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Master Chief Petty Officer
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Everything posted by jfrei

  1. So I had a recent medical consult report for my treatment and the doctor opinioned I suffer from severe residuals from my TBI as does my primary doctors notes say. I can print them scan them in with my wife and submit them into ebenefits under my new claim flagged with a hardship. I had two C&Ps that was just entered in my file on the 25th one for my sTBI and the other PTSD. The report basically states what I'm having difficulty as far as no short term memory, audio recall no multi steps directions, other cognitive issues and she said it was severe TBI residuals. I don't and can't make my claim drag on but if I submit in this evidence I'm worried it will prolong my claim anyone suggest should i go ahead or don't? SSA is taking longer to get then I hoped but at least I have a hearing in December basically it's my age that cause the first two denials but once they found out I was P and T in July they scheduled a hearing two weeks later in December..:
  2. Get the police report ASAP so we have something to work to give you a better answer. That's were the Willful misconduct determination will come from when the VA does their own LOD or just to rule out willful misconduct. There is where you'll find out what they said about your meds playing any roll in the accident.
  3. Call this number before they shutdown on 9/11 since they were helping to many vets.202-530-9470 let us know why its been taking this long and what they recommended.
  4. I tried that today at the release office she said she couldn't find them she called which they sent me across the street to the regional Office where they said I wasn't allowed to get a copy until my none of my claims were pending. Starting to get angry I said does this make any sense I explained the 1800 said to come here and another option is to have the Regional office IE you fax the evidence intake requesting a copy just to wait another 2-3 weeks in the mail, or you could just print them out for me? He just said come back on the 7th of September which is another appt I have there...
  5. I don't know that it's less stressful my initial denied reconsider appeal denied like most will say is normal. Then it was said 18-24 month wait for my hearing. Don't listen it has now been scheduled in 5 months once I contacted my state senator who submitted an inquiry since I am Permanent and Total. I've been to 45 medical appts in exactly the last year related to my disabilities been found P an T since November. But I'm only 31 years old and now I understand age is a factor for SSA, I was in the VA Voc rehab since October 10 just ended today so I can keep actively working on my health and go to an impatient rehab in October for my TBI in Virginia for two weeks paid for by the VA. This was a recent evaluation sorry not high jacking from poster
  6. Was it contracted out to VES or QTC? You won't see it on ebenefits then you have to request it in writting to your Regional office, saying in the letter your requesting it name SSN date of the exams what they were for and under Freedom of information Act? Just am currently working on the same thing unless you have an attorney then he can get you a copy. There's a few other ways like faxing the evidence intake in Wisconsin or mailing them which takes 2-3 weeks to process and mail out. I'm currently doing the same task it's funny I talked to a guy at the RO I said the 18008271000 said some here and have you fax the request FOIA to WI for something you could if you wanted print out for me right now? He said he can sure fax the intake but they cannot at the RO just give them to me since I have an open appeal and claim open that they might be used for and were requested by the VA for. Your exams done at the Va hospital will be available in about 3-10 days at most depending how quickly they are uploaded in.
  7. Now the police report will have to list what they believed was the cause examples icy conditions defects with road or even issues with the car. Which none of those causes are willful misconduct and if you search on the BVA website for recent decisions in the past 15 years there will be lots of examples. They have to list what was the cause of the ancient if not you may have to hire a forensic investigator if you feel their were other circumstances that caused the accident. Ive done a search for you and came up with 2026 results just a quick check was your Blood sample taken to show your medication levels had they felt that was the caused the crash this would have been taken just my thoughts. Any vehicle accident is hard to prove and usually and sadly the Regional office wont help you and neither will a DRO review I speak of first hand experience with accident and the DRO sent in a question to general counsel who told her to deny. BVA are the only ones to show evidence to give the overall picture of what may caused the accident. I had a line of duty in my favor from my service department, a signed statement that the car had a defect by the manufacture, and a report from the police with a hired forensic investigator showing that my car had a known defect and caused my crash by the police. All that was denied at the regional office. It wasn't until I went to the BVA showing the same evidence I also never had a hearing skipped it. It was granted there, but file the FDC not to be a negative nancy but to get to the quicker decision and ultimately a quicker route to the BVA. But maybe when you file the FDC if you have the police report and it lists what caused the accident maybe just maybe you could win your case but you have to have all the ducks in your row the VA wont give you an easy time. Another question who or where was the medication from? Was it given in service by your military doctors ? If its not to much to get specific cases what was the drug name? Your answer as the cause of this accident has to be stated in the police report its a part of an accident protocol.
  8. It' could be held up for numerous reasons one being the amount another being you have an attorney and they have to deduct his fees before you get yours.
  9. You don't want to hear what they say anyways it's all fabricated by some Screen they read that's usually incorrect...
  10. That's what I thought that's why I've been giving their number out they are the only ones who actually help us vets and now they have said they are disconnecting the numbers. The phone says 9/11 is the last day and to call 1800 827 1000 I just laughed I'd rather lick windows or watch paint dry. Then listen to the crap they feed you at 1800!!!
  11. Not BS he sent the request in for you. My experience is similar I had call within two weeks. And if you don't do not wait 30 the number is disconnected on 9/11 the Va caught on that people are helping vets in their system....
  12. I was stationed at Camp Bastion Airfield and at Kandahar. Still not sure what to do I didn't know this would be such a hassle if Im eligible what does that do? I just want to apply and an easy decision for them so I thought.
  13. Update: I have now gone through two mental evaluations one for PTSD and one for other then PTSD. Both separated my symptoms, both separated my TBI PTSD. One of them dx with an chronic Adjustment disorder the other said that she was looking at my PTSD and not the AD. The TBI review said she wouldn't dx me with PTSD but also included the chronic AD was comorbid and exacerbated by my TBI. So nervously awaiting my exam results for the outcome but sounds like one or the other is getting lumped in with my TBI. All these exams were for an intial for my Chronic AD.
  14. The term less likely than not means not service connected and is the reason for the denial I am sorry have to keep sharing this incident. As far as evidence goes was the incident in 91 was it reported to command or any other paper trail. The fact that after the incident happened you began acting wreckless to me shows a pattern of n issue and the 91 seems to me as the root of when it began. You may need to provide a IMO showing the entire picture to the VA. Sadly I knew someone with the same story except he then reported to the command and had a witness. That was another SNCO and was busted down to CPL and forced him to live in the barrack while he was processed out of the military. Had this been connected it may have been rated at 10% due to mild occupational impairment just my guess had it been connected.
  15. And what was the cause of the accident in the police report their words are what the VA will use to make their determination, and if you were in the service and a LIne of duty was done but if your out the police report sounds what they will use. The report should have a breakdown of what happened, the events leading to the accident, and the cause.
  16. Call (202) 530-9470 before 9/11/2017 they give you an answer as to why...
  17. Call (202) 530-9470 they answer your question and whatever else you want to know about your reduction
  18. Sometimes it jumps around just wait and see or call the office of case management before they are out of service on 9/11. (202) 530-9470 can't get through 17 minutes it hangs up just call back until you talk to someone they give you the answer your seeking.
  19. I've tried my deployment to Afghanistan was April 09 to Nov 09 and I was found not eligible so I'm not sure what they are looking for?
  20. If it's not to much to ask can you share more details about the accident. The key I think would be the police report and what it is that they said played the role in the accident? I got lots of information of cases but the biggest tool for you to search if your not about sharing exact details is going to BVA.VA.GOV and look up recent decisions and begin your search in their search drive. Exact phrase and using " " with the word AND will help. If you share more info I maybe able to help with more exact cases...
  21. Sadly I have issues when i speak and can not get my ideas out without constant pauses and delays as the thoughts come and go to quickly and I stutter when I'm nervous. My psychiatrist says at times she feels as if she is talking to a child or a 3 year old, I feel like I'm being body shamed from the mouth. Whether it would help my case or not I would rather keep it to a minimum of speaking with an attorney helping me out and can you please explain the life insurance thing I think it's about time I've set something up...
  22. Actually I checked the very next day a hearing was scheduled for December 2017. I've been told I has at least 18-24 months for Delaware that makes a five month wait for the hearing.
  23. Update hearing scheduled for December 19th 2017 apparently I missed a day when checking the status so I don't forget my password but logged in this morning and this is whats shows. It has the address and I was wondering is it to soon to find out what judge is scheduled for my hearing? My attorneys were just last week said I had about 18-20 months before it scheduled I want to hear there response the only thing I did was talk to a congressman/senator with my wife who put in an inquiry about my VA P and T rating to get my hearing expedited hope that's what did it my attorneys were clueless last week Im sure they are fine I'm using Mylar disability they did all the paperwork side I never would have been able to figure out. So now I have 4 months of waiting that's almost as bad as knowing the day your returning back from deployment counting down the days.
  24. So I asked why my examiner said doing my TBI-review that she doesn't believe in seperation of mental health diagnosed issues with a sTBI. I said well I guess the VA gets what they want, they sent me to 3 C&Ps and finally the last doctor will help them out by not seperating symptoms. Sports rehab doctor doing TBI reviews why isn't this a mandatory Neurologist job yet? Outsource rep said you don't want the person doing the TBI review D.X with ptsd that's was the C&P you were at. I said she was able to seperate be issues of my TBI and my PTSD. The Chronic AD doctor was able to do the same but they lumped it all together. The TBI-review doctor did say I did have a comorbid Chronic AD exaceberated by the TBI but she said nothing on the PTSD D.x. I'm deleted the previous post I lost myself in confusion... Does this sound like a possible separation of PTSD and my TBI?
  25. Yeha I've gotten through to them and got my answer to my SSOC of my denials apparently they said call back next week and we can talk about my recent C&P exams I just had for my last and final initial VA claim and I'm ready for a break for my family time.
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