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Philip Rogers

HadIt.com Elder
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Everything posted by Philip Rogers

  1. The publication "Air Base Defense in the Republic of Vietnam, 1961-1973" is on-line now, at the link below. It lists all attacks on US Air Bases in Vietnam and is an excellent resource for confirming a stressor. pr http://www.scribd.com/doc/1446931/US-Air-Force-AFD070228023
  2. Just wanted to mention saving money on installed carpet. The carpet industry has screwed the general public for years. Generally, the buyer is sold the same amount of padding as carpet. Carpet generally comes in 12' and 15' widths and the buyer is sold the same amount of padding as carpet, which is not what's needed. Padding comes in much smaller widths and can be pieced under the carpet. So 40 sq yds of carpet may only need 30 yds of padding. Think about it, a charge for 10 yds of unnecessary padding is cash in their pocket. They did this to me a couple of yrs ago and I caught them. After I confronted them, they tried to call the job " a bid" but in the end I won and we agreed on a $250 refund. Back in the late 60's I sold carpeting, so I knew their tricks but had forgotten. If you've purchased installed carpeting, w/padding, within the previous year you should be able to get an adjustment, in lieu of an state's atty general's investigation. pr
  3. And if Home Depot doesn't give a discount, just ask the store manager if he'd rather you make your purchase at Lowe's, where they do give a veteran discount. Chances are he'll authorize a discount, right then. pr
  4. A FOIA request should get it, for you, from your local SS office. pr
  5. I always ask for a senior, military or veteran discount, just about everywhere I do business. It usually covers the tax I would've had to pay. pr
  6. tbird, VA is responsible for the whole bill, thru fee basis. VA is not allowed to pay the medicare deductable. VA pays all or nothing and is not allowed to be secondary payer, by CFR. Since you're a VA patient the hospital has to bill the VA but will try to do medicare, w/copay, cuz they get more and it's easier. SLU is required to notify VA that a VA patient is there, setting up for fee basis. Once fee basis is notified they are supposed to try to get you to VA, if possible. Talk to whoever is in charge of SLU's billing dept. See 38 CFR 17.52, 17.53, 17.54 & 17.55 pr
  7. Pete, everything I've seen points to an FPG 126+. See below and link below that. pr New recommendations for the classification and diagnosis of diabetes mellitus include the preferred use of the terms "type 1" and "type 2" instead of "IDDM" and "NIDDM" to designate the two major types of diabetes mellitus; simplification of the diagnostic criteria for diabetes mellitus to two abnormal fasting plasma determinations; and a lower cutoff for fasting plasma glucose (126 mg per dL [7 mmol per L] or higher) to confirm the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus. These changes provide an easier and more reliable means of diagnosing persons at risk of complications from hyperglycemia. Currently, only one half of the people who have diabetes mellitus have been diagnosed. Screening for diabetes mellitus should begin at 45 years of age and should be repeated every three years in persons without risk factors, and should begin earlier and be repeated more often in those with risk factors. Risk factors include obesity, first-degree relatives with diabetes mellitus, hypertension, hypertriglyceridemia or previous evidence of impaired glucose homeostasis. Earlier detection of diabetes mellitus may lead to tighter control of blood glucose levels and a reduction in the severity of complications associated with this disease. http://www.aafp.org/afp/981015ap/mayfield.html
  8. Generally, I believe, two blood glucose readings of 126 or more, in the morning is considered diabetes. For an A1C, I believe they prefer less than 7.0. Over 7.0 and injectable insulin may be ordered. Exercise and weight loss can eliminate the need for medication/insulin. This is not medical advice. I'm not a doctor. Although, lately my handwriting indicates I could have been one. jmo pr
  9. I think the stimulus for both years was for 100% vets and it looks as tho you are rated 40%. I could be wrong, tho. I don't believe there is any disparity on national benefits. States are free to do what they want. Some give bonuses, tax breaks, free education, disabled vet plates, etc. and some don't. pr
  10. My $250 stimulus check was deposited, in my acct, this morning. pr
  11. Carla, it is always best to do it in the form of an affidavit. I generally use VA form 21-4138, Statement In Support Of Claim, which I fill out and then wirte in the statement space "See Reverse Side," drawing a large "Z" (like Zorro) thru the blank leftover space, so no one can alter my document. I then start my statement by using my printer and printing on the reverse side. This covers the sworn statement/severe penalties aspect and I've had no problem w/the VA on it. I recommend always having statements sworn and notarized, as it adds to it's evidentiary level and certainly does no harm. Notary services are usually free at your local bank, provided you have an acct there. While the VA is supposed to believe us veterans, we all know they really look at us as liars and cheats. And yes, buddy statement(s) can be the piece that wins the claim. jmo pr
