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Master Chief Petty Officer
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Everything posted by jfrei

  1. But wouldn't I lose champva and DEA benefits already awarded to me?
  2. How is that possible I lose DEA benefits and champva for my family forcing me on Obamacare Is it that better I was IU but P and T as well?
  3. I was give IU backdated to November in January and then it was made P and T when I appealed their denial in May and was granted in June for my sTBI residuals and PTSD along with my secondary disabilities. Now today I was told in there decision they never mentioned my previous decision making me P and T but raised my rating to 100 scheduler it gets very confusing since I was apparently 90% P and T but the letter stated 100 because I was IU but failed to mention IU when awarding me 100 P and T. So I called the whitehouse hotline they are addressing the issue.... i hope
  4. It' did that the first day for me then the next day it was fine say process of updates but just a different screen if it still doesn't work you can call the ebenefits # or if you can't find call and explain they'll forward you there.
  5. Sorry I just read in detail I didn't file for an increase I was sent to them when I filed for an Adjustment Disorder. And actually they didn't check of total impairment but the 70% block on the PTSD and the TBI block. But did check off that I cannot work due to both of the disabilities. The three exams seperated all my symptoms by conditions I will post my recent exams they seperated them also by their symptoms and the level of each impairment 70 for my TBI 30 for my PTSD. It's just their way of trying to get out of paying my family medical benefits tired of this BS. Been fighting for my benefits since 2010. I spoke with The Office of Case Management he said he sees that they didn't even look at that decision from June when they made this decision and said they can't just take it away without a notice of anything and certainly not a decision at the RO after it was made on an appeal before this decision for the same disabilities at a lesser rating. So I will be email someone tonight because of my sleep issues no CPaP machine will put me sleep if I can't fall asleep. My only way of relief is through this and for six years I found you all when I search on google popped hadit.com sorry you all gotta deal with me...
  6. david.shulkin@va.gov is his email
  7. My TBI was made 70% by itself in 2010 and then again in 2015 but with PTSD listed as a symptom. Then again in 2017 was made when 70 combined with other at 90% made 100% PT IU. Then 4 months later increased my TBI and Ptsd to 100% and took away my P and T in today's rating. There is no benefit to this even by sending me to another exam in 2020 it's for my PTSD an nothing about my sTBI which was not related to combat? But a car defect in my car in 2006 my deployment came in 2009
  8. Can you give more details or explain exactly what it is your asking in more details?
  9. They did but doing that that is how I had my family benefits and military ID cards because it was already stated those same issues where made P and T at 100% in June. Making me have to pay for Obamacare for my family how's is that an improvement? So how is this better I've must have missed something
  10. I'm not even rated as PTSD seperately and I had it lumped in with my TBI when they already decided it was P and T 4 weeks after i appealed their denial the first time. Still a gaggle F••• how do you increase my TBI from 70 to 100 and take away my P and T I'm about to walk into my RO tomorrow. Way to piss me off and I only live 10 minutes away from them now...
  11. They just tried to schedule me for a PTSD exam in 2020 after I was already made P and T due to my TBI 2 months ago since they combined my issues together... I am awaiting for my call from my RO to explain how they can try this before I have to hire someone such BS...
  12. Please post any questions as the office of case management is calling me today to answer the questions I had before the number was shut off. Now my 100% rating is scheduler P and T my IU rating which lasted about 10 months is moot am I correct? But Buck52 I will answer your question later today why they are not seperated in my case and why it maybe more benefificial to keep them together.
  13. I totally agree I mean if this is what they used to make their decision why not pay us back with the choice funds...
  14. I'm a little confused but I'm should just be done trying or seperate the TBI and PTSD now combined at 100% Permanent and Total. My diagnosed chronic adjustment disorder which was what I claimed and dx at the C&P is gone very eager to get this packet to share to all what happened... so my IUs moot? And it still shows I'm getting SMC S and will know why hopefully sooner then later...maybe now I can win my SSDI claim??
  15. I was the same thing I'm 90% scheduler granted IU and the retro active 100% P and T the letter stated backdated to the day they granted me IU. But apparently still showing 90% on Ebennnies so I called to ask why the person said well your 90 so I said the letter with my appeal decision for P and T says nothing about IU and says 100% P and T shouldn't that be reflected in your computer or ebennies he was confused sent in an inquiry... the rest of the 6 page letter says nothing about IU but explains why it's considered permanent and total. I am correct in assuming it should be a 100% on ebennies or not?
  16. Wow a little back dated but I have the PO box to mail it to the BVA which is what I had to just do.. let me know if you want the address or if I'm to late
  17. As was mine then pending decision then back to Prep the. Again to pending approval in the last two days... feel like licking windows would be better to pass the time away...
  18. And now back to pending approval suspense date on Tuesday this time and my appeal was just picked up by the law judge. Luckily I just mailed out the evidence the Regional office said didn't exist from the trauma center about 20 pages and a copy of SSOC I highlighted where they said it didn't exist and they changed my claim into. a neck disbabiloty so I'm done with that BS hope the BVA calls out the Regional Office now I can Fa getaboutit and got it pwrslm..
  19. Now it's back to Prep and for one week I've been told anyday now I can see the decision you'll be fine just wait and now. So I wait and I see it moves back and anyday turn into the end of October. What the hell is wrong with these people for days I'm told don't worry then today I'm told well it happens sometimes.. I answered it happens everytime and then I have to appeal because they've never gotten it right the first time. I hung up after that... the language in my head right now toward Peggy or Tom or whatever his name is fluding my brain housing group...has anyone ever had this happen or maybe just a day glitch I'm hoping the office of case told me this morning it should be 2 to 3 days Top then Bamm oh wait it seems they missed something what else could they have missed? I was told today I'm 100% P and T im not getting any retro just some local property tax help with this new decision which could help me out tremdously.If they had a decision that was about to be approved and it was apparently good for me as I was told why the change of heart? Does not sound good I'm clueless as usually... Ebenefits Fockery
  20. Same here I was told Claim was closed and now back in the preparation for a decision in 4 hours ...
  21. Yeha and Peggy just said I'm awaiting final review someone messaged me from the Va saying my decision. Is 2 to 3 days away. And now it's back to Prep for a decision yet again I seriously hate this game!! Another called they say it's been updated to Prep for notification oct 30 completion date so confused going to drive me insane called back again bc the woman before spoke very little English and I couldn't understand her but apparently it is back in Prep for a decision WTF
  22. So I'm sorry to sound like a newbie I'm still trying to figure out if IU is moot or what. The letter also says they granted this the day they made me IU at 100%.
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