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Master Chief Petty Officer
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Everything posted by jfrei

  1. it’s basically the same amount 44k instead of 46 in less time. Why?
  2. I have had this happen logged in the next day and went back to gathering evidence then went to a C&P. But it could be numerous things you could try sending an IRIS message or calling the BVA status line 827 number knows nothing once it’s been certified I can here the broken record line they repeat to you on the phone.
  3. I called and two weeks later I received an email from the Head of the AMC informing about my decision and how my appeal was moving on ward back to the BVA after just 5 months. Not getting sucked into that black hole for years... lol
  4. Yes and here we are on here, sometimes I feel like an internet veteran troll bot lol colluding with vets in an unprecedented manner daily...
  5. the grant took roughly one and 1/2 months to get the retro mine was over 100k but they had to factor what was owed to the attorneys before they pay you that was at the end of 2016
  6. Lol sounds about right i gave the AMO a call they said it was all sent back to the BVA on the third and will resume where I was on the docket. Funny how things only move when your actually checking in on it. Now my motion to reconsider is actually with the judge not sure what he’ll say. The DVT issue was denied there at the AMO saying there was no current diagnosis of a DVT and MRI done agrees. The other reason was they could find no information or diagnosis of a DVT related to my service totally ignoring the bilateral DVTs I had from my TBI that is service connected sounds like another long fight...the AMO didn’t sure any evidence just said they could find nothing which is so dumb.. I will be calling the BVA tomorrow to make sure they have my DVTs diagnosis from 2006 and 2007 and to see if anything will be needed for the skull fracture..
  7. I know I was taking the summer off but thought I’d update what and where it’s lost at in this appeal jigsaw puzzle. So Dec. 27 appeal remanded one issue denied one issue for a condition I never filed for using the reason to deny this condition as the condition I claimed was caused by my TBI but didn’t cause a neck condition. I was perplexed went to the RO spoke with VSO who just had me fill out a Statement of support and faxed it into The BVA and the intake center requesting to have a reconsideration and clarified what was claimed in 2012 and was in my NOD from 2012 to have service connected. Well I was contacted by the BVA said the motion is with a judge awaiting for the AMO decision to move on a decide the request. Confused as I always get with the circles game I said I signed a waiver that was in the decision from the AMO dated June 1st. They responded well I see the waiver just not the decision I laughed I said the waiver was one out of ten pages in the decision so that’s apparently what I am waiting for is the BVA to look into my motion .... waiting 40 days now after signing the waiver of the 30 day RO review of the decision sounds Almost a joke
  8. I live in Joe Biden’s Home town in De so he stops by here every year for the fireworks show...
  9. Well I hope everyone is doing well can’t believe it’s been a month into summer. I hope everyone is doing well And everyone has a Happy and Safe Independence Day, I just wanted to make sure everyone is ok by setting up a message Roll Call. If anyone needs to talk shot me a message or by responding to this by saying Happy 4th take care FYI when you light the fireworks don’t stand right behind or in front of the bottle rockets might not be happy LOl
  10. DRO can have positive outcomes in ways unheard of like my DRO. Who even the reviewer looked at me agreed with me that I had a cue claim but since the first denial never had a SOC it was still pending even after the other two denials had one. Technically BUllshit but a grants a grant but the RO wouldn’t allow her to grant since the retro was over 90k. Not that it’s never been done I just not have heard of it. That being said the positive outcome of the hearing was she pushed my appeal to be recertified by the BVA and had it expedited after my DRO hearing and I had my BVA grant decision 4 months after the DRO hearing now that’s not usual. But even if she can’t help she or he can help push it along if you have solid evidence in your favor..
  11. So my family is eligible for Medicare in May of 2019 and they have ChampVA now. My question is do I have to start paying for Medicare B to have them keep ChampVA?
  12. Well I hope everyone has a good and safe 4th of July. I’ve come to understand the 18008271000 really nice do not have accurate info on your appeal my appeal was remanded to the RO/AMO. I received there decision and denial on June 1st and mailed back the page two to avoid delays and be sent back to the BVA. They give me the scripted answer well your appeal has been remanded I said sorry sir it has already been decided you can see page to of the decision entered into my appeal to waive the RO review and goto the BVA. He said I see your point the other pages haven’t been entered I laughed, question is will my decision be entered into my appeal or will it just be sent to the BVA? It shows two appeals pending on ebenefits that’s Just a motion to reconsider the fact they denied a condition I never filed for using a condition saying A didn’t cause B but they never service connected the A which I did file for. Apparently that’s with a judge awaiting....just when you think the wait is over they update there system!
  13. Been 3 days of not being able to login into ebenefits so I’m sure vets.gov isn’t up to date with ebenefits I get this message when logging in: anyone else?
