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Master Chief Petty Officer
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Everything posted by jfrei

  1. Those were my thoughts and I'm still OCD about little things. My advice is emailing people at the VA works when you know who to email at the present moment 2 years ago was Ms Hickey Ted Ebert and they answered me every time maybe in two weeks but always a reply. And now even Shulkin responds to emails by either emailing you or in my case having the Regional office reach out and explain what's going on...
  2. Well the number I gave you all to call and I hope you all did since last day is today called me this morning and gave me an update with my claims then an hour later the whitehouse hotline calls and updates me as well saying my issues are now with a rater being rated. I'm done wishing for good luck I just want what I know I deserve as you all do as well...
  3. Start up your log everything now related to those issues
  4. You see tomorrow is there last day I believe it's says the phones are off on 9/11. I assume that means they will be shut off in the morning again I am guessing expect the unexpected but if they are on kudos Va off another day lol
  5. I'm sorry they are finally shutting down the one help line that actually got shit done but who knows speaking with them they are keeping the same job helping vets just no more phone service I may have to call tomorrow and ask if the writing the letter first class method works to get questions answered and maybe their exact address to reach then if in SOL
  6. Also the flags on ebenefits is just to tell the employees they are past their suspense date and need to pick it up to clear the flag
  7. do your homework look at the DBQ remember the pain you experience I started keeping a log that my wifekeeps me from misplacing that I keep my TBI occurances or my PTSD nightmares and write what I remember which also helps with your treatment at the VA hospital. I cant remember from one day to the next but my wife helps me wth the lagging memory and what I write down sparks the memory sometimes....
  8. They help us vets who are lost in this damn maze and now they found out so many had this number roughly my fault possibly for posting to help so many but I don't care Im a loss cannon with no recoil with buckshot for ammo since im so scatter brained LOL Just read your attachments have you ever called ayone is it certified to the board yet? Have you call the BVA? I literally have no idea what the appeals for brains on over drive right now for how many issues? Please give details and I can help I will try at least we all served you army I marines we all bleed the same color I hope
  9. Well I wish him the best, is in going to Djibouti that's not so bad yet unless its changed since 2009 which im sure it has with this ISIS bs ? I hope something happens quick this crap this war is dragging for the president and Yes I voted for Trump... I have allot of time on my hands which is why you see me flooding the questions and answers I hope Ive reached a few. I actual every time I walk to a Voc rehab apt end up helping some vet there being slammed for something dumb like how he should file the paper trail I corrected that as soon as he walked away. Then a Vietnam vet AIR WINGER brought hes unit orders of the date he was at the unit for his Recall orders and she walked back for 20 minutes said she couldn't find a thing. I laughed asked for his orders went to marines.mil searched his unit and Vietnam low and behold it says the whole entire unit moved in and deployed in Vietnam. I said heres a start it gives a number to his units diary and admin I called them WOW they had his deployment records all from xxxxxxx google sorry I mean google and then I walked into my appointment. Ive taken my TBI residuals of obsessing over helping the next one I can gives me something to look forward to when I see another check on my reputation...
  10. they all do its amazing the VA is shutting this number of our true help line no 1800 crap just the straight facts glad you reached them how long were you on hold and did you get through the first call?
  11. request in writing that your requesting a copy per FOIA and see what they say I waited a week and received a copy one from QTC and one from VES... I covered my grounds I went to the release of information at the hospital so they called for me and found andtold me to go to the regional office the gentleman said I couldn't if I have a claim or appeal pending. I laughed an appeal pending the date on its from 2012 its not going anywherehe laughed said come back next week. I then also made a copy of the letter submitted it through ebenefits and put my mailing address SSN what I was requesting into the claim still open. I then called the next day said it would take 30 days. But someone working on my claim I guess say the request in the mail two weeks later I had a copy in the mail. Im not saying that my OCD didn't piss allot of people off pisses my wife allot I waste allot of useless time pondering what ifs until I get help.... But I have both copies now
  12. As soon as I receive my rating I will relay the message the proof is in the Pudding... to soon for a cosby joke But anyway you all will have your answer in the next few months how the VA rates the these issues after the doctor separated symptoms and gave the proportions of each occupational and social impairment... Cant wait to help you all have gotten me through my constant head battles thought I would never get the answer you all have helped me I would go as far as saying Id be lost in the VA system without HADIT.com BERTA BUCK GASTONE Tbird SEMINOLES and sorry for others I missed in this post sorry cant forget about ASKNOD


