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Philip Rogers

HadIt.com Elder
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Everything posted by Philip Rogers

  1. That is fast. Quality control can be good or bad. They reversed my decision and it took me yrs to get it changed. Yours will probably go well. pr
  2. infantry10 - as long as she can prove she's notified them, of his death, she should be able to receive a waiver, on paying it back. If he was 100% she should have applied for DIC, then also. She would be wise to keep it in a safe deposit box and in another bank, somewhere safe from electronic attachment by the VA. jmo pr
  3. I agree w/Dot09 about P&T. Are you over 55yo, had your award for 5 yrs or more? And remember the SMC awards. pr
  4. A few yrs back I considered becoming a VVA VSO. I attended a National VVA conference and took a seminar, while there, for VVA VSO's. What a disappointment!!!!!!!!!!!! It turned me against any idea of being a VSO. I had previously thought they were better than most, but at the seminar I learned they were just as bad as the others. I did walk away knowing that I knew more than anyone there regarding "claims." I now feel anyone who can read and is of average intelligence and has the LexisNexis Veterans Benefits Manual (VBM) can win most claims but they should get help if they need to go to the court. jmo pr
  5. It's all part of the VA's system. For decades they've advised us to use VSO's, they've trained. Would you take training from the enemy on how to beat the enemy?? That's basically what's been done. They fought us getting to use lawyers. Why would they do that?? They get paid win or lose. Lawyers mostly get paid based on winning. No win, no pay! I took the same course Berta did, yrs ago. I was somewhat disappointed in it but then I saw the VA's training manual, for VSO's. If I recall correctly it's written by the DAV and taught to all VSO's, in all the orgs. Very basic. VSO's get literally no training except, maybe, how to fill out forms and they don't do that well. Average VSO claim filed looks something this: "Veteran claims hearing loss he feels happened whiled he was in the Army/Navy/Marines/etc.. Please handle his claim quickly. Thanks, John Doe, VSO, National Service Org." jmo pr
  6. You have to be active in pursuing your claim. I know writing is a pain but "if it can't be read it wasn't said." Calling doesn't do a lot of good. Email would be better. Like basser said, you need to register in AZ. As jcolwell stated, there are clinics, called CBOC's or community based outreach clinics, all over and I'm sure there's one closer to you. VA will also pay for medical care at some private doctors, with prior approval. VA also pays travel pay. jmo pr
  7. Technically and realistically they do "nothing" for the veteran. They do help the VA deter veterans from making valid claims and requests for increases by spreading the misinformation the VA feeds them. And they don't just sit around on their side of the building. They often travel (collecting mileage) to their chapters, in their state, where they also spread VA misinformation and sign up more vets to get screwed by signing POA's, while having beers/cocktails, w/their cohorts and getting their photos, in the local newspapers. They also play golf w/some of the VA employees, weekly or so, taking days off from the office. Actually, thinking about it, I think they could be congressional wannabees. jmo Personally, I feel the major Veteran Service Org's, such as AL, DAV, VFW should be shut down. They started w/good intentions but then so do many other causes. Now they just bleed vets dry trying to keep from closing, while their leadership gets rich. pr
  8. Based on your age and that you're 100% for 5 yrs, I'd guess that they are going to make you P&T. I suggest you review the criteria for PTSD and make sure you still qualify with the needed symptoms. I would bring any notes you may need. I do that cuz when under pressure I tend to forget something. The VA docs usually just rubber stamp your last C&P exam report. jmo pr
  9. First off, don't worry about clogging the system. It's your claim and no one worries about "you" more than "you." IBS has many causes. Try having your doctor say "it's as least likely as not" (ie: 50% for, 50% against, could be, can't be) caused by your service, then?? pr
  10. If your new claim ever means additional monthly money, you should never withhold the claim, as doing so can cost you money, in the end, if awarded. pr
