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Master Chief Petty Officer
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Everything posted by jfrei

  1. Just was was granted SSDI in the bench review said the other denials at SSA were bogus and unfounded with no medical evidence surrounding them only that I’m 31... think my time for rest is coming soon with my family they need a vacation
  2. It’s been a quick battle to say the least as far as most are concerned but with the help of you all and giving me advice. I am now 100 scheduler P and T with SSDI granted at the bench by the judge... stay the course
  3. Just a heads up Bench Decision from the judge full grant of benefits. Thank you for the luck SSA sorry not my appeal I’m still awaiting that outcome...
  4. Or by the time to get your hamburger they sold out giving the last one to the person you let ahead of you...
  5. My hearing is in two days talked about stressed out... I was only made P and T by the VA when awarded IU in 11/2016 and then 100 scheduler P and T May of 2015. So I don’t know what they think Theres left to hand there flag for another denial but I will see 930 AM Tuesday morning
  6. jfrei

    Help filing

    Actually I myself didn’t fill out a damn thing I called the champva phone number and as long as they are enrolled as dependants in the VA not sure if you said they had ID cards but you should be Able to do it over the phone speaking from experience just did this about 5 months ago
  7. How would this help me to figure out a new EED? Or would she or he just assume I was about my recent appeal and give me an idea if nah or yah...
  8. Its not considered this as pyramiding, I am service connected for both one being secondary to my TBI. Its all depending on when they begain and medical evidence I believe as my records begin showing my migrained right from the hospital giving me pain killers for then the next 5 years in the military after my discharge...
  9. Since your a moderator it wouldn't let me leave a thanks emoji so I thought I would finally say it thanks I've read this I am still working on waiting on this next claim. I am not delaying any more of my claims until they have finished and its should be real soon. I am awaiting for the BVA decision to mail out the letter of my decision for two issues that would work on the start of my 100 back to 2010 and not 2016. But I know they say claims don't hold up claims with appeals but I know first hand I put in a FOIA request for my C&P exams and at the time my claim was with the VLJ they kicked it back to the administration case pending sent both exam waited a month before back with a judge again. Now a decision has been made two days ago and I just want to know whats the decision all I have to gain is an EED of 100%. I figure once I receive the decision I am walking into my RO and asking to speak with a VSO to help. I can fill it myself I would think from what I gathered on here from everyone but I didnt know if they know anything else as P and T I should be getting as filing for a increase for my migraines cant raise my P and T rating just the 0% they gave me for my daily headaches... My dumbass didnt know what prostrating meant until after the exam which was over a year ago now. Sorry for my scattered rambling this was suppose to be just a thank you to Buck....
  10. Well not sure what the outcome is bad or good anyone have anyway of knowing? No attorney any more maybe ask him since he originally filed my appeal... Woman on the phone said it was sent back to the RO but that its almost over. Not sure what she meant she was pleasant but they tell you whatever you want to hear, fingers crossed service connection was determined and it’s almost over...Iris says a decision was made and awaiting to be mailed out from the BVA. There isn’t enough Prozac to get me from not obsessing after my long wait and my attorney isn’t even my attorney anymore but won’t respond to my email im assuming if it was ok for Me he would have happily responded more money for him since he originally filed it...
  11. I have never used a. iMO for my medical reasons the VA made me 100% Permanent and total on their own. I only paid for a voc assessment which is a lot less costly less then 500 for my SSA Voc assessment. Luckily since my initial claim was denied from SSA I went from IU 100 or 90% scheduler to 100% P and T my lawyer says I have a good chance because the judge assigned to my case was attorney for a view years before becoming a judge. I am just worried because I blank out on questions asked on the spot. Takes a second to get the answer...not trying to steal anyone’s question sorry I just saw someone was 32 and that’s my age my hearing is next Thursday so stressed of course...
  12. Yes to the IMO they are good to have. And in my case is they rate both separately then they may not be beneficial to your money in my case they explained why they rated my TBI and Ptsd together because separate ratings would not have put me over 100%. But that’s what they told me not sure if I believe them but tired of fighting. So just wait for another answer that’s more helpful
