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Philip Rogers

HadIt.com Elder
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Everything posted by Philip Rogers

  1. Couple of things you should consider. Contact the court about getting a child support reduction hearing/order. I believe the current minimum is $50 monthly based on your income. If you do not the support will continue to accrue, fast. This is not about trying to screw the ex or your children but just to make an acceptable temporary adjustment. When you're back on your feet, financially, they can adjust it again. Consider bankruptcy. Not what one wants to do but what you might need to do it to get back on your feet. I did it. During my claims process, I lost a marriage, a house, and just about everything you can imagine. I lived in my vehicle. The VA doesn't care! They are an insurance company and like an insurance company, they don't want to pay. You will win, eventually, but you must never give up. This is just a test of what you are capable of doing. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger!! Never, ever, ever, ever, ever, did I say ever, give up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Apply for SSDI, now. Also, get over the idea that life is fair, cuz it ain't. Good things happen, bad things happen, both to good and bad people . . . forget fairness. jmo pr
  2. I think Chuck pretty much covered it. It's not likely you'll get any additional monies, however you could receive a temporary convalescent type rating, which could bring an SMC "s" award, for 100+60, temporarily. You could also end up losing your TDIU somewhere down the line, if the TDIU includes the condition you had surgery for and there is an improvement. jmo pr
  3. Now, you've got me confused. You're job ended in 12/2012??? And you want TDIU back 3 yrs, even though you were employed??? I don't see you getting TDIU for the period you were employed. About the SSDI issue. Can you explain? Have you applied and received a written denial?? Did someone tell you that you don't qualify?? Thanks, pr
  4. It goes back to that date if the evidence shows you were TDIU then. What they did makes sense. They made you TDIU the date the evidence(C&P exam) shows you were TDIU. I would appeal. You can accept their rating or appeal it. jmo pr
  5. They could, depending on what they are. Valor medals, PH, CIB & CAR, are basically the ones that qualify. pr
  6. The VA's attitude is tough on you and your credit. If you pay the bill, you will have a tough time getting reimbursement from the VA. jmo pr
  7. You should get 10%, if you have any or all of those. The VA will often downplay the sign of having just one symptom and award "0%." They are required by the court to pay you if you meet "any" or all of those requirements. I can't quote the court case, tho, and I don't have the time or desire to look for it. pr
  8. I would still pursue it. I'd write that they made a grave error, possibly a CUE and then explain why. I feel you should have appealed their original decision, then. jmo pr
  9. I would say anyone who is TDIU and receiving the 100% pay rate should fill one out and submit it yearly. It is the VA's duty to send you the form, however since the VA has the expectation of regularity, I wouldn't rely on them sending the form to you. I would keep a stack of the forms in my file cabinet, and submit one every oct/nov, just to be on the safe side. jmo pr
  10. You need to tell the VA this, as claims and medical center don't share info unless you tell them and you release it. pr
  11. John - I just had a terrible thought. Suppose you win and they send it to the AMC, for payment??? That would really suck!!! Hang in buddy!! pr
  12. An independent medical exam (IME) report will always carry more weight, as the doctor actually examined the patient. An independent medical opinion (IMO) report can be done just by reviewing the medical records. IMO/IME reports can cost anywhere from a few hundred dollars to thousands, depending on how long they take and how many pages of records they need to review. They are well worth the money!!! jmo pr
  13. CB - can you say USA! USA! USA! Yup, more BS. Time to put on my red, white and blue, PJ's. pr
  14. I agree w/Chuck. You can't work due to your 100% PTSD rating, which includes the inability to work in it. That 100% rating is worth about the same as earning $40k a yr in the real taxable world. If you're not receiving SSDI, I would apply now. My VA + SSDI is about $47,500, tax free, which would be about $60k in the taxable world. In my area, the northern part of Vermont, the average wage is $25k - $30k, so I'm surviving quite well. You should be able to get the SSDI you paid into. jmo pr
  15. Don't the schools have a policy available?? That 25% that ChampVA doesn't pay is already on a reduced billing amount, which is substantial. pr
  16. I agree w/jbasser and I see a large check in your future, provided the injury is found SC and not NSC. I don't see why they rated you NSC in the first place. jmo pr
  17. http://www.cbs.com/shows/60_minutes/video/MKpW3seGJtSXT_3T8CJ5Vr7osIxkUBiR/preview-the-war-within/ Looked to me like an ad showing us how great the VA is. jmo pr
  18. rep8 - hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! Sorry but I can't stop laughing!! You could hear something in a month, or a year or two. jmo pr
  19. Okay, you didn't answer my question(s) so I'm withholding any more comments. Thanks. pr
  20. In your original decision, what did they rate in the decision?? Generally the last page lists the SC ratings and the NSC ratings. Did they rate the asthma as NSC?? Try to understand that what you call CUE and what the VA calls CUE are two different things. A CUE can only be made one year or more after a final decision. pr
  21. If you had signs & symptoms of MS back then you could receive SC from then but it could be at "0%." Anything from then until now would probably be paid as a staged rating, so don't go spending it yet. jmo pr
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