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Master Chief Petty Officer
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Everything posted by jfrei

  1. So I went to the doctor for my C and P for my adjustment disorder he explained it often happens after a TbI I went into describing events of when I believe it began he agreed I brought in my own medical evidence which is ok as long as it’s medical by a licensed doctor. It shows that my AD began before my TBI but my TBI exacerbated it he began he then went into my connected TBi which was 3 years before my Afghanistan deployment which I still have stressed about to this day my wife was there also described what happens in my sleep as she’s the victim of abuse in my sleep. Anyways at the end of my exam he said to me you don’t have PTSD as one of your disability he looked I said it’s because they said it was a symptom to my TBI and lumped it together and made it 70% total. He said that’s going to change he separated my TBI and PTSD and my AD by separate symptoms but not able to give a percent as to what each impairment is caused by each symptom.... that’s the kicker
  2. All those because deep in my records after waking from a coma and months after I was diagnosed with a adjustment disorder never knew what it was or that it’s also something you file for. But a Va doctor dx me in my treatment last year so I said xxxx file for it I’m 100 IU and it’s P and T. This may have been a good thing but so very stressing and taxing... I’ll explain
  3. This was my reason they sent me to two c and p for my TBI last year one for ptsd and another for an adjustment disorder...
  4. Ouch I have a shoulder where I had this trick where I’d dislocated in purpose after a military injury in training. I stopped doing that trick 10 years ago lol
  5. How’s your memory, do you drive, do you have a job, what happened that was the cause, do you have recurring memory lapses, hows your health, how’s your sleeping pattern or lack of sleep pattern? Give me your info again. So I don’t have to hope between both forums PTsD and TBI headache whatever they call it... Hiw long did you lose if at all consciousness
  6. The Va decided to bring my TBi residuals rated at 100% IU 90% scheduler and bump me up to 100% scheduler made it P and T and list it as 100% under 9411 dx code which is PTSD. Not sure what that helps them with but I was tired of fighting being I still have an active appeal for an EOD of the 100% back to 2010. So I hope I didn’t confuse the xxxx out of you I went scatter brained but please ask any question I just went thru the exams 2016 2017
  7. Yes I have I went through 3 just last year alone and a PTSD exam. Please send me a question so I can answer it quickly for you...
  8. It was so weird it was literally 8 months later they change it to scheduler 100 P and T. As if they didn’t that the first time just a waste of my nerves and patience. But now at least I’m not paying for ObamaCares...
  9. Thanks to everyone for everything I’ve learned on Hadit, members you all have helped me more then anyone has in this fight for benefits, even the once had attorney who I felt at times I could explain some things to him.. which is why he left me like a bad date ....
  10. Everyone be safe and here’s hoping 2018 will put a huge dent on waitlists and backlogs. I wish and pray the best for everyone’s health.
  11. Fancy now lol until they go to blu ray disks...
  12. Unfortunately I don’t know what’s normal mines around 5000
  13. So when I was rated at 100% IU I was granted SMC S. If I am reading this correct now that I have 1 disability at 100% permanent I am awarded the next higher of the SMC scale? So I’m not sure what’s the next higher then S but my TBI RESIDUALS now permanent and total at 100% would qualify for the next higher SMC? It also says my RO wrongly applied SMC to half the TBI service connected veterans there where the xxxx would I be with google... I am most definitely calling this OIG hotline see if they can explain this to me.
  14. Sometimes you gotta choose my battles my children are more important then a VA appeal but like my doctor just Pointed out in my choice appointment my fractured could be the cause of my migraines which is already service connected so at least I’m getting treatment on my migraines. But not so sure how safe it is though so I’ve had acupuncture for a few sessions did nothing, ibuprofen 2400mg a day and 20mg of Ritalin which doesn’t work after 12 years, and my kidneys are working way to hard I’m told. Now this civilian doctor wants to try novcaine shots in my head that only last for a month or two. I have now been counseled by the VA doctor who said that it’s ok for me to smoke marijuana as I am a Delaware card holder now and won’t effect any benefits, I choose not to because of my kids I want to be their role model. How important are my kidneys I have two right? All I can say I now I can keep this fight now that SSA came through before the VA... funny it should have been the other way around but I’ll take it and run with it ...
  15. In the exam did it show thats this has kept you out of work? Or does it hinder your working ability in most cases can you remember that one answer
  16. I believe so but timeframes are useless just drive me and everyone else mad crazy
  17. Do you have a copy of the exam I can give a guess I mation of The rating?
  18. Neck disorder denied remand on my DVT in my legs. I’m still confused how my skull fracture was changed to a neck disorder but I don’t care I’m getting current treatment for my migraines which is service connected which the doctors all say could have been caused by this skull fracture... I’ll make sure to attach this with my current records and get ready for another long wait every doctor has opinioned my migraines were caused by my skull fracture which I have been treated for 12 years but the hard part is over getting 100 scheduler P an T this would only effect my 100 EOD. My dvt remand should go easily as my records should speak for themselves but with the Va being as clear as mud who knows
  19. Well I have it now but I also have my hands with this super hero first lol. Well bad news can always wait for her...
  20. That’s a good sign usually not a jinx. But if you have a ebenefits account you might also have another claim open stating eligibility claim open up...
  21. Ok I’m trying to figure out when I add my dependents to include my wife and kids how this works. I’m told if I include them they get half what I make but split in three ways. But since my wife works part time she makes over the 17k limit so much rather she would get nothing but the other two have the reduced split amount. But I have the option to just have my kids listed on my benefits and not my wife and they would receive 420 instead of 280 since it’s only spilt between my 1 and 3 year old? Why if my wife helps take care of my children does she even have a limit to her income? He said he didn’t know anything about spousal benefits but to call my local SSA office.... am I missing something?
  22. i dunno that quick maybe next month. You east or west coast Tbird
  23. The guy was shocked the date on my decision letter was dated one day after my hearing and my claim was already in the payment center. So he set up direct deposit said he has no idea when my retro hits but expect my first payment next month not sure if it comes on the first of what? But this was all the judges help and his bench decision that it moved so fast..as far as reviews is that still the case if the VA has me P and T? I know they are two separate places but he cited it in my decision I don’t remember it all to well guess I can ask my attorney.
  24. I actually went to my RO and they printed out for me my list of disabilities and what codes they fall under which cites in this printout the P and T effective date... and any SMR I qualified for
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