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Master Chief Petty Officer
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Everything posted by jfrei

  1. I wouldn't last that long past probation period and have had one job in 8 years that would meet that criteria that was 2014.
  2. I have a fight that seems about another 20 month to wait for the appeal hearing and even with my current IU being Permanent and Total I've sold all my retirement savings just trying to get by. I'm just really worried I don't want to deal with a foreclosure on my home with a new 2 month baby and I have a 3 year old they deserve more then I can give them as far as care and educational care. But your right about it would be short term at past so I'm just grabbing for straws trying to figure out my next because I'm running out of ideas of what to sell. I have nothing and moving in a few months is a last ditch efffort...
  3. My Neurologist would beg to defer who he opinioned that I'm a liability to all who employs me . As long as I make them aware of my memory issue would that be considered sheltered employment or if an accommodation is made due to my memory issues?
  4. I'm not trying to scam the system my longest job in aviation lasted 6 months. For 4 of those months no stress because I was in training for months with no stress then came the real work and I couldn't handle it. I'm not worried about the length of employment just concerned like I said you need special licenses to work in aviation which I have gotten about 7 years ago they never expire and or reexamination for them both. Making it easy to get any comtracting job I want they don't look at past work history just your current licenses and they also don't look at your medical background. But if I had one of those jobs for only 30 days they pay high rates because they don't pay benefits for me or family. I'm sweating trying to make my mortgage payments and live my wife has to work part time. I cannot be trusted to be alone with are kids longer then her part time job allows me but IU barely pays my mortgage let alone all the utilities and food for my family. I would need to work about 2 months to offset the cost of daycare and the mortgage combined but then I risk getting hurt on the job.But daycare cost would be as much as I would make thus doing nothing by hurting mySelf. I live with choices to lose my home or get a job risking my life and losing everything I've worked for with the VA because I can hold a job for 2 months which would make about 7k? As far as reexaminations I've had a TBI review last December and now another coming up to seperate my PTSD, chronic AD, and my TBI. Since there doctor for my AD seperated the issues they wanted to do a another one to seperate my symptoms. like I've posted I've been found 100# P and T due to my TBI residuals that have PTSD with decision making as a symptom which my prior rating was 90...
  5. What I don't understand about IU and substantial employment is that if I took a contract job in aviation and I get fired due to my memory like my last 3 jobs in aviation. I would hope I could make it past the first 30 days but in those 30 days I could potentially have made over 4k just working maybe 32 to 40 hours a week . Which is over whatever amount is said per month but doesn't last more then 30 days Jobs in aviation pay very well and give you time to train paid. But all of my 8 years out of the military I stayed in aviation but my memory has prevented me in keeping a job I had 4 different jobs last year and made over 39k. The VA still granted me IU, before I forced myself to work even the cost of aircraft and lives were at risk there because of my TBI residuals but I had to provide for my family. luckily I only damaged aircraft and did over 100k in damage total but no lives were ever hurt. So is employment lasting 45 days or less producing more then the poverty level considered substanial employment grounds for termination of IU and my Permanent and Total award? I am considered 90% IU Permanent and total with SMC S. Edited just now by jfrei
  6. What I don't understand about IU and substantial employment is that if I took a contract job in aviation and I get fired due to my memory like my last 3 jobs in aviation. I would hope I could make it past the first 30 days but in those 30 days I could potentially have made over 4k just working maybe 32 to 40 hours a week . Which is over whatever amount is said per month but doesn't last more then 30 days Jobs in aviation pay very well and give you time to train paid. But all of my 8 years out of the military I stayed in aviation but my memory has prevented me in keeping a job I had 4 different jobs last year and made over 39k. The VA still granted me IU, before I forced myself to work even the cost of aircraft and lives were at risk there because of my TBI residuals but I had to provide for my family. luckily I only damaged aircraft and did over 100k in damage total but no lives were ever hurt. So is employment lasting 45 days or less producing more then the poverty level considered substanial employment grounds for termination of IU and my Permanent and Total award? I am considered 90% IU Permanent and total with SMC S.
  7. Now that I'm Permanent and Total rated by the VA will that knock any of the wait time for a hearing?
  8. Sorry posted in wrong spot I was referring to SSDI can anyone repost it there or do I delete and repost?
  9. I was hoping the process wasn't going to take 7 months just to get to the appeal stage for a hearing... but now I have all the evidence needed to hand in to my attorney to show why they didn't me was incorrect. Their first reason is I am in a sound mind to make my own choices. My doctors would agrue I'm a liability to others and myself. I just laughed I just need to be heard by a judge. Now that I'm Permanently and totally disabled does that get me a hearing sooner then the one year wait??
  10. Absolutely it did and to this day they help me with questions I have still with my claim since 2015 when I had my DRO hearing then 30% now 100% P and T and with the help of answers I've pulled from this site.