  14. Super RO or just do what the lazy RO should be doing. I know this fight is petty but it’s a huge help from my two who are under 4 years old and wife stuck working a part time job due to my situation. It would be granting my P and T 100 from 2010 when i filed instead of when they did in 2016 when they did after they service connected my TBi, which had they done this in 2010 instead of the delay game for six years wouldn’t be an issue.... Yeha 10 percent is all they originally gave me and so the fight began I then became a member on here lol
  15. I was told yeah the Bva sent it back to the RO when I went to the RO they say I can’t give you an update it’s been certified to the board. I had the SoC in hand I said no it’s here it’s been remanded to the RO he looked at me stupidly sorry we can’t disclose information like that. I laughed that’s when i realized the SOC says back to the RO but vets.gov says AMC. So I took a chance google search found the directers of the AMC office called and in seconds someone picked up I was shocked. They said it’s funny you called we actually just sent your SSOC on June 1st only six months later and they said they would email me and to sign the waiver so they don’t send squat to the RO but certified back to the board. So I did that last week they also politely uploaded it into my file so I didn’t have to go to a fax to send it into them in DC. I also sent a Statement of support discussing never in my claim did I claim a neck disorder but a skull fracture and you used the skull fracture in the language of denial for the neck disorder without every service connecting the skull fracture, which can’t be lumped in with my TBI 100 P and T because they lumped in a mental disorder with that already if I’m correct... man my claim has my head in circles but back to family this summer just was checking in
  16. I know many people have had their claims lost at the blackhole AMC why not add it as a topic on the forum list. It’s technically not the BVA but Washington DC not physically located at the RO. But if it’s considered apart of the RO the outcomes I’m sure are similar as the fact they can’t approve much when the retro is over 25k. Can anyone tell me otherwise I decided to give the AMC a call directly? from an old post on here for the directors number at first they took my name number and email and said they would respond by email that was ten days ago. So I was getting annoyed with no answer so I called up my local senator who agreed with me and put in a congressional inquiry. I then called the AMC and they connected me to the guy working on my claim he was incredibly nice actually emailed me my decision and then being helpful said sign the waiver and will recertify it back to the board. Anyone else has an appeal remanded to the AMC?
  17. It should have but was never addressed in my prior decisions, not to mention I never claimed a neck disability they did that on there own, they are just dragging their feet on my last two claims I’m sure if granted the retro over 25k doesn’t help...
  18. Yeha but since they already rated my TBi with PTSD which is mental I don’t know how they can say, well now we will throw into the rating residuals of skull fracture with problem solving with PTSD unless they take my seperate migraines rating and lump it with that which is currently 0%. I was told and getting treatment through the choice program that this fracture is a possible cause to my migraines and now they want to give me Botox to help reduce them...
  19. Don’t know enough about this program yet I’m told I may have this option, so I’ve been notified that on my appeal 1 denied and remanded to the AMC this was in Dec of last year. Looking at decision I noticed that they decided my neck disorder was not caused by my skull fracture but I never claimed the neck disorder just the skull fracture which hasn’t even been service connected.So I walked my happy ass to the RO the guy behind the glass called my number and looked up my claim, then calls me to walk me back behind his desk here fill this out? Statement of support of my claim he told me to write : my original claim for basilar skull fracture in 2010 was never service connected even after my NOD from 2012 and not after my appeal was granted in 2016 but used to deny service connection for my neck disability in Dec 2017. How is this possible that I have never been rated or service connected for my skull fracture but apparently used to deny a issue that I never claimed?
  20. Well i didn’t hire an attorney I spoke with a VSO he said he sees my claim for the skull fracture and in the new decision it states my skull fracture never caused a neck disorder which I never claimed it did, just filed for Basilar skull fracture in my NOD from 2012 which was never addressed in the decision from 2017. He told me what to fill out and we submitted into the RO. My appeal is currently with a rater at the AMO since Feb. now I have a feeling it will go back to the RO yet again for the BS to readdress the issue then back to the AMO for the last issue to never see the light of day at the AMO. No more working on my claim for me they have all the medical records submitted into the RO and The BVA dated and time stamped to avoid confusion... other then my confused self
  21. I would be ok with that but I need a vets.gov, status line to RO and BVA, think that would cover it. I think I’m completely giving this summer to my wife and kids I have 3 doctors appointments and that’s it for the VA no worries about my remanded issues it is what it is. Awaiting a decision in feb. March April and May sure it won’t change all summer... jfrei taking the summer off from all except my family June 1 so any tbi question important ask before then I’ll check maybe monthly for the summer thank you all for the support!
  22. I hear you all but I didn't want to do this alone Gastone I had a lawyer who got tired of me and figured he didn't see me getting more money then the IU, so when my backpay from 30% to 90% came through in 2016. He then had me file for IU which then was granted in Jan .2017 which was also made P and T backdated to 11/2016 when my recent employer put me on medical hold permanently until I was healed from my TBI. This is a hobby answering questions on here and going to my treatment... My wife keeps me in check but hates dealing with the side effects of new meds and my TBI. I'm getting another drug change after complaining about fatigue on beta blockers for my migraines. Thank you all for hearing me out this is my place has been helping me since 2011...
  23. Is your IU Permanent and total. Since it’s a factor based on your TBI your IU should be mine was the same I had to file for it they won’t give it to you. And yes your IU p and t just like mine was stated due to the permanent nature of your TBI
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