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Master Chief Petty Officer
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Everything posted by jfrei

  1. I was on the same boat as you 100 Tdiu p and t. I then filed a claim for adjustment disorder and that sparked another tbi review and ptsd exam which they made me 100% scheduler P and T SMC S. Sorry I didn’t take enough time to read all the replies so I’m just shooting this from the hip, if you have any questions Ill respond to this when I see an update.
  2. I am already P and T but my headaches was at 0 percent but my TBI was 100%. I’ve been waiting 5 months for Botox to be approved so I thought I’d file for an increase for my headaches that were lowballed at 0 in 2010 since all medications have been exhausted with no help and causing me reactions with my tbi residuals that I had to stop some of them. My permanent and total is rated due to my 100 tbi and dizziness 30 and scars at another 30 but not my headaches. which I believed should have been In that P and T rating but since it was zero no one cared BS doctors from day one never gave me a real c and p exam they asked one question during my tbi exam do you have headaches and I said yes almost everyday. SSA included it in my award letter for SSdI so I brought that to the c and P doctor when she asked if it impairs your ability to work. I said yes he’s my ssa exam and award letter based on my 1/2 headaches and the 1/3 the tbi residuals VES Doctor said this should be a quick decision but I laughed Said this is the VA...
  3. Yup but yes they could lower it if they see improvement it’s harder to do that when’s it’s P and T.
  4. So i have a increase in for my headaches in prep for a decision already after my C and P three days ago sounds like it’s moving good. Now I’m already 100 scheduler P and T,will this new decision of my headaches if increased above 0% where it’s at now be made P and T with everything else?
  5. I actually meant your headaches a and p sorry since it says your chronic fatigue causes headaches I’m trying to see if ones secondary connected to each other. Kinda like my headaches are service connected due to my TBI
  6. Hey honestly what was the cause of the fatigue syndrome. Did they list any of the other ones as being the cause. Just guessing headaches or ptsd? If that’s the cause they may try to combine them together so you don’t hit that mark. Can you attach a copy of the C and P?
  7. Doctor said va has you listed for just headaches she said it should be post traumatic headaches like your choice doctor puts and your primary doctor at the VA. She said I’m not the VA but I think this increase will go your way I laughed we will see I’ve been 0 for 8 years doubt they will go high... I’m hoping this will mean my wait time for Botox will go quicker my referral was in May! The topper was I brought in my SSDI award letter stating one of the two reasons I was granted my claim was my headache condition. Anyone have any guesses of how this one will be lowballed??
  8. So apparently I do meet that listings as that’s pretty much my award letter shows on my SSDI about how my wife has to help me. I have a C&P for my headaches tomorrow I will be bringing my evidence of my skull fracture being a possible to them and being the cause so if at least they only give me increase from 0 to 10% I’ll be able to tie this exam into my appeal which is service connection of my skull fracture denied in 2016 backdated to 2010. I thought I’d self title this trick the Bait and Switch... Not pulling a fast one just proving my case using their outsourcing to VES to my favor... l
  9. I receive SMC S now and didn’t apply for aid and attendance the regional office said being 100% P and T for my TBi isn’t enough to receive aid and attendance, even though my wife has to work Part time due to having to help with me not allowing her to work full time. So I didn’t ask or press...
  10. So I’m 100 P and T due to my sTBI and several other little things equaling over an additional 60% giving me SMC S. I have since filed for an increase for my migraines the VA has is on their way to giving me Botox. Not really thinking to much about SMCs if my increase is granted is there anything else I would qualify for that I am unaware of?
