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Master Chief Petty Officer
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Everything posted by jfrei

  1. My Migraines are considered secondary to my TBi and it also depends on how your TBI will be connected And if it doesn’t get connected then you won’t be granted for your headaches until your tbi is connected that’s at least how my was rated and connected. Why is it not connected if you don’t mind me asking?
  2. I have 9 SC disabilities and one of them is 100% and the others combined would be 70% by themselves... hope that’s enougb the denial said they weren’t severe enough but I’m hoping the hearing will show otherwise
  3. I’m only 31 OEF vet P ansT TBI residuals so SSDI has been nothing but denials but now I’m waiting for my hearing which I was told would take years but when they found out about the P and T they scheduled it in August for this December in 30 days. Still unsure of what to expected what they will ask person questions at the last second makes me blank out but that’s why I hired the attorney....
  4. If you don’t mind me asking your age?
  5. Did you use any IMOs at all or get a voc assessment done at all? My age being in my thirties is my only downfall for SSA
  6. In my case they granted me my service connection first then sent me back to another exam but they went off the first exam to determine the back pay initially
  7. Yeha I took the test took two days and the machine said I about 4 hours of sleep... much of my memory issues is related to my TBI and there would be no way to differentiate between what causes my symptoms that all are attributed to my severe tbi rated at 100% now. Other then me having a BMI of 28 and a neck of 17 my waist is still only 34....
  8. I would think 20% which is the lowest rating in this dx but might be confused with the actual correct dx of your exam...
  9. I have one my hearing is next month just nervous and anxious
  10. So they deny me and say they don’t have vocational evidence for a grant but they can opinion to deny based on not even the doctors opinion they sent me too but DDS adjucator. They requested a Voc expert for the hearing and as such I had an assessment done by another Voc expert to see his opinion which was a grant. I used Mylar Disability and am worried about not having a hired attorney yet for my claim. Stress is besting me again much my VA claim until I was found P and T. My judge approval rating is 70% in all his cases this year but just don’t want myself to get complacent so I don’t forget details. Is there anything else I could possibly get to help my SSDI case other then the mental RFC my primary VA doctor filled out and the Voc assessment I had done?
  11. jfrei

