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Master Chief Petty Officer
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Everything posted by jfrei

  1. I have no time to look at your case. Its probably time I withdraw as your power of attorney, you are at 100 percent. I am not willing to continue on your case. You should go ahead and keep your claims open and go through with the C&Ps. I will send in my withdrawal notice. im glad I didn't write that withdraw letter until he informed me why what the F... I understand I hounded him daily about issues of my claim for two years but just ask me to stop being my attorney not ask me to close all my claims!!!
  2. His response I have no time to look at your case. Its probably time I withdraw as your power of attorney, you are at 100 percent. I am not willing to continue on your case. You should go ahead and keep your claims open and go through with the C&Ps. I will send in my withdrawal notice. this is after he asked me to withdraw I almost did until he sent me this letter to my question of "Sorry about the typos before in my last email but what's the reasoning of not going and withdrawing from all?
  3. I do think if you do lose your current job due to the panic attacks you should file for IU or even if they put you on medical hold due to your disabilities and keep you around...
  4. How long has it been since you filed your claim?
  5. Sounds like they gave you better help then 1800827knows how to piss you off...
  6. So did she submit N inquiry to see why it was stalled? Glad she's helping you out and hope more people call this number they do wonders at the VA
  7. It could mean more evidence is required which could move it out of the FDC program depending on what's needed. Don't know any of the details about how many Disabilities you had on your claim if he had only one or two that's the reason hard to say with no details about both your claims.
  8. My dumbA didn't even know what SSDI was until this year. I've filed it when I was granted IU last November got intial denial for my TBI/ ptsd residuals this May and filed my appeal for reconsideration since I live in Delaware I can't bypass that right after I filed I was granted Permanent and Total for my TBI dx with a chronic adjustment disorder and sleep apnea using a Cpap machine at night. I know the rate at the reconsideration is about 10% but when I handed her my PT she looked confused she'd never seen one so she asked and found out it means my files been expedited. I'm not sure what else there is to do other then going to my scheduled monthly appointments and they also what to send me to an inpatient rehab in a few months for my TBI. Is there any advice I can get that could help me when at this stage? Sorry about robbing the topic poster..
  9. I'll try and be more informative when I give the guesstimate next time as to why I suggested the 70.
  10. And no word from attorney so now it's on me I'm scheduled this Tuesday for my remanded issues with a. nurse practitioner and the other two on the 20th with a neurologist if he tells me today to submit the letter I will, otherwise I said I will be out of town until next week.
  11. Any updates lookup office of case management phone number in a search on here and call them they'll give you an update you seek
  12. Could be either way but maybe it made you over 30 percent don't know what the claim was for?
  13. What i was working on I got out in 2010 and worked for until November 2016. The review officer looked at my medical record and has seen no improvement since I've gotten out to include some of my residuals worsened and now I have a 3.25 cm cyst in my cerebellum they found last year. I have two pending appeals for the VA for my Deep vein thrombosis in both my legs and the skull fracture I had from my TBI. They have scheduled me for a C&P for both issues since my last was in 2010. My Chronic Adjustment disorder is my new claim the doctor Service connected while that was pending my appeal for P and T as decided in 3 weeks. But with the new claim the doctor Service connected it but also seperated my symptoms for my TBI PTSD and my Ad. Prompting them to schedule two more C&Ps for another TBI and PTSD. But the P and T which was decided in the middle made it so I don't have anymore exams for those issues. I get scattered brain thinking about all the moving parts in my claim. I also have a pending ssa appeal so I hired another attorney I'm not to involved with that one i was only talking about my BVA appeal which was remanded. I just handed in my P and T rating two weeks ago and was told it's been expedited which means no longer Snail speed but now turtle speed.... yeha apparently the DDS adjudicator doesn't make the calls they give the information to the SSA doctor he said I can follow two step commands so I could perform SGA. I laughed because the evidence shows I maybe able to do this but not able to remember what they are when asked to repeat in my neuropsych test.
  14. They can help you find out what's going on exactly with your appeal and why it's taking so long. Also if needed they put in an inquiry to RO to help get it moving again. Calling between 9-1030 usually gets a pickup quickly if not just wait after 17 it's hang up don't fret call again until you talk to someone it's an Office in DC of like 4 people it's the office of case management. Tell your story to whoever pics up they will help you get moving in the right direction open on not to sure when they're holiday if it includes Monday off.
  15. Hope everyone had a good weekend and hopefully a good 4th of July on Tuesday... sorry if this isn't the spot to do this but I didn't know where else to put it
  16. Yes I was made 100% Permanent ad total with no future exams my sTBI was in 2006 when I was 20 years old. My IU is based on my TBI residuals with PTSD and now it's nature it says to never improving in my lifetime I was also given SMC S. But was denied caregiver help to my wife because I still have a drivers license and do at times drive to my doctor apts myself when she's at home with the kids, the only reason she said denied my claim. Of course the program is under investigation anyways hopefully in time before I burn my wife out. I'm 31 now and I know all to well the damage I've done to myself and others when I've attempted to work the reason the doctor wrote in a liability to all employers after he read letters from my past employers of letting me go. As I said my appeals he wants to close out and my other new claim which the doctor seperated my symptoms which is why they wanted to send me to a new TBI and ptsd review even Though my letter says no future exams. I really wanted to get the the record straight but thinking about it now my wife and family have ID card and VAchamp. I wrote the letter he asked to withdraw my claims but he didn't mention to withdraw out of the PTSD claim. Once I get that answer I'm submitting the letter I'm done obsessing and poking my claims till my head hurts of constantly worrying. I don't mind answering questions on here but I want to take care of my family before I lose something more important, which is the Memories. I am strapped and struggling with the money I get since my wife can only work part time because of me which is why I was trying to make her a caregiver. But i also filed for SSDI I know it can take awhile but currently I'm in Delaware first appeal the reconsideration. I was made P and T just a few weeks ago handed that into DDS at SSA and my attorney I was told it's expedited my claim. Now 2 months into the appeal I'm told it should be done in a few weeks fingers and legs are crossed praying for a miracle. My intial claim was upsetting because the adjudicator told me over the phone don't worry unless the SSA doctor changed my opinion and reversed my decision you'll be fine. