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Philip Rogers

HadIt.com Elder
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Everything posted by Philip Rogers

  1. Someone should jump in w/some answers soon. pr
  2. I agree w/carlie - anywhere from 12-36 months and maybe more. These days I'd say at least 18 months, minimum. jmo pr
  3. I don't think so but if you are receiving NSC pension, currently, you should notify the VA that your are now receiving SSDI and the amount of your current monthly SSDI deposit/check. I didn't have to pay mine back but they later recovered the NSC pension, anyway, when I won 100% SC, retro. pr
  4. I, personally, rarely respond to anyone who can't at least try to make their questions readable. I have no desire to try to decipher what someone is trying to say. If they choose to use "text like" messaging then they aren't interested in my help. I, personally, interpret their actions as being "too lazy" to spend the time needed to explain their question(s) and if that's the case I need not waste my time, nor theirs. I have that right, in that my time is donated and I can pick and choose which posts I respond to. jmo pr
  5. First off, they may be the wrong drug!!! You should check online to verify you are getting the right drug, "before" you take them. Or, they found somewhere they could get them cheaper. pr
  6. Actually the piece was 12 minutes long. I checked. pr
  7. We had a vet here who won a claim, for prostatitis(sp), back to 1955. The VA had been calling it something else but the symptoms were the same. They ended up calling it a CUE and he won about $37k, retro to 1955. pr
  8. Cruinthe: Has a decision ever been issued on the original 1993 claim?????? I suggest we not add anymore to this until he's answered whether they've issued a decision on the original claim. It all may be moot if they've decided and he failed to appeal, within the proper time limits. jmo pr
  9. You can file a CUE on each error. Whether the VA will properly entertain each is another matter. jmo pr
  10. I read the transcript and it's been edited. pr
  11. I don't know how the VA gets away w/it. SSDI allows 4 yrs for before a decision becomes final and if the claimant wasn't represented and had a mental condition that can be waived. In this case she can just refile w/new evidence but, unfortunately, will lose the original claim date and all that retro. pr
  12. Carla - you stated: "I question as to if a claim issue requesting SC of Chronic Fatigue is the same as a claim issue requesting SC of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome." It doesn't matter as long as the symptoms he was requesting a disability for are the same or similar. He should be able to get an EED. They may try to award a stepped award but I feel he could win that, if he has the proper evidence. jmo pr
  13. If you filed in 1993 and it was never adjudicated, that claim remains open, so it probably won't reach the CUE level, as that claim is still open. I'd request, since the CFS was subquently awarded in 2004, that the 2004 award be awarded back to 1993. On the 2001 PTSD application, I'd file for an EED on the 7/02 award based on a grave procedural error and enclose photocopies of the original application and the DAV letter. jmo pr
  14. The VA will generally require a C&P exam for a tinnitus, altho there is no exam that can prove whether the claimant has it or not. I've never heard of awarding 10% automatically due to verifible combat service. I have heard of a claimant, who served as a 155 artillery crewman, being denied, which to me is stupidity at it's worst. pr
  15. mrG777 - I disagree, in that, I believe, A&A and Housebound are paid at the "s" rate and can be awarded w/a single 100% rating. pr
  16. Okay, gotcha! Just wanted you to know it's appreciated, when you do. I'm sure you have other ways you could spend your valuable time. pr
  17. Yes, I know that but you can give us insight as to how the VA processes claims, thru your personal experience and training level. pr
  18. I, for one, appreciate your input! It's good to know how the VA thinks. I hope we don't chase you away. pr
  19. Thanks Delta & Allan but I didn't take offense and I did post the cans suggestion, Allan. I understand everyone's frustration and in a perfect world vets would be given what we were promised. But alas, the world is not perfect. No matter what, I feel we still have it better than 99% of the rest of the world. The USA has never taken care of it's veterans and probably never will. I'm still glad I served! As for the cans issue - early in the 1990's, while fighting my claim and living on VA pension, I did collect cans, every morning. I'd spend between 1-2 hrs, walking, bending, stooping, and then I'd take my wife & I out to breakfast, w/the money I'd earned. I generally averaged $6-$8 a morning and was in much better shape than I am now, due to the exercise I got collecting those cans. I actually miss the fun I had, doing it, now! Even found a $20 bill, one morning, in a parking lot, where the kids used to hangout and drink. That was a goldmine in the can world. Collecting cans is honorable work. Many homeless do it. It is self-employment and does take some ambition . . . Hey, can't we all just get along ;-) . . . . Best wishes for a great new year for everyone!!!!
  20. Hey allan, nobody mentioned cola's. This was about a "raise!" ;-) pr
  21. Nope, nothing for us this yr but we "can" all generate our own increase just by collecting more cans and recycling them. jmo pr
  22. Yes, you can be service-connected(SC) for alcoholism but it doesn't pay anything. I'm SC for it, secondary to PTSD but they made me fight for it, first claiming it was willful misconduct. The advantage is that any of the medical maladies that may/probably accompany alcoholism will be SC, too. Besure to appeal the original 50%, for PTSD, and not be mislead into requesting an increase, in the current 50% rating. pr
  23. The AO exam is not required but you would be wise to get one. It's probably the most thorough exam you'll ever receive, in your lifetime, especially from the VA. It will have no bearing on your pending Comp claim(s). pr
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