  13. Confused the NOD is for your claim if you choose to appeal your awaiting a SOC after your exam of a grant or denial. Is that what your asking? Do you have a copy of the exam that way we can give you a guess as to your rating...
  14. Ifs it complete its complete mine took about two weeks when I submitted my FOIA which my was only for two C&P exams though... try calling to see if anything has been sent in the mail from whereever the request went too..
  15. Sorry for missing the info but when you say if not for this he would need to be placed in a hospital. My wife has her masters in the medical field and if not for her help I can guarantee I would be placed somewhere not pleasant, is that something I can show to the neurologist when I ask him to fill it out? I want to get this right the first time until taking a few years to get to 100 %. P and T...I can almost know it will be denied as I am in my 30s but do you have to specifically call out which one your applying for or state a need for a hirer SMC then the S currently recieving.?
  16. I have a blackout condition so my VA doctor has recommended sending me to the Mayo Clinic. Is the seizure condition being looked at in the Va hospital. Like me I have a 4 inch cyst in my head causing these issues they found in an MRI. Alittle scares over doing it out in the heat will almost guarantee a blackout...tell me some details about your TBI as to how long you were out do you have hospital records anything calling it a TBI from the civilian world...
  17. Make that two right here I once had 3 different TBi exams in one year i received and noted each mistake with each and by the 3rd one which was outsourced with VES to get it right. I made sure I brought medical evidence and this time to see the tracheotomy scar 3 inches in the middle of my throat from my coma don’t know how it was missed the first two times. Usually so busy filling out the paperwork to even look at me...
  18. My primary Va doctor said he would fill it out to help prove my case. I guess then submit it on ebenefits like a normal claim? And attach the form as submitted evidence online? Or would it benefit me to go to my Regional Office and have them submit it? I just don’t see how this is applying for SMC? My choice appointment for the neurologist for my headaches condition and TBi is the day after Christmas I think I’ll ask him if he would fill it out. A neurologist weighted opinion might serve me better for the aid and atendence. My VA doctor told me to ask him about the effects of medical marijuana since he can’t perscribe it to me and he doesn’t want to give me any higher dose of stimulants of Ritalin. I made him aware that I was given a medical marijuana card and he said he fine with that it won’t effect my benefit he has a lot of vets currently on them. I said I have the medical card but wanted his ok before I tried anything such as that for my headaches and ptsd. I have two young kids and don’t want them to ever see this and don’t want them to think drugs are ok so it like my A&P license to work on planes meaning I have it but can’t and won’t use it due to negative effects...
  19. Who if not a VSO do I go to as I’ve heard nothing but bad things about VSOs? This isn’t as if I was fighting an Appeal where I would hire an attorney. I was about to google it but I thought I would as a better resource you guys...
  20. Sorry google answered my question so basically the raise is almost having about kid under 18 alittle less but something...
  21. When filing for SMC do you have to indicate which one on the 21-2680? I don’t know how to fill it out and I have to look it up to see what it looks like the 1800 emailed it to me but says it cant find but I can google search it. If I go to the RO tomorrow ask to get a VSO and help filling out this form will it take longer since they drag their feet or will I have to fight everyday for whats rightfully mine..
  22. When filing for SMC do you have to indicate which one on the 21-2680? I don’t know how to fill it out and I have to look it up to see what it looks like the 1800 emailed it to me but says it cant find but I can google search it. If I go to the RO tomorrow ask to get a VSO and help filling out this form will it take longer since they drag their feet or will I have to fight everyday for whats rightfully mine..
  23. It’s like a tangled web of guess and ducks.... but me and you are getting there slowly but surely now I’m going to my RO to get my first VSO after 7 years of angry emails I just want to someone to tell me what SMC I should be getting S is not going to make it when I head out to inpatient rehab. S is for a the birds.... especially after my 100 was made P and T and I’m 31 years old if I’m so broken I want everything I can get to make my life whole again for my family...I wish you all the best from one TBI to another Eli crazy that’s my sister in laws name lol small world. If you have any questions about your TBI I have one piece of advice as was my case did you get a SOC in your original denial sorry if I missed it file cue immediately and the rest comes in time unfortunately
  24. Did anyone get the increase yet that was supposed to be effective this month? Or was I missed?
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