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Master Chief Petty Officer
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Everything posted by jfrei

  1. Military records you say was their ever a LOD for anything relating to the injury?
  2. jfrei

    SMC help

    Yeha apparently the caregiver program has been under investigation at my local VA and is not taking any applicants at this time. I do require my wife's help for allot of things that we're presented at my review of my sTBI with my wife present at the time since my memory is all but gone when it comes to short term memory department and using a gps she takes over other wise I've gotten the whole family lost for hours at a time and many times not a few or a couple. As much as I want to be the one who knows where I am going the only place I know for sure of is I will get us lost or to the destinations hours later. So my wife just makes sure she has the gps and I make the turns to get where we need to be. She is forced to work part time being I cant be trusted alone for numerous reasons...
  3. jfrei

    SMC help

    So I'm planning for the worst financially and have really never thought about SMC before that was the least of my VA worries but now I realize being 100% isn't as all that much money compared to what I was making working living in my home was easy now a constant struggle monthly looking for the next thing to sell using Facebook to make ends meet with the wife. Now I am SMC S and I'm not greedy and I have no idea what to expect in my one pending claim for my increase of my TBI and PTSD, currently combined together at 70%. Now if or when they get separated and are each rated over 50%? Combined with my other disabilities I am at 190%, 90% scheduler, but if separated I will be at 100% scheduler P and T and over 200% disabled? I have never even looked into what SMC is all about in the 6 years I've been apart of this website other then posted them giving me SMC S
  4. So every time your appeal gets remanded it gets placed on a waiting list to begin awaiting a docket number? Currently my claims awainting a docket number again after the remand.
  5. FYI they are still there getting us the help we need they just no longer take calls but they will call you for questions sometimes designated to them from the Whitehouse hotline so please call them. You may get a call from them as I did 20 minutes ago. new protocol he said no more incoming calls but they can call whatever number you have in your file for information...
  6. That's what I'm told just extremely stressful
  7. This is why I have an attorney I failed myself because it got to confusing between worrying about this and the VA deal. I just stopped paying attention to SSA just thought they would agree with the VA. Well apparently I was wrong at least it was only the intial claim and now I will be seen in person?
  8. The number is now off I hope everyone got help they needed from them. " The VA who are suppose to help us VETs knows when something is working or helping vets, to change it before word gets out" I don't know why I quoted myself just thought it was funny. I'm just nervous about my claim nothing ever has gone smoothly with the VA. Semper FI NEVER FORGET 9/11 prayers to all you are fighting currently, the past , and in the future
  9. I will say to prove your point they will ask you those to find out the cause of the accident for their own reason to deny and say it was your fault. You need to show otherwise you may need to get the opinion of a forensic investigator which is what I had to do and only then did the BVA say ok it wasn't your fault it's now Service connected 6 years later
  10. May I ask if I'm made at the least 70 for the TBI and 100 % neurocognitive disorder with ptsd would that qualify for a different SMC? I might be ok maybe they give whatever I'm due to me without a fight I just made myself laugh all my limbs work pain a factor but I'm compensated for those issues with shoulder hip and foot. They all work which is why I have to fight for SSA even though every doctor says I'm a libility SSA says otherwise so I'm anxious for my appeal in front of a judge where it will be obvious they were are wrong my appeal is in December I refused to wait 18 months for a hearing so I contacted a senator in my state. To all vets their is a actual application if you are P and T And SSA did not speed things up Senator Coons office in Delaware had me fill out a paper show him my award 4 weeks after my attorney filed my appeal my hearing was scheduled. It's in December not quick but not years away like horror stories all over the Internet..
  11. I'm SMC S currently IU 100% P and T one rated a 70 three at 30 one at 20 and four at 10 so if I was granted it I thought it was due to the doctors opinion about if I'm considered house bound or not? I'm didn't apply for it or even no what it was until I had it
  12. That's just it their examiners seperated my symptoms and the level of impairment due to each and diagnosed me with a new issue from my primary doctors. I was dx with a neuro cognitive disorder due to my TBI which is mental ,the medical physical dx of my sTBI, post traumatic headaches, chronic adjustment disorder, and PTSD on top of everything. All those just for filing s claim for a chronic Adjustment Disorder I'm so lost whats to come...
  13. I just wanted to chime in as I am IU 100% 90% before IU was declared also P and T. I never asked to remove my IU status but I did file for a new intial claim when I was diagnosed with a disorder related to my TBI. So I decided to get that service connected and that turned into on C&P that resulted in the VA sending me to two increases for two other SC issues. Still unsure of what will come of this move but my guess is making me 100 scheduler due to the increase could remove IU. So I know my issues have gotten far worse due to the VAs 7 year wait to start my treatment on my sTBI so filing for increases will not hurry I don't care if they look at everything I want them too. But if your concern is possible reducing you probably shouldn't go for an increase...
  14. jfrei

    From S to R2?

