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Philip Rogers

HadIt.com Elder
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Everything posted by Philip Rogers

  1. Jan & Feb. Started 1/31/68. pr
  2. Just my opinion but "who cares," it's just a game!!! Too bad the nation doesn't care about our military, the elderly, veterans, our government as much as they seem to care about sports!!!!!!!!!!!! If it ain't life or death it ain't worth my time. jmo pr
  3. It is always presumed that the claimant is pursuing the maximum award allowed by law. I would never pursue less but could accept less as a "compromise." As for an EED, when it's a claim for increase, the VA can go back one yr prior to the increase request, if the evidence warrants it. pr
  4. I think you have a good chance at TDIU. You can always file another 21-8940, now, just in case. Also, you should file for Social Security Disability Income (SSDI), now. SSI is Supplimental Security Income and is like welfare. You should try not to confuse the two. BTW, 26 months to make E-5 . . . what took you so long? (just kidding!) I made mine in 22 months, w/2 Article 15's and a summary court martial (for a loaded weapon inside the compound in VN, in 1966). Good luck! pr
  5. If you didn't appeal then, chances are slim, now, unless there was a legal error. I don't see what you're looking for as a legal error. jmo pr
  6. Ya hear that music??? That's the VBA doing their little happy dance for screwing another vet. Here comes another bonus!!! jmo pr
  7. Yes, it is income, for tax purposes, but not earned income, from working, and wouldn't effect TDIU. pr
  8. babyray: I apologize!!! I didn't mean to offend you. It just bugs me when claimants want to collect disability, for being unable to work, and then want to work and collect the disability, also. I think most of us would prefer to work. I know I would! It's kinda built in to us. Once again, I'm sorry! pr
  9. All correspondence w/the VA should be written and all responses received from the VA should also be written. If it can't be read "It Wasn't Said!" pr
  10. LarryJ, Here's the content of the Fast Letter explaining card letters. December 14, 2006 In Reply Refer To: 216B Fast Letter 06-27 Directors (00/21) All Regional Offices and Centers SUBJ: Commissary and Exchange Privilege Letters The purpose of this letter is to advise regional offices that there has been no change in Department of Defense (DoD) or VA policy regarding commissary and exchange privileges for veterans rated 100% for individual unemployability (IU). On May 10, 2000, Fast Letter 00-37 transmitted a ruling by DoD’s General Counsel that clarified the issue of commissary privileges for veterans rated 100% disabled due to IU. The ruling was the result of an apparent conflict between M27-1, Part I, Para. 3.08b(2), and a Department of Defense July 11, 1998, order that prohibited commissary and exchange privileges to those veterans. DoD instructed its facilities that “honorably discharged veterans determined by the VA to have a service-connected disability of no less than 60%, but rated 100% disabled based on individual unemployability are entitled to MWR, Commissary and Exchange privileges.” This instruction is still in effect. M21-1, Part VII, Para 5.08b is still in effect except for the references to VLET, which PCGL letters have replaced. In issuing letters for commissary and exchange privilege purposes, regional offices must use one of the three PCGL AB3 letters. They are: Future Exam Scheduled, No Future Exam Scheduled, and To Surviving Spouse. Do not use any other letters, and do not include any reference to an IU rating in the PCGL letters. /s/ Bradley G. Mayes, Director Compensation and Pension Service just sayin' pr
  11. Okay, LarryJ, I should know better than to disagree w/you. However, since you state: "The requirements to receive a tan card are that you be 100% with "no future exams scheduled," could you show your source?? I'm 99% sure that is wrong, as cards are issued to 100%ers and TDIUers who are not P&T. Those cards expire shortly after the "scheduled future exam date." just sayin' pr
  12. Mine has no expiration, either, but I'm P&T. I believe, that if I were scheduled for a future exam on 5/15/13, my card would expire about 6 months after the scheduled exam. If my 100% was continued I could get a new card issued. I recall reading it in m-21 or somewhere like that. just saying . . . pr
  13. I'm fairly sure one not need be "P&T" to get the tan card. It just has an expiration date, the same year as your next scheduled exam. pr
  14. If ya wanna and can work, fulltime, do it. Just tell the VA and cancel your TDIU. Sounds like you want to commit fraud, ie; collect disability for not being able to work and work fulltime? jmo pr
  15. You can always submit additional evidence, at any time. When you receive a decision check to see if your new evidence is listed, in the evidence section and, if not, request that another decision be made, based on the additional evidence that was submitted. I'd never withhold favorable evidence. jmo pr
  16. Please tell me what a "COMMON ACCESS CARD" is and maybe I'll be able to tell you. Thanks! pr
  17. If anyone's interested I've got a "VBM and Related Laws & Regulations," 2003 Edition CD for windows, unopened, for sale. $20 + $5 shipping. IM me if interested. pr
  18. You are eligible for $10k, the premium will be waived once you apply. You can also purchase another $10k but you need to pay for that. Contact the VARO or go to va.gov on the web. pr
  19. Sorry Sharon, and I may be wrong, but I believe you have somewhere between 21 and 30 days, from the date of the proposal, to request a hearing. If you fail to request a hearing, in a timely manner, the reduction will take place. In the mean time I would file an increase request, also. Someone correct me, if I'm wrong. Thanks. pr
  20. Try filling out a form 180 and requesting your DA form 20, from the NPRC. It includes all assigned units, promotions, entry test scores, security clearances, awards, punishments, lost time, etc. - basically everything you did in the Army. pr
  21. Most, if not all, VARO's have a library, that veterans can use. Whether they carry the VBM is another issue. The Cumberland County Public Library, in Kingsland, GA, carries the VBM. I think all public libraries should carry it. Maybe you should request that yours do it. How about a copy at each VFW, AL, DAV hall, etc!!! pr
  22. You can just send them a letter withdrawing your claim(s). pr
  23. Sorry "j" but I'm going to disagree, w/you, on the 100% mental precluding working. While that may be part of the mental disorder 100% description, a claimant does not need to meet all those signs/symptoms to be considered 100%. So, I believe, anything less than gainful employment, ie; marginal employment, could be allowed, which could include part-time employment. jmo pr
  24. I may be "wrong" but I seem to recall reading somewhere that any hospitalization, at the VAMC, can be considered a claim. If that's the case I would see an open claim existing. jmo pr
  25. I/we would need to see the 1996 claim and the decision denying it, in order to offer you an "informed" opinion. Without this info it would just be a guess. I/we also may need to see the 2006 claim and award. pr
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