  11. Pretty impressed with the speed of how claims for a increase moves along well when it not for my TBI at least.I filed for an increase for my migraines after the doctor has said through the choice program Ive exhausted almost all medication for relief from them, he's putting in a referral for botox. But as for the increase I was told yesterday it has been sourced out to VES and received an email with my C&P exam in 6 days with a NP. I don't think I can get anything else as far as compensation is concerned Im 100% P and T backdated to Nov. 11,2016 butI know with all this crap ive taken Topamax being the worst, but being service connected at 0% is bogus.I got my TBI dealt with and now at this exam I am bringing evidence about the cause of these as being the skull fracture I suffered with my TBI. This same fracture that was never service connected in fact its my last thing yet to be connected sitting at the BVA awaiting review. Can I submit this C&P exam into the BVA for evidence of service connection for the skull fracture?
  12. For the last 2 years after they finally were service connected they have been trying all sorts of meds such as topamax, Ritalin, mostly ibuprofen. They approved me to go to a neurologist to have them looked at under the choice and put me on Nadolol and put in a recommendation for Botox. So I’m still waiting for the Botox to be approved this was last May so I figured well since they aren’t moving and the headaches haven’t either maybe not every day anymore but still about 3-4 times a week that an increase should be warranted since I’m at 0 can’t go down... thank you for the good information
  13. So it’s been 8 years since I was rated at 0% for my migraines and has never improved since 2006. I really didn’t care I felt if something happens related to all the mess they’ve tried my wife and kids are ok because I was 100% P and T for my TBI but now even my doctors treatment is being delayed not sure if it’s because I’m only 0 % for this issue. So I filed for an increase for the migraines I am a candidate for Botox through the choice program and was given a subscription for it by him but it was sent to the RO for approval back in May and haven’t word a word since. Hoping if this goes through for my increase, theyll see i need to get this, and to get stepping for another exam. But if in my C&P exam and cites the cause of these as my skull fracture could I submit that into the BVA as evidence my last appealed issue for service connection of my skull fracture existed in service? Apparently the RO refuted my ER doctors findings and rehab doctors and said there dx was unfounded? Sorry people I’ve been so quiet on her was hoping to take this whole summer off to be with my family but if i let this fester it will get into another delay as usual...
  14. That’s not necessarily true my award letter didn’t have it which is why I had to appeal the decision which was an appeal that never made it to the BVA and was corrected at the Regional Office. That’s why you check the benefit tab just in case...
  15. What if I file an increase and at the new c and P I ask the doctor if he can state the skull fx as a cause to my migraines or not? Is that evidence the board could use to grant service connected and or lump in with my migraines properly so as not to be considered pyramiding like my PTSD and TBI, failed to separate. Three years of trying I gave up.,.
  16. As for the skull fracture it was never service connected but remanded just my migraines were. I have been getting treatment for my migraines which was service connected in 2010 at 0% even though I received treatment for them 2010 to present day. The cause of the migraines va and choice doctors now say it could be a residual from the skull fracture at the base of my skull at the clivus that or my diffuse axonal tbi cannot seperate the two. Spontaneously my skull dc healed after a month from dec 29 2006 to Jan 21 2007 but the Va doctors for the BVA or RO looked into my old X-rays or catscan and said the skull fracture never existed in 2017.Then a choice doctor this year said it did happen and started me on Nadolol saying the skull fracture could be the cause of it.Not sure if its considered pyramiding, since the skull fracture is a cause of the service connected migraines at 0%.
  17. For shits and giggles see what they have listed under your Benefits section. That’s usually reliable if you have them listed here... IMG_2073VAmenu.pdf IMG_2074vamenu.pdf
  18. jfrei


    So basically since they made my P and T date Nov 2016 instead of July 2010 when I discharged she’s not eligible unless this appeal goes through and will give me the onset of my P and T at my discharge in 2010..thanks again for the info
  19. As far as the skull fracture is considered it was denied they said that my medical evidence from 2006 2007 was incorrect and their doctors review the X-rays and cat scans and it was their opinion I didn’t have a f, even though multiple doctors opinions said other wise. I have had just this year a doctor opinion my migraines which is already service connected to causing my headaches funny all the work they do for my headaches I still get weekly not daily now is rated a 0%.As far as DVT being denied they said just because I have pain in my legs still and the doctors have suggested residuals from my bilateral DVTs the RO says it could be a neck disorder which then they denied saying my neck disorder wasn’t caused by my skull fracture so they denied it before my skull fracture was ever service connected. This storm is all over the place they say it happened in service not causing a neck disorder but deny it saying they argue with the doctors from a decade again then approve a choice doctor to care for my migraines saying yes it could be they have lasted this long to to the fracture leaving residuals...
