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Master Chief Petty Officer
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Everything posted by jfrei

  1. Once you see the claim in the historical past claims and appeals it usually happens in a day or two if not call the 827 and Or visit your RO if your able to and they can print out what is in their system...
  2. Vets.gov and ebennies the same DSlogon just you have to have a phone handy for the vets.gov since you have a security pin after the password. Might have to contact the ebennies website for techno glitch or something...
  3. This is what they did to me with my TBi in 2010 and then I filed a cue after not reasoning a reason as to why the denied it the judge ends up at the BVA telling my attorney it’s not a CUE since they never issued a SOC but just the denial. And grants everything on my claim 6 years later so Yeha i think he was wrong since i had a reconsideration denial and a DRO denial as well and because the first one was never done right he said it’s technically still pending so by default cannot be a CUE. I was so pissed but the retro made my anger fade away....
  4. This is true about Delaware, but there are three counties that control the local property level disability tax exemption and as I found is a long process to change any law ordinance. In New Castle County the law has now changed for disabled veterans. You no longer have a 3 year residency requirement to apply if your a 100% disabled vet you qualify immediately with your home. For your home to qualify for school tax exemption along with your property tax exemption you homes income needs to be less then a set amount SSA and your Va pay is not included as income. I just received the weekly email that showed this and didn’t want Veterans to be discouraged about Delaware loving and just because the state has no manadated regs doesn’t mean the county doesn’t have them which i know Kent and new caste county have some form of exemption for vets. IMG_2888 (2).pdf
  5. Not sure but I’ve recieved two calls about my Appeals one from case management and one from the lost appeals management center so anything’s possible these Trump Days...
  6. This is the kicker I filed for his increase last year in 2017 and was never given an exam because the TBI review was authorized to do it never filled out the exam but stated I get them weekly and that was it all was in the TBI C and P that made me 100% P and T last year... I’m not getting excited thats usually a let down with the VA And i never requested SMC T just P and T backdated to Nov 2016. On another not i never requested S but was given it with my 100% but that’s just what’s is suppose to if I have 100 plus 60 is there another rule if your total is 250 or above? Would I qualify for SMC L as the stepping up block for SMC T there is no way they will just hand it without applying? I was approved to go to inpatient rehab in Richmond VA for the VAs program but unless I can get care for my children will never happen.... IMG_2868.pdf
  7. This could also be BS as their system only always Them to enter it in as this code... just like filing a claim to reconsider on an appeal they have nothing for it to enter In ebennies or at least that was my excuse told to me..
  8. Sorry i want to add this I file for an increase to my post traumatic headaches secondary to my 100% TBI and somehow without me filing it show on ebennies increase for headaches increase for SMC/AA
  9. The chart if you look under if they keep me at smc s is an additional 148 a month if they say SMC s still is that correct? It does say the increase for SMC/a/a is why I guessed the lowest amount first...
  10. Where are you seeing this 1794 a month at I see the 152 on top of SMC S and that about 1800 a year
  11. And sorry I want to say thank you for the congratulations . Just trying to see if it’s a good thing but I’ve questioned the SMC T allot and whatever my award is I’ll post the details. It’s funny I was told I couldn’t apply to the caregiver program so I didn’t even file...and it’s says 4/14/2017 is my start SMC A/A
  12. I’m trying to google this chart that your reading i read the SMC S with the addition of 149 for A/A and 100% with my family is 3847 monthly . Am I not looking at the right A/A?
  13. I'm awarded 3698 for SMC S for my wife and two minor kids guess I never subtracted what it would be with the 100% OK math for marines time lol ok you are right about the 300ish more but what is the A/A paid in place of the S or what? Happy Friday I guess if my appeal wasn't years away Id be set
  14. SMC S is way more then that...now I’m freaking out
  15. Wife and 2 minors under 18 that’s less then what SMC S is for me now I’m lost
  16. What are the chances they awarded this by themselves with this lol I am slowly becoming happy with this new system it’s onlg been 20 days since I filed...
  17. I don’t even know what that is then I’m lost I already had the 100% plus 60% for other conditions which were also apart of the P and T award. Where do I find how much this is? I wasn’t expecting anything but what my rating should have been so I won’t be wait listed any longer for my Botox been 4 months waiting to be scheduled...Crazy it’s only been 20 days for this increase it says under pending disabilities SMC/aa 4/14/2017. Headaches 7/27/2018
  18. I’m already receiving SMC S and I filed for an increase on my headaches that they gave me a 0% in 2010 never really received a C and P for just my headaches but we’re done by my 3 TBI reviews just a check yes that I had them. I never filed for A/A or SMC and went to my c and p for my post traumatic headaches the examiner listed them as. I checked ebennies today this is what? IMG_2841.pdf
  19. Some advice for your treatment of your TBI get a neuropsych test done by your local VA with the findings as evidence for your next file for an increase if the Results show deficits... just some advice they want to see testing done prior and it’s easier to show your examiner At the C and P hard evidence for your increase...
  20. My 30 for my trach scar 30 for my dizziness and 100 for my tbi was in it but now the doctor has changed my headache dx with post traumatic headaches dx so my guess is this means more then zero percent...
  21. Has anyone ever looked into wheather they could get retroactive payment for the TSGLI?
  22. So I have to hope all this shit the VA trying meds don’t kill me for another 8 years so it goes quickly for my spouse correct? I’ve only been P and T for little under 2 years why I’m fighting for this EED still with my two issues left on appeal. I’m tired of doing this dance for another few years, anyone have any thoughts of getting a good VSO or any recommendations....
  23. jfrei

    DIC ?

    To ease my wife’s mind alittle after my life insurance denial from a private company I wanted to see if this is something she would qualify for. I don’t know if she’s eligible we’ve been married 8 years and i was made P and T Nov 11 2016?
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