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Philip Rogers

HadIt.com Elder
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Everything posted by Philip Rogers

  1. Who knows?? Maybe they didn't like the results or it wasn't relevant enough. pr
  2. You can get all kinds, even a hot tub if the docs write a prescription for it and you need it. I get oxygen, cane, diabetic shoes, cpap, knee brace(s), hearing aid, glasses, etc.. Diabetics can get socks, also. Squeeky wheel gets the grease. jmo pr
  3. I'd check w/the VA about doing something about your homeless situation. As for your claim, I don't know. It's common for the VA to lose documents. Usually they are misfiled. Do you have a common last name?? pr PS - can you break up your posts more. I found that one toooo long and very hard to read. Maybe spacing and using more paragraphs?
  4. You are probably right but much like today, the VA knew many VN vets were committing suicide, upon return to the states. I need to research the medical and psyche journals published at the time. I'd done some research previously about scrub typhus and found articles warning civilian medical personnel that some of us would be returning w/scrub typhus and to be aware of it. I'm sure there were articles published about psyche problems in returning vets, also. I doubt I'd get any retro money but my residual damage should be service-connected. It's worth looking into. jmo pr
  5. jmo - lately the VA has been making it harder to apply/receive TDIU. They generally won't consider TDIU unless the claimant requests it. By not sending the form they delay the new TDIU claim and hope the vet doesn't file. Many vets won't appeal claims in fear of losing what they have. The VA and their VSO's help spread this rumor/fear. Although the VA is supposed to be vet friendly we know they aren't. They often give instructions to C&P examiners as to what to look for and how to deny the condition. The latest ruse is not sending the TDIU form. jmo pr
  6. Like most said here, file for TDIU and SSDI. jmo pr
  7. If you're not working and unable to work, due to your PTSD, I would apply for it. If you are worried about them reducing you, then you're probably not that bad. They operate on that fear you have of reduction. jmo pr
  8. You can file a CUE and probably/possibly win. The VA could reduce your current rating/P&T but it is highly unlikely. The VA is supposed to look at you sympathetically but we know they don't. You used to be able to claim breathing/lung problems but know they want us to be more specific. I'd go after it. It is a CUE, so I can be filed anytime after the claim has closed. Maybe you need a little break, first, and some time to adjust your finances, while you plan your attack. jmo Did the VA decide the issue of asthma, in the first claim?? pr
  9. If it were me and you consider them valid claims, I would pursue them. Don't worry about others. Remember, it's the VA's fault, not yours. You can take a short break, if you'd like, since you have a yr but don't miss any deadline. jmo pr
  10. All address changes should be in your c-file, along w/copies of notices sent. pr
  11. Bring the truth. With that said he needs to show what his life is like on his worse day. The VA examiner will use everything s/he sees(general appearance), hears, thinks and some they might make up. If he responds "good" to the question of "how ya doing?" the examiner will probably deny PTSD or feel that it's not that serious. When asked about homicidal or suicidal ideation he should tell the truth. Eye contact is important in mental health exams. The more eye contact he has the better shape he is in. The less eye contact the worse he is. Just be truthful. If asked about drug/alcohol use/abuse, he should be truthful. It's best that he minimize any trauma prior to the Army, as they always blame that for the current problem. I'd only drank 3-4 times before the Army but by the time I left, in 1968, I drank daily. His CIB just means he was exposed to stressors. I cried a few times during my exam, as it brings up things we try to forget. You and he may want to read this, if you haven't already. http://www.trauma-pages.com/a/goodwin.php It what made me realize I had PTSD, in 1989, twenty-two yrs after I left VN. Sometimes they allow the spouse, sometimes they don't. You should be there to support him, if needed, after the exam, as he may be very emotional. jmo If you have statements you can submit them but keep copies, as they could be lost. pr
  12. Slowlane - how do you know how much the loss will be?? Maybe you're guessing wrong. They originally gave me 30% for ptsd but I appealed, appealed and appealed. Took 10 yrs but they gave me 100% retro to day one. The choice is yours. I'd go my route. pr
  13. If CA is like most states you get exempted from the day you apply and are approved. Most states won't refund for the yrs it takes the VA to process your claim(s). In VT, I get $40k off my evaluation. My home is assessed at roughly $100k, so I pay based on $60k. I wish the town would give me $100k for my house, then I'd buy another. In NH, my bordering state, they give $2k off the actual tax bill, not the assessment. Each state is different. pr
  14. Qwiksting - I'm sorry I misunderstood, I thought it was the VA wanting the C&P. I would expect this from my favorite Army . . . more BS, as usual! Sorry I couldn't help you. pr
  15. I don't see what the problem is. They're gonna pay you about $300 for the round trip. You can drive, fly, go by bus, train, whatever. Gee every few yrs they want me to do something, that's a little difficult and they pay you how much??? Sorry I can't be more sympathetic. Good luck!!! jmo pr
  16. http://militaryadvantage.military.com/2013/11/congress-weighs-painful-new-budget-cut-options/ pr Oops, I forgot: the sky is falling, the sky is falling!
  17. It makes sense because without the forms, being enclosed, many vets will not appeal their claim(s) and the VA wins, again. And those that do will take longer to process. Also, it may cause many claimants to seek the use of a VSO, who generally work on the VA's side of the claim and again the vet loses. jmo pr
  18. At present, it is not legal, which is why they want to change the rules. Trying to screw the vet one more time! pr
  19. S/he should have your complete C-file there and should have pre-read it. You medical info may not be current, tho. pr
  20. https://www.federalregister.gov/articles/2013/10/31/2013-25968/standard-claims-and-appeals-forms pr
  21. Sounds like they erred. As Berta said, please post the decision so we can explain. pr
  22. Sorry but it'll come when it comes. It could be because the employee who's working on the claim is on vacation. Who knows!?!? Best to sit back and relax. Start preparing for an appeal and also daydream about what you'll do when the money comes, as ya don't know what's coming. jmo pr
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