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Master Chief Petty Officer
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Everything posted by jfrei

  1. I was at the hospital and I asked to look and see what the RO sent to them as my 100% disability. No more TBI is listed in your records just PTSD at 100% dated back to July 2010. I laughed an said I wasn't even diagnosed with it until 2016 that was my TBI residual exam. She said well no its not and she showed me. She said go to the regional office which is literally down the drive way at the Delaware VA he said she wants a code well he prints me out what has all my codes for my disability. Has anyone ever seen this (8045-9411) just like that together? They have two codes for two separate disabilities under one rating for my Residuals of a TBI with symptoms having a how slew of symptoms and my last symptom is problem solving with PTSD? Is this how they combined the rating to give me one 100% scheduler rating and they took away my IU for it as it was 70% fr my TBI before combining them together? It now shows the correct title as residuals of my TBI so they don't give me anything for my PTSD that counter reacts with my TBI issues...
  2. and explicit service connected rating? who defines explicit
  3. I am also given SMC s but she said this program has nothing to do with the disability but strictly the hospital...
  4. So the woman trying to explain to me why I don’t qualify for the program. She said you could be 100% scheduler which I am Permanent and total which I am but not require constant care by someone as it’s not in any of your doctor notes. My doctors are treating me so that I can perform my ADLs just to be able to them. The doctors don’t talk about me needing a constant caregiver which is not even what I’m trying to show the highest tier isn’t needed but my wife helps me and persuades me so I don’t get hurt. She says well that may be but you don’t qualify for this program. I am talking to her again tomorrow I haven’t even formally applied she said she was just giving me a heads up since she runs it at my local VA. Does anyone know of what I should ask her? I thought the requirement to being 100% for my TBI meant that I needed surpervsion at least most of time for danger of hurting myself which is easy to show if she just talks to my wife again.... but I must be missing she says a big determination factor is I am able to drive down the street to the VA hospital to go to my appointments, I was mad I live less then 5 miles away and it’s literally down the street... she like this has nothing to do with your compensation which is why you can be 100% and still not qualify as an OEF vet..
  5. It’s getting better kids keep me going in circles I forget about my claim some days now...
  6. Yes I am now SMC S as of Nov 11 when granted IU and it continued when made P and T and 100% scheduler this past May. So I was IU for a little over 7 months before it was upgraded to 100% scheduler just to clear the air of people who told me I had to be on IU for years... well one year is up in Nov so I’m wondering if I still have to submit an employment history of nothing...
  7. Sorry so late with the update but they decided to drop my IU and make my TBI 100% scheduler with PTSD listed as a symptom which they also dx me with a neuro cognitive disorder post traumatic headaches and insomnia. All under my rating for TBI. The fight goes on for the VA denying my skull fractures that is until I am waiting on the BVA where I submitted the ER trauma notes from the. Hospital where I was laid out in the coma diagnosed me with the skull fractures not just one time but over a three week period they check on the fracture and took extra. Precautions because off the location. I was then left with the arachnoid cyst still seen in my recent MRI... just a matter of time before I’m just seeking service connection
  8. Thanks you the heads up I’ll be sure to ask about it soon, tomorrow for sure. I don’t even know who to ask now that I have no attorney I really don’t know who to ask at my RO
  9. Yeha it was a fracture that healed spontaneously after 3 weeks the evidence and dx are there from the ER also to this day I have a 1.25 in cyst in my cerebellum from the trauma.
  10. Sounds good my TBI Residuals are already rated at 100 scheduler P and T but they denied me the skull fracture which is what I believe caused my chronic headache condition that in am also service connected for already... it’s all a game with these Va raters and I wish you all the best in your appeal.