  12. You go Carla!!!! Many don't have COLA's. The only COLA's they have are Pepsi & Coca COLA's and if they didn't waste their money on them they'd have a lot more money, now. Many have lived way beyond their means and now it is time to face reality. We're darn lucky! Could it be better . . . yes, but look at how the rest of the world lives. jmo pr
  13. jecsb4 - First, I'd write down everything that happened during the C&P exam, while it's fresh in your mind. Next, I'd request a copy of the C&P exam report. Once the report is received, I'd post that info here and ask again. Ya never know what it will say. From what I've seen they often go w/the previous report, rarely changing anything. I'd wait until you receive that report before doing anything further, except, as I said, making notes while fresh in your mind. jmo pr
  14. That sounds positive, provided those were what you are claiming SC for and what the C&P was for. Now if the adjudicator just agrees you'll be all set. pr
  15. I guess everyone's happy cuz they're all complaining, 'cept me. I must be be depressed cuz I'm content! jmo pr
  16. Berta, I think they will have to pay the accrued SMC and that will make the CUE claims moot issues but then what do I know. I'm so happy for you and your late husband, Rod! Sometimes ya just have to get things corrected, even if just on principle. jmo pr
  17. I have enough. Would I accept more? Yes, but in reality, I am comfortable, w/my income. I'm constantly amazed by those who, to quote a Billy Idol song, want "more, more, more." I have shelter, heat, food, a vehicle, insurance, clothing, medical care, entertainment, friends, family, laughter and still have a little extra each month. Now I just need to survive anouther 20 yrs. jmo pr
  18. Thank you for the undeserved praise!!! I give myself enough anyway and always do a little happy dance, which isn't very pretty these days, as I age, when I help a claimant win. I just wanted to mention this claim, again, and what the VA does. In his case the odor caused by the skin disorder, when periodically inflamed, was so repugnant that no one could work in his area, so no employer would hire him. It is imperative that the claimant request an extra-schedular rating, when not meeting the 4.16(a) criteria, because the RO will rarely consider it and routinely denies TDIU only quoting 4.16(a), in their reasons and bases, thereby legally misleading the claimant into thinking they don't qualify. pr
  19. The key is the claimant must mention the extra-schedular rating, because the VA rarely does. Once an extra-schedular rating is requested the RO has to respond to it. If the claimant fails to mention it then the VA won't either. pr
  20. Back around 2001 I assisted a vet in getting TDIU, for a skin condition. Since about 1988 he'd been getting denied for anything higher, including TDIU, w/the VA stating that the skin condition carried a maximum of 50%, which was correct. He'd even been to his congressman, twice, and the VA kept stating that 50% was the highest he could receive. I did his claim and about a year later he was awarded TDIU, w/retro 3 yrs, w/P&T, by the VACO. I wanted to appeal the decision, for the other 10 yrs or so, but he stated he was satisfied and didn't want to rock the boat and chance losing what he'd received. pr
  21. Berta - that is great news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pr
  22. etihwr - it appears you failed to mention the second part of 4.16, that basically states that if your SC'd disability(s) keep you from working you should be rated TDIU but via the VACO. jmo pr
  23. A claimant can only receive one Social Security check, except if their SS benefit is currently less than $674 monthly. Supplemental Security Income (SSI) currently pays $674 a month and is means based. A claimant receiving less than $674 monthly from SS could be supplemented up to that amount, by SSI but both payments combined cannot equal more than $674, monthly. SSDI pays the same amount that a claimant would have received had they retired at the full retirement age. SSDI payment is converted at full retirement age from the SSDI account to SS retirement account. At full retirement age a claimant on SSDI could return to work w/o fear of losing their SS benefit. A widowed spouse can collect on their own acct (if qualified) or at age 60, (age 50 if disabled) on their late spouses account. SS will pay the higher amount but they can request the lower amount, if desired. Divorced claimants can collect against their deceased former spouses account, if married to them for 10yrs or more. pr
  24. Berta, I don't know why the age 50 disabled thing either but it's true. The spouse of a disabled person who cares for minor children receives payment until the youngest child reaches age 16. At 16yo SS feels the child is old enough to be alone after school and won't pay the spouse anymore. The spouses benefit is then added to the child or children's benefit until age 18 or HS graduation, whichever is the latter. pr
  25. Additionally, a widowed claimant can collect against the spouses SS account at age 50, if claimant is disabled, at age 60, normally. SSI is paid to those who are disabled who do not meet the "paid in" SSDI quarter requirements. pr
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