    That be nice since the doctor at my TBI review dx me with post traumatic headaches although I was already SC for them in 2010 they rated it a zero.percent but maybe it will fall under the shield Never even thought about Thanks for your info I'm just hoping for the best at least me and my family are getting card since they did find me P and T...
  15. Is this site down for everyone else or am I the only one?
  16. jfrei

    From S to R2?

    I was going to guess 70% for both since they had one below total for impairment but stated in another question that yes it does prevent me from working. I'm coming up on my 1 year mark in November for my IU and have yet to submit a employment do you do this exactly at the one year or maybe a month before they are not missing much as I have not been employed sold all my 401k and retirement to skate by this past years But at least I'm currently going three some times 4 a month for treatment for my TBI. I'm really not sure about SMC regulations I know I was given S with my IU that's it. If I get 100 for two items what does that mean I thought i had to be missing parts for anything hire for SMC or be impatient rehab at least for my TBI. Which I'll be going hopefully in October...
  17. That's it I didn't call them they called me because of someone sent an inquiry to them telling them to update me with my appeal and claim being both worked on with a rater. She explained some details about my TBI and PTSD and how they are seperate. What I found out is that the neurocognitive disorder I was recently diagnosed with from my TBI is a mental disorder and just a guess will be paired with the mental disorder PTSD and Adjustment Disorder. But having the medical dx of a sTBI residuals on top of the NCD is a seperate issue the doctors have all now come to an agreement. I said finally my first clue how this whole thing might be rated as far as percentage I can't wrap my scattered brain in that thought or it would consome me night and day.
  18. jfrei

    From S to R2?

    Thanks I was called today by the white house hotline I said I have my claim they sent me in for an exam then 3 months later they ordered increases for my sTBI residuals and my PTSD. She explained I can only have on rating and that my TBI isn't considered a Mental issue I said then how is it the past 7 years the VA has said otherwise and listed PTSD as a symptom of my TBI along with post traumatic amnesia I lost about 4 months of my memory about 2 prior to the accident and 2 after my tbi/coma. She said she was just calling me to tell me the rater is currently rating my claim and appeal since its was remanded back to my RO. This scattered claims so scattered I cant even keep my eyes straight I just try to get with life... But all three doctors separated my symptoms now and the level of impairment attributed to each 70% TBI 30% PTSD. Reading the exam he and she marked me for my PTSD as being 70% for the occupational Impairment. But the one doctor saying it only contributes tto 30% of my impairment and the rest due to my TBI where does that live that at? Would it be 70% or 30% due to that's all it contributes with the 70%TBI? Those 3 questions on the DBQ are so intertwined its hard to say how they could ever separate my conditions... so BASICALLY my neuro psych test revealed my cognitive disorder which my VA doctor dx me with that I never said anything about that she had the results and added this dx neurocognitive disorder due to TBI which is a mental condition with PTSD. So typing this my brain starts to function this is how I believe they may be separated because looking done in the medical dx it also just lists sTBI. If I never filed a claim for neurocognitive disorder they would not just give it to me or could they say my PTSD combined with this disorder is 100%? and my TBI remains at 70% which is already considered P and T? 4b can you differentiate between each mental disorder dx? Yes 4b indicated level of occupational impairment and social attributable to ead dx? neurocognitive disorder due to TBI 70% PTSD 30% 4C.dx of TBI exists indicate my level of impairment each dx? TBI 70% PTSD 70%
  19. yes that is right my mistake it would be back to gathering of evidence how did you submit this claim Ebennies, or a your RO? But honestly Ive actually had this happen one day I called to see if it was a glitch and in my case it was? But there are other reasons Im sure someone else I hope will chime in
  20. Happens allot with FDC claims means they maybe sending you back to another C&P as a guess.. just my opinion with no details about claim
  21. My claims are moving as well I get a call today from the White House hotline your claim and appeal is with the raters... I think that's the same as Prep for a decision I think which is what ebenefits says you may be ok if the line on call Monday to the office of case management I've posted it numberous Time they can actually tell you what the deal is hopefully they are open on there last day
  22. January 9 filed intial denied April reconsider May 5. Denied July July 29 hearing appeal scheduled December 19 ALJ Butler in Delaware. It's not like I have one doctors notes I have several doctors records ssa doctor opined same. I was Permanent and Total last November.... why can't SSA send me to another evaluation again since they didn't like their first doctors opinion of me not being about to work...
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