  11. Hamslice the need for people is due to everything at the VA always breaking and computers down for maintenance... modernized means breaks a lot when you don’t know how to use the new things
  12. I just want them to know I’m still being dx by the va hospital with something new whenever I go.I filed the last time in May and was made P and T and lost my IU when they increased my TBI Residuals to 100% scheduler because I filed a claim with a dx from the VA doctor at the hospital. I just try not to read to much into people saying they are being reduced even after made P and T drives me nuts now I thought I was safe and I to the hospital and they tell me they don’t see I’m 100% TBi whatsoever but strictly PTSD. I gave them my disability list and said I’m not even compensated for ptsd by itself I showed them my rating and it’s listed as a symptom of my TBI. I was like do you have any idea of what the drugs do to my memory and my TBI Residuals never trying topamax again... they sent me to the eligibility department at the hospital when I was at my appointment to get it in their system the correct way and also to put it P and T with it. I would think this may also help me with the caregiver program but then again I am able to drive 2 miles to the hospital so my counselor there said all of the people in the program don’t drive but I should ask since 100 and P and T wonder how she will deny me this time?
  13. So my rating at 100% for my TBI p and T with SMC S could qualify for SMC T? Sorry Buck I just saw this, my new meds are killing my thought processes definitely not as bad as Topamax but another failed drug for the VA guinea pig or to high of a dose. I really need to get to talking to a VSO.
  14. Now Im 100% scheduler and is now Permanent and total SMC S, do I keep claiming when my primary doctors diagnose me with sleep apnea due to my TBI from in service? The local VA treats my Sleep apnea and issued me a CPAP machine which I have the records of my sleep pattern from the machine online so I am being treated for this issue...
  15. if you have ever used the IRIS send a message to the BVA they will send it to you. As Buck stated it depends on your situation and or how far back does your claim goes back, if your retro is over 5 digits? What is the appeal for service connection, increase, or something else? As far as having a hearing its all on what you have in your file, in my case I opted out of a hearing because I had an overwhelming amount evidence on my side and no SOC was ever issued. L
  16. pretty sure Hamslice it can be used for discounts in your home state, PA had the same designation on my license and I used it when Sears, Applebees, Target, and Lowes on Veteran days Veterans Day.
  17. This is just a news update in case especially if you hate carrying your DD214...
  18. They should afford you a doctor somewhere so you wouldn’t have to suffer a hardship getting to the exam where it maybe. I’m sure they have some sort of protocol for vets abroad I just am not aware. What I do know is i was sent to another exam in another state wrote a letter showing it was possible and requested a exam within the state I live in. It was granted and exam rescheduled in my home state. So I would say another country would definitely fit that same situation as not being at least 50 miles away...
  19. Curious in my case if I’ll have a reduction exam given to me especially since I’m still in my 30s? My 100 scheduler rating has one Single 100 rated Disabilty Residuals of my sTBI which has been made Permanent and total. And several other rated two 30s, one 20s, and three 10s.
  20. Sorry just replying all my claims are officially closed and my final appeal is with the VLJ. Asking for this is done how in a written statement while opening a new claim? Finally thought that my 100%scheduler P and T was the final stretch....
  21. Sorry Im just reading this now John. I understand that I feel bad as is I'm the reason she doesn't work fulltime and she loves her job. I don't know if I could ask her to leave she may think about it if the VA would grant it prior to leaving her job. Right now her job is what is keeping us barely afloat without a paddle...
  22. I would upload a written statement signed and dated with clarification on your claim and upload it on ebenefits as evidence. Which I was told to do when it’s happened to me and the issue was corrected after uploading it I called the 1800 to make sure it was recieved...
  23. Yes I can say I definitely recieved a call within the. Timeframe from my RO that they gave me...
  24. I have been watching the date change when it’s currently with the VLJ. How many times does it change until it finallly moves to the next step? So movement at the VLJ on 9/21, 9/28, 10/3, and 10/6. I know there’s no answer I just wanted maybe a comparison to other appeals...just now moved to administrative case processing 10/11 and 10/13...
  25. Don’t have any experience with the back injuries but my guess is 20% for the Spine ROM..
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