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Master Chief Petty Officer
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Everything posted by jfrei

  1. I wish you all the best and timely manner for your TBi treatment to commence... lol I know where we wouldn’t turn too
  2. Its whenever you originally filed for the claimed disability to my knowledge I’m not sure how if the condition is why you were medically separated. I’d wait for another opinion but I would assume it would go back to their first C n P as that’s how the VA or their rating... someone should answer with way more knowledge then myself might be able to search recent decisions under the bva.va.org for best answer... -sometimes parentheses “. “are your best friend in searches-
  3. Not to be grateful for what I am receiving I just don’t want to miss out or cause any delays if I’m entitled for another compensation. This is a little talked about SMC T and I’ve brought it up before. But I am receiving SMC S on top of my Permanent and Total service connected TBI residuals rating which is 100% scheduler. Why is it that SMC T wasn’t already reviewed when they made my residuals P and T this year? Not to mention I’m leaving for inpatient rehab next year after February.. I guess the first thing would to be getting a vso rep...the woman on the phone was like just fill out this 21-2680 turn it in to your regional office, I live down the street from the RO helps out with getting stuff done quicker...
  4. Yes you have to call the contact number or he 1800.number and they should transfer you to the right place...
  5. I actually found an Vocational expert who I hired who wrote me my VA vocational assessment for my TBI which took my IU to a moot case and granting me Permanent and total 100 scheduler. So then I told him about SSA whichMr Patrick Clifford said he would also wrire me one for SSA using Their lingo. But I’ll find out he just organized all my Cfile and evaluated my medical recorders as it relates to working and my failed Voc Rehab attempt was noted. My attorney has 264 pages of my medical record for the past year and my inpatient rehab being planned for Virginia for my TBI next year. I don’t think there is anything he could possibly need. I have my hearing in two weeks which is pretty damn fast thank you Mr congressman in Delaware. I stopped going to the SSA office after the first denial and the DDS was like I sent your claim to the doctor here saying you were disabled... Slaaap two days later with a denial
  6. I had a Voc assessment done which I submitted into the ODAR office which states I cannot perform SGA. I am wondering how long this hearing will be hours or quick? Its in 16 days nerves are gonna blow with steam soon...
  7. how do you get a copy go to the SSA office?
  8. Details please , I can only say my attorney was Sean Kendall hes in Colorado and has an office in DC you can find him facbook. He fought for my TBI residuals and after I waited 5 years to file an appeal he filed a cue 1 year later granted without a hearing and was went quick because I also had a hardship at the time... So It would have been a wait even without a in person hearing it was advised not to have a hearing due to the overwhelming evidence in my favor and there original denial didnt even have a reason why they denied it on the claim just we denied this TBI no reason why. So its often recommend to have a hearing he will explain if he thinks you need one and don't waste your time with a DRO review if you believe your retro is more then 20K they cant grant you at the regional office almost never but Im sure there maybe an isolated case here or there. This is my experience and what the DRO explained since my retro was over 100k. Tell him Mr. Frei sent you lol I was a head case who he parted with after he got his but he did a good job I was just a head case and still am I can get my wife on here to say I'm xxxxxxx Nuts but she loves e even more. I found me a keeper but on that note if you google VA attorney his name in the search his number will come up but please do give details any copies of anything would help my recommendations.... Let me rephrase and add something that just popped in my melon the DRO review may have been a denial but she agreed to certify my appeal there that day to the BVA saving years so maybe not the money but a step in the right direction.
  9. With this crap on words is why I had the Va just say yes or no this is or isn’t service connected!!
  10. Not exactly sure but I’m guessing this is the SOC when it has the explanation and cites your records you turned in. If you haven’t scanned through your own records and look to see what they are looking for they do miss a lot of details you basically have to spoon feed them the exact pages not to be an xxxxxxx. I had to cite by page the 30 some pages of the records of my TBi before it was connected 6 years later and a cue claim. But read the explanation and find where the records are that they are looking for if there is none it maybe time to look at getting an IMO. Just my opinion...
  11. Again it all depends what caused the PTSD in my case it was a TBI which is Permanent and total since my brain is Permanently damaged for my lifetime...
  12. It could mean a number of things but it’s not in front of the judge until it says with “ with the veterans law judge” in my case it was an FOIA request that had to be processed before the judge looks at it..
  13. Therefore, it is at least as likely as not that the claimed condition has direct service connection. Sorry scattered thoughts this is a grant service connection but like Berta said its all a guessing game with the raters...
  14. Ebenefits is updated before vets.gov when it’s about your appeal that’s at least my experience. I know all to well you will find out when you find out my OCD drives me crazy with these sites so I know you check it often. But when it moves forward ebenefits or vets.gov keep your claims updated instantly again my experience only. Then you see it move then you call and the hell of those people know what they are talking about, they don’t, don’t waste your time and call the hotline. Call the BVA directly if you want real time info about where your certified appeal is, the other hotline knows nothing but get you angry plus they can’t see it once certified...
  15. I was under the Voc extended rehab evaluation for about a year without success of starting anything but maybe next year when I get back from rehab in Virginia I’ll give it another go...
  16. jfrei


    Awesome thanks for the info
  17. That last two sentences appear to say the claimed condition is not direct service connected so my guess is a denial... start looking for direct service medical records or your anything from your service in the marines sick hall paper work anything to start an appeal
  18. You to definitely had stuffing and pumpkin pie coming out my ears...
  19. So I tried doing the Voc rehab and after 6 months of not stating a program she said well we can do an extended evaluation for another 6 months which filed again by not starting anything. Now I am 100% P and T scheduler now and now have to expect my dream job is over and need to move on. But to what can I do, this is not a direct answer question and now having my rating permanent and total, I just want to know how to pass my days not being a couch potato or fixated on a smart phone like the zombies do at my local Diner. Other then this VA claim BS it consumed my last 7 years until its almost right with just two appeals that mean nothing but an earlier effective date and a SSA disability claim which my in person hearing is in 3 weeks. Has anyone used the program to start a new hobby a VA rep said well you can always take up fingerpainting?
  20. Sorry I figure answering this now as I wasn't a member when this originally posted but here is my tid bit of knowledge. Go to the post office and overnight the evidence to the PO box for the BVA in DC. This is what I did and took exactly 1 week to be put into my file so they say. So doing this you have the question from the Pos office do you want a signature for it I said no and I thought it would cause more delays. But this is just my advice and its work for me...
  21. Very good news to hear I’m glad to hear this and look forward to when I finally get time to file for my SMC after my rehab visit....
  22. Sorry if I misread this anywhere but have you tried contacting the one at fault who may have with his insurance had the specifics or details of the incident?
  23. Wanted to say Happy Thanksgiving to all and have a great thanksgiving to you and your families...
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