  11. Am I missing something, besides page 2 of your decision.?? They went back to 8/31/2010. I thought they should've maybe gone back to '09, the date of diagnosis or maybe a yr before. As for the 100%, it is my feeling that once the AICD is implanted and working you are no longer 100%, because of the AICD. It's like having a blockage. Once the stent(s) are in there's no blockage and you are rated on ejection factor. If the AICD was implanted during that time period you would be entitled to 100% for two months or until it was stabilized. jmo pr
  12. I understand that last statement. Sometimes it's better to let it go and move on, w/life. On the other hand, for some, it's an honor thing. Either way it's your choice. I can tell you I started w/the VA, again, back in 1989, when I was at their office one day and saw a notice on the bulletin board about recovering some school expenses, that covered a period I was in school, in the late 70's. I won about $2400. Then I won a partial on the big AO settlement, w/Dow Chemical. Then the VA awarded me 30% for PTSD. I quickly joined the DAV, for life, because I didn't want them to realize there was "nothing wrong w/me." I appealed the 30% and did an in house PTSD program, where I realized just how F**ked up my life had been, due to PTSD. I read a pamphlet by Jim Goodwin, http://www.suicidewall.com/ptsd-etiology/ and cried like a baby, as I felt someone was writing about me. I won TDIU twice, during my appeal process, and eventually won 100% retro, just for TDIU, back to my original claim date. I have an appeal in for housebound ongoing since 1999, that'll should be retro to 1989. I won a CUE for my daughter for Chap 35. I'm working on an appeal for my ex, where they cheated her out of Chap 35. And it goes on and on. The VA uses laypeople so claims are routinely done wrong. Your chances are way better at winning w/the VA than winning any lottery. jmo pr
  13. Carpal tunnel is a nerve thing, causing numbness and shouldn't cause the hand to go white/pale/cold. jmo pr
  14. See a doctor ASAP, especially if you're feeling dizzy. It sounds like a circulatory problem, especially if your hand goes white. Could be you're pinching a blood vessel or maybe a clot/embolus. I'd see a doc ASAP. jmo pr
  15. It sounds to me like you were injured, in the service, in a LOD accident, and later injured the same area, in a workers comp claim, which you settled for a lump sum payment in lieu of future medical care. You have some congenital defects/conditions, also, but were accepted as fit for duty. Am I correct?? pr
  16. VA makes the standard for hearing loss fairly high, so it's kinda hard to get but you can usually get 10%, for tinnitus, the ringing or buzzing, in your ears that make it hard to sleep, at night. jmo pr
  17. "Since VA is so shoddy in their accounting, I wonder if they will be stand up types and send my 37 year-old daughter to college now that I will have DEA benefits retroactive to when she was 19. " They will. She'll have the choice of dates, on a CUE award, but watch them, they're slippery. pr
  18. Here's a link to terms used here: http://www.hadit.com/definitions.html It'll make it easier to understand posts and responses here. pr
  19. carlie - thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!! I just realized the VA never adjusted for my son when I won in 1999. Time to send in another "gross error" claim. Should be somewhere around $3k or more. Thanks again for making me think!! pr
  20. I'll warn you ahead of time, "I believe" the VA is pushing to downplay the PTSD diagnosis, as it's not curable and many more have it than they like to believe. You probably have it. I'd seek counseling at or thru a Vet Center. You should check your symptoms and see which ones conform to a PTSD diagnosis. Without a certain number of the symptoms you won't get a PTSD diagnosis. Under the new rules only the VA can diagnose PTSD, which makes the claims process slanted towards the VA. I think this will change, eventually. pr
  21. navy04 - like carlie said, you do not need a 40% to apply for TDIU. See 38 cfr 4.16(b). Also I'd appeal(NOD) the 30% for PTSD, not request an increase. They gave me 30% to start and I eventually got rated 100% for PTSD back to day one. They always notify the vet of 38 cfr 4.16(a) and most vets believe them, but never tell them about 38 cfr 4.16(b). They save a lot of money by effectively lying to the claimant(s). pr
  22. Good on you, Carlie. The money should go to her directly, anyway. When I won SSDI, retro for my son, the money went directly to him, as he was over 18yo. jmo Keep going after the VA and make them accountable!! pr
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