    Help filing

    So you are not 100% P and T?
  12. I actually just asked my VA primary doctor last month and filled out my RFC willingly no hiccups. Not sure how this will hep my hearing but I just asked doctor if you could fill out something for my SSDI claim, he took the papers just filled it out and gave it back to me the next day at the VA hospital signed and stamped.. . Also don’t know if it helped but instead of waiting when I contacted my local congressman he put in an inquiry due to me being P and T my hearing was scheduled back in August for this December no waiting years for a hearing. my Intial two claims were filed back in January and in April reconsider. Filed for a hearing with an attorney in July and then was notified hearing was scheduled this December... not a fan of DDS she lied to me and my wife oh yeah I found him disabled but it has to be cleared by our doctors first BS so if you are waiting on a hearing to be scheduled for an appeal don’t if you need your local congressman I used google.com to search my area zip code and congressman it should pop up yours...
  13. Sounds like the story of my life yes dear you were right...
  14. My wife’s says the same thing, it’s drives her nuts the amount of time I wasted on my claim with the VA. Although this year I went on IU and five months later the VA said it was moot made it P and T best believe it was the help I had gotten here and my nagging OCD of always having the last word. O but wait it wasn’t over yet for my family when I just found out what SSDI was due to this site and filed denied twice like everyone said would happen. Hired an attorney filed an appeal took some advice contacted my senator with my P and T rating magically my years wait turns into two month wait to my hearing. Now I’m sweating this hearing because anxiety is a b***. Then the VA says they are scheduling me for an inpatient rehab in Richmond VA for my TBI residuals next year but I can’t leave my family out to dry if I don’t get this SSDI granted so nervous as hell and counting down the days. I had a voc assessment done, an mental RFC done, and numerous doctors dx of my tbi and ptsd being severe enough the VA made me 100% P and T. Anyone have anything to have done or evidence to unbury that would or could give me a better chance then I already have? Sorry for the highjacking just read this and it sounded like a familiar story...
  15. I filed for an Chronic adjustment disorder and instead of a separate rating since I was 90 IU P and T the raters decided that my TBI residuals should be rated at 100% instead of 70 and it’s dx code says 9411 under PTSD but was 8045 when it was just considered as my tbi residuals. I don’t even know how or what got me to scheduler anymore I almost need to get a VSO just don’t have time to visit a RO for help with two little ones...
  16. Just my issues with the RO my TBI was at 70% and with the other SCed issues 90% I appealed its Permanent nature by a NOD with my attorney it was made and changed at the RO that my IU was made 100 P and T in just 3 weeks where the RO was writing their SOC and said o wait this is Permanent now after his TBI was in 2006. Five months later my claim for my increase went through and the RO tried making me 100 Scheduler for just my TBI but take away my P and T already established by the appeal granted at the RO never even went to the BVA.. I went right to the RO and had my appeal they already granted for my TBi as P and T which is when they said it was a mistake to have me schedule for another TBi exam and it is P and T but I had to go nuts and march into the RO. To be clear I was IU for after claims finally granted backdated to May for 5 Months only before I was made scheduler...
  17. now I under stand I just had to submit the old dx code for correction in their system...
  18. So looking at my paperwork that I got to correct my VA hospital records that I in fact had a sTBI. But looking at it I noticed it says 8045-9411 at 70% for 7 years and now I am at 100% for the same disability but now its under just 9411. Is this allowed? I don't want to be screwed the paperwork shows it P and T for 9411. All this happened in less then one year my IU for both are now moot and my other disabilities are totaled to 70% with a possible increase for two appealed items currently pending yet again....
  19. Im know being scheduled for an inpatient rehab next year for a few weeks after I get my family taken care of so I can afford to leave alone as far as getting my wife who works part time the help she needs. I am also getting a SSDI for SSA assessment done for my hearing next month tired of not knowing what to expect when working causes me more harm then good as my family will state if needed too. I asked for this independent assessment by a Patrick Clifford as his voc assessment was help when it came to my increase for my TBI. I honestly don't know what SSA wants and I figure the assessment would help me and my attorney or at least me so I try to understand what my limitations are. I know I try to think I am capable but as my wife will show I start projects and never finish them like taking a light apart in my basement and 4 months later its in pieces and no light.
  20. Sadly I have no VSO or attorney anymore I had an attorney for years but once he got his cut and found no more money coming in for him he decided to let me go. Maybe Ill email him ask him about the SMC L to get it backdated to May when they increased my TBI. But if he says no I have to google where to get a VSO at the RO.
  21. I was given SMC S when I was granted IU for my TBI with my other issues combined without the TBI is 70%.So now I have 1 TBI/PTSD at 100% its together ive given up at separating apparently is harder then I thought even though the doctors did the rater said it was more rated together. Any ways I have 2 of 30%, 1 of 20%, 4 of10%, and 2 0% disabilities. If Im mistaken that would be 75% or 80% rounding up collectively. So that 1 100% and then 80% of the other disabilities combined which gets me SMC S? I am just asking if that is right....
  22. thanks for all the information folks I will look into the website tomorrow these pass two weeks ive been spending a lot of catch up time with the family its about time just glad its not to late
  23. I have had 2 C&P s for my PTSD and 3 for my TBI Residuals. Usually most would be scared but since I know I struggle with both I was able to make a journal for each and final exam for both issues which is another reason I was able to go from TDIU to scheduler instead of the opposite that and I had my spouse with me for the last exam for each the one issue since I always forget details...
  24. I don’t even know what a 21-2680 is? I know what it is but where or how do you get your primary doctor to even look at this. He filled out SSA paperwork for me so I’m sure this wouldn’t be an issue if I only have to just ask...
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