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. paulcolrain


      just to let you know that i did call and no one answered.. its ok though,,, i got everything taken care of. thank you for helping


    3. jfrei


      I try telling people they don't answer it hangs up after 17 minutes and then hangs up just keep calling you'll get someone 

    4. jfrei


      Hey apparently they will be on the phone tomorrow one last day I will call and double check for ya and verify if they don't answer it hangs up 17 minutes and also I suggest calling after 10 I know last week they had the phones off until then one day I don't listen to that recording the phones are always off until at least 930

  14. please call 202-530-9470 post your explanation that's crazy talk its the offie of case management right now if after 17 minutes no pickup they hangup call until you get someone hurry on 2 days before lines disconnected it works I spoke to them today and will again tomorrow CALL NOW BEFORE 330
  15. Seriously 3 days before I had my increases put in... Still waiting as usually with a November suspense state to hold on too...
  16. I had been made 100% IU that is 90% before but also made P and T. I'm have some time before the decision hopefully a few weeks I'll know the outcome. But honestly i was a recent neuropsych test and was diagnosed with a cognitive disorder due to my PTSD and an Adjustment Disorder which began before my TBI and made chronic by my TBI the Neurologist opined. So I filed a claim for a chronic adjustment disorder secondary to my TBI when i went to that neauropsy he went over all my tests related to my sTBI and my deployments records which came 3 years after a half ass recovery that left me supervised the rest of military career until EAS outed honorably. He was sure that my ADjustment disorder was causitive of my PTSD which was exacerbated by my TBI I had using words that confuse me by y'all understand Va lingo. Then the VA say he seperarated my issues and ordered a increase for my TBI and my PTSD which is now currently lumped with my TBI. At the PTSD she opined that she could differentiate between the two PTSD and my TBI by also seperated symptoms and also giving the proportion of occupational impairment each caused which is 70 TBI 30 ptsd. That's what confuses me by the exam where she checked my occupational impairment it would be 70 by itself but since it only causes 30 percent and the rest is my TBI that might be lumped together again I just don't know.., Has anyone have anything similar to this effect or actually have them both rated? Hopefully the decision will come in a couple of weeks but we all know how that goes...
  17. jfrei

    From S to R2?

    SO NOD I am permanent and total rated due to my TBI and PTSD is that under a SMC criteria? I just went in for review for both issues.
  18. MY tbi review and PTSD exam the doctors separated my symptoms and said yes it can be differentiated. That my TBI residuals with two facets at 3 is responsible for 70 % of my occupational and social impairment on question 4c of my ptsd exam and my PTSD checked the Occupational and social impairment box with deficiencies in most areas box but then in question 4c.states that it only contributes to 30% of the occupational impairment. Isnt that 100% together but rated separately for 70%?
  19. Call today (202) 530-9470 this lines still active two more days might be waiting but keep calling even if After they hang up after 17 minutes of waiting call 945 to 1030 usually a good window you'll get someone eventually and they can answer you for sure so no worries and then post your findings
  20. Also check your Av8 letter in your Va letters in ebenefits that might tell you the date of the recent evaluation of your current rating was last rated at
  21. I was made P and T this year does that count as newly rated?
  22. Do you have a copy of your C&P? We can give you a better idea of what to expect..
  23. To bad I didn't apply before the VA made me Permanent and Total but then maybe I'd still be awaiting a hearing instead of now in a few months...
  24. Will using a C&P exam TBI review showing condition is progressing and is considered permanent and total help with proving my SSDI my hearing is in December I need all the help I can get?
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