  20. jfrei


    Thanks Berta I was actually approved for the 10k already two months ago and more recently denied from the private insurance company. Thank you for the DIC reading and I just don’t want my wife to struggle with the VA if I go it won’t happen soon just want to have her and my ducks in a row,
  21. so I received the AMC denial of my DVTs in service related to my TBI/COMA. I had dx in 2007 mostly and multiple paperwork I submitted in with my claim in the original appeal that remanded this issue to the AMC. I also experience random leg pains and experience times of heaviness in one or the other leg causing me to fall. I've had more recent an MRI of my spine and lumbar which was searching for an answer to the leg issue but found no DVTS again 10 years later. Now I had the past in service dx of my DVTs so how can the RO/AMC deny my claim based on no new dx and not even citing the old dx in there evidence? Do I need to do another Support statement to the BVA directly asking the BVA to reconsider the new AMC denial of the DVTS without reviewing the medical records from 06,07, and 08, I have another motion currently there pending for asking them how did my skull fracture get denied as you called it a neck disorder and in the denial you said the neck disorder was not caused by the skull fracture, but without ever service connecting the skull fracture? The fight is never ending its been since 2011 that they initially gave me just 10% before fighting it and now 100% EOD of P and T since 2016. All this stress of getting my EOD of 2016 to 2010 is such a pain in the something, but worth it if it means possibly of it helping out my family with me being denied health insurance from another private company so the basic 10k is it and that wont help my wife and kids afford a decent life if I do go to early.I am not even sure they would get DIC benefits since we got married in 2011 the month after I was completely discharged and both our children are under 4. I had signed the waiver to stop the appeal from waiting 30 days before certifying it to BVA and to send it immediately back to the BVA. And new evidence to be reviewed at the BVA only no RO review, so if I call the BVA status line or IRIS message asking about the old dx can they say if its in my file for the BVA to review? Sorry all the questions and circles just fed up with the VA at times...
  22. jfrei


    Not really sure how this DIC benefit works? I was denied life insurance due to my excessive medical records and want to see what the criteria is for my family I was made P and T Nov. 11,2016 and was 90% backdated to July of 2010. I currently have an appeal in works so that may grant an EOD of July 11,2010 for my 100% but with anything back pay related over 25k its a fight to the end. But its in my favor as soon as the BVA looks at it again after my remanded issues were denied due to not reviewing all the evidence and see that yes I had several DVTs in both my legs in connections with my TBI/Coma in 2006 in service. I don't understand the delays of the RO I thought the AMC would see it, but denied it without citing the evidence in the diagnosis in service, but rather a current MRI that was taken to see why if at all I experience pain my legs currently in 2017.
  23. I called them well more specifically the director who routed my call to a representative working on my claim. So I am awaiting for it to be recertified to the BVA again see how long that takes. It’s only been since July 3 so technically he said they have 14 days to wait for new evidence even though I signed the 30 day waiver. And it’s the AMC now I was corrected multiple times by them and the RO... Who remembers the office of case management until they shut there number off a year ago for helping to many vets...
  24. Lol I guess it’s not that much less money and you get it quicker but I guess it makes sense if it’s paid when only in school and summers are off in college
  25. First off how old was this claim was your C&P pre 2008 then you should be sent to another exam. Lol I had 3 before service connected 2010 2015/2016. They always want to low ball you, migraines are secondary to your post head trauma. Sorry I just saw this not answered and what medical evidence from service is your ticket the RO sucks and delays your life out of you until you get to the BVA we’re they take the rules seriously. Any updates...
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