at the court. The wheels of justice turn slowly, if and when they turn at all! jmo pr
  15. It could be possible however the VA could treat it as an abandoned claim,also. You didn't state what they rated you in 8/09? I gather the time to file a NOD has expired as the one yr deadline passed, in August? pr
  16. Carla - nope, it's just the 2009 VBM. I can find 38 CFR and 38 US Code online, so I haven't ordered the second book since around 1999. Also I gave up on the CD Rom cuz I never used them. I think I gave you all I had of those. Let me know if you want to purchase? pr
  17. vet12 - they're injecting me w/Delatestryl (testerone enanthate injection USP in sesame oil). I guess the sesame oil is for an Asian twist. ;-) Check the VA's formulary and if it's listed they should give it to ya, especially since you're 50%sc. In my case the pharmacy sends me the drug. I store it and bring it w/me, for injection, then I store until next visit. I can see them eventually teaching a patient how to self inject to save mileage costs. pr
  18. As my 2010 VBM is enoute, I'm offering up my slightly used 2009 VBM for sale. I can honestly say I barely opened it this past year. Sixty dollars ($60) and I'll pay the shipping. PM me if interested. You can pay via paypal, USPS money order or by personal check. Thanks! pr
  19. It's highly unlikely they'll take away benefits already awarded. They'll just give us poor medical care so we die off sooner. jmo pr
  20. Yup, let it go!!! Those have nothing to do w/your actual military service. If you were here before the board changed over to this board, it doesn't carry your old date over. Your rank/rating is based on number of posts made. I've been here since around '94 and the board's changed about 4-5 times since then and each time I lose my original member date. Considering the number of posts you've made, since '06, I don't see a promotion coming any time soon. Try not to let it bother you as there are too many other important issues in our lives to sweat the small stuff. jmo pr
  21. If you were still in the army, getting paid, you were working. I agree leave it alone. jmo pr
  22. I would. It could be at that desk for days or even months. If they award you TDIU you can always withdraw the claim. jmo pr
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