  11. Not sure I was informed over the phone that Hardship cases will be changing requirements as far as showing finacial needs, IE eviction notices. Just making people aware... not sure on the details
  12. Most of the time they know what's on ebenefits and no more they'll tell you I can see the decision but I can't tell you if or what it says until they see it's had time to get through the mail to you unless you call the office of case management they will tell you more about your claim then Peggy could ever just search for the number or message me if you couldn't find it from searching this site
  13. You ever need someone to talk to I hated AA not saying it doesn't help just saying not my cup of tea. Always read up on the DBQ in case you haven't done so that may help but my guess is if all of what you said is documented you should have no issues showing total work impairment
  14. Wish I knew I don't even wait for the call or letters paronia has driven me mad I googled QTC or VES once I know which one it says was requested on ebenefits call right away and schedule with QTC I kept calling back to reschedule with someone close to me so I call the RO they told me right a letter like I described and they'll make it happen making anyone drive long distance and said anyone can do it if they call VES and they say they have someone closer in a timeframe they feel is quick enough. So mad at that woman I said I'm not an idiot I know it won't take two years this is for a remanded appeal. She was quick to jump at me but had no response to that other then let me put you on hold.... ok it's done, I hate ignorant people that make their own facts up I've called out many employees at the VA on BS helping other Vets and hey Seminoles they may outsource it again but I'd call VES see they have woman Doctors in your area. I actually went to RO office just to see the worker who runs my claim like I said crazy I am but my little ticks gets me by. It's so easy now you can just submit a letter into your claim requesting it's with VES if you called and know they have doctors who can get you in sooner then they can. Crazy how my obsessed lifestyle has gotten me with the VA just need a break for the family/ wife who I love so much.
  15. So I recently spoke to my RO in Philly and i spoke with someone I have been in contact with since my DRO hearing in 2015. I called him and said I spoke with QTC and they said they no more examiners in Delaware and I would have to travel to Philadelphia for my exam. He said no you don't submit in writing you wish to close your request with QTC and wish to have it moved to VES who has lots of Delaware examiners. So that's what I did and then called QTC and said send request back to the VA the lady was like what's the reason I said I'm not going to drive to Philly with my wife from Delaware she said well you know there's a 2 year backlog for TBI reviews and you are suppose to drive at least 50 miles for exam I said you keep thinking that send it back. She put me on hold for ten minutes came back said it's done I was glad to hang up. Still angry I called the guy again he said she's wrong this isn't an initial claim this is just a review for another claimed issue nothing to do with your TBI that's P and T. So I can expect from VES at the most about two weeks he said. QTC are just another cover for delays Questionable Touchy Comments go riddance anyone else have a similiar of experience...
  16. Just applied for today for the retro said it could take 30 days i was backdated 11/14 so she graduated with her masters 3/17... better then nothing I suppose thanks for the info this would have been lost money tomorrow we are finishing submitting the back medical to. Also I was wondering would they compensate for the months of outrageous premium payments at one point I was paying for a family of three not working 835 dollars. Finally when this went through they dropped it to 127 but for months I was paying almost 900 dollars Obamacares my ass when it's in a coffin
  17. so who do I give the college transripts and federal loans amount too. Although she graduated now her last semester would have been covered had I been awarded Permanent and total right away. But its all good whole family has medical and ID cards now just getting all the retro owed to me now. Her last system only was a few thousands Ive printed out the outstanding loans and the exact time she was attending when she was given the loans just this past November. Who is it that I speak to now that my attorney is done with me he said? Thanks FOR answers
  18. Yes I did walked right into the Wissohickon office and asked if I may speak with whoever is working my claim the genltemna was nice walked in asked the DRO and the scheduler and spoke with both
  19. do you know your appeal handler ext? Where's your RO? If you have ebenefits review your medical record on their when you select the dates just select when you orginally filed your claim and then today under custom selection. Also select the tab to all medical records. When you finally are looking at the PDF of your downloaded record hit control button with the f button and a search tab pops up. If you search Decision just hit the next until you see the judge. And the va employee in charge of your appeal. He's or her extension might be there. I have no life and no ebenefits by every nook and cranny. Or the easy way is to go to your RO and ask if you can speak with the one handling your claim as I did and Philly RO Va workers are not bad as the reputation says they are. They have always helped me
  20. Absolutely Yes I didn't lose my job they just put me on unpaid leave which I don't know what's worse since I was still forced to pay my own benefits out of pocket until I couldn't afford it and resigned. I filed for IU and 60 days later was granted due to financial hardship. Wife was pregnant and bills piled up paying out of pocket for Obamacare costing me over 800 dollars a month. The threat of losing your job if in writing maybe all the doctor will need to right his opinion that was my case I gave him the letter when they put me on unpaid medical hold. I still was employed used all sick and fmla I had on the books which wasn't much since I had this job for 7 months my longest job since my discharge in 2010. I showed my work history of all the incidents that involved my impulsive bad choices and lack of memory. Not sure how long you held that job or how many written mistakes you've had there to show a pattern
  21. Look at it like this a denial is just to show you in the statement of the case of what you didn't show to them to prove your case and what you do next is your own route you could appeal get the evidence submit it and wait for a long time or if you have the evidence reopen it or third just file a new claim for the same contention with the right evidence just one issue on the FDC route that would move rather quick. Do not file several issues with the FDC it just gets put into the slow path again. Others will chime in I'm just sharing my experience...
  22. Usually if her name was Candance she spot on and if she isn't she figures out why she was wrong for you and Rob as well
  23. He got me to 100 in 2015 he got his 19k already. But he did file the NoD for two of my new C&Ps that are scheduled on July 11th and the other issue is just a doctors opinion which should be a no brainer. Never mind it's always the easy ones that get denied... since he filed the NOD and has done way more then he needed for me I don't care if he gets his cut he does deserve dealing with a head case like myself.
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