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Master Chief Petty Officer
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Everything posted by jfrei

  1. They can never get my claim right since 2010 I’ve been fighting tooth and nail to get what I have obsessions and research for the past 4 years straight about to have my wife divorce me. But she stuck it out the hard part and now I’m 100 scheduler p and t onset date of 11/16/17. My claim was from 2010 when my original decision and was 90 percent ok they corrected it finally in 2016 but not backdate it to when I filed my claim in 2010 but the best part is when they remanded two issues one currently in the blackhole of the AMC with an advance on the docket and a congressional inquiry still with one person awaiting a decision for my post thrombotic syndrome well documented so it’s just a waiting game. Not my issue it’s the fact they granted my sTBI but denied my skull fracture since my first page in my record had a typo it said skull fracture(neck fracture) not a doctor apparently the clivus at the base of your skull is the clivus. They xrayed my back neck not my skull and denied it now I have to waste my money to hire a IMO to review my medical record s and previous cat scans mris. just to say what not one but four other doctors who attended me in my coma did in 2006 opinionated about having a skull fracture against there one Dr. D.S. sorry started laughing to my self in a maniac phase thought it originally said BS at the RO who looked at me wondering why I was laughing at him...I am sorry for this rant. Am I doing the right thing about hiring an IMO is there a quicker way of getting this appeal finished the right way I’m to the point of driving to the BVA in person as it’s an hour drive maybe two if I get lost in traffic, the RO said said I didn’t have to wait for the remanded issue to be finished to appeal the decision my mistake my 120 days are up? What would happen if I show up at the BVA asking how to reconsider my claim with my 100s of medical records and opinions? I am losing it my wife needs this VA shit over with I don’t want to lose her to my OCD of this shit sorry about my language...
  2. As much as you will try and fight getting your TBI and PTSD they will try and combine them im sure your tbi seems to be a higher warranted rating then your 30 % for PTSD.combined along I would take a guess of at least 50% or 70% alone Hurry up and file you have all the evidence submit it with your new claim try to submit all the evidence make sure to bring copies of all tbi history records that highlight claims your bringing up to the C and P inspector.
  3. Thought I had to wait until the remanded issues on the appeal were resolved the RO contact of mine said no now I either have to file Cue or he suggested my best is to file for a reconsideration with all the supporting evidence and a statement of support stating I want a reconsideration based on the facts that their one doctor failed to even look at the issue area in question and focused on my back and neck instead of the bae skull fracture. I have the medical evidence that shows the exact location and what residuals are left from this. I’m not going to benefit anything for continuing this battle with the possibility of getting an eed but with this would have to be rated at least 30%... but is it an option maybe even quicker to file a new claim for the exact injury and location as my intial worded claim was alittle confusing to them since I but Basillar skull fracture(neck condition) since that’s what the doctors wrote on my ER records which was then changed to the clivus but that was 7 days later during the re-evaluation... Ask to have my EED changed to the original claim from 2010 as it is the same issue?
  4. Has anyone heard of doctors saying well your heart beat is permanently superimposed ischemia due to being in a coma for over a month? I said in my head not to the doctor at my exam, what they hell does that mean I’m stuck getting these random heart pains out of no where. So I understand pyramiding and I’ve already have three conditions service connected secondary due to my sTBI. I was told I should file for this by the RO, as if I unexpectedly die due to my ischemia secondary to my coma/ sTBI it would help my family out. I kept my EKGs from my personal records and the doctors name phone number is on there from the navy and writes on the EKG old ischemia residuals of prolonged hospital stays while in a coma.... will refer to echo but never had one done since I forgot and then was honorably discharged. I’m already at 100% scheduler P and T so nothing to gain or lose except if they want to review my file and see I was approved for SSDI last year. Can someone explain to me for my family why i should maybe file this to have it on my disabilities being P and T it doesn’t matter what I die of I thought? pic of the EKG
  5. Is this veteran send the C and Ps to anyone to see if it was service connected?
  6. Did you happen to ask if it permenant and total to the doctor? I laughed when they granted me IU had to appeal for permanent and total but when the RO was making the ssoc they granted it instead so I was IU PT...long journey
  7. Have you every been diagnosed with an Adjustment disorder or ptsd related to you TBI...
  8. Not sure if you tried contacting your state senators office they have a VA rep you explain your situation and then if they deem they submit a congressional inquiry which usually gets the ball moving where ever it’s at....
  9. Did they service connect your headache conditions deny your TBI?
  10. my guess is the judge wants to combine them into one rating if it makes it a higher rating instead of two lower ratings combined equals less money. How it was explained to me one 70 and one 50 won’t make it 100 but combined under one table could make me 100 scheduler for one disability.
  11. Was this service connected already I’m confused it sounds like the rationale was that you don’t have a stomach condition for a denial but I’m know nothiing about GERD.. if it is connected I would say 30%
  12. Not that this help but I thought that it was a matter of when the injury occurs I have two separate issues with 3 years in between each injury one was my right broken hip and the other was my broken foot. Both service connected for the right leg , I thought it was only pyramiding if it was one injury that they both occured in...
  13. Do you have a copy or a confirmation that the C and P was favorable?
  14. Can you go in vets.gov it will give you a break down of the steps it has taken and currently where it’s at. You can also take a trip to the Regional Office if an option the phone 18008271000 usually aren’t as helpful as the people at the RO...
  15. Make sure it’s flgged for hardship every step in the process everytime they want to remand to the RO make sure they don’t forget to flag hardship. They will forget or delay flagging it if you forget to check up on it...
  16. That’s what I thought so my guess is they will wait and take their time with my remanded decision awaiting the AMC for 5 months...
  17. Any keep getting a login error contact administrator if it keeps happening errror? It’s been like this for a few days but the Vets.gov works but I’m sure up to date since the two are generally linked I thought.
  18. Now I disagree with the denial because they denied a disability I didn’t claim for filed for Basillar skull fracture( neck fracture) of the Clovis .all my record claims clivus fracture all the dx as well yet they denied it as a lumbar sacral fracture not even close to what I filed the other issue is my blood clots now diagnosed with post thrombosic syndrome which will go through the process likely come out with 10 I’m ok with that. But can I file a nod for the partial denial cite the doctors note would retracted calling it a neck fracture and a clivus fracture leaving my 3 inch archanoid cyst in my brain? This VA shit has always gotta be a battle to the end
  19. I was wondering if there is and I just don’t know about but it would be nice to have an instant messenger app on this site to be able to talk to vets right away instead of waiting for reply’s to a post of see they are online send an instant message like the Va used at the hospital, I’m just think out loud I mean sending an email works but why not have some sort of chat room...
  20. I’m one of those vets used to wake up at midnight to check for updates OCD sucks...
  21. Ok well if and when it does foo through it won’t list it in the disabilities just have to check under my benefits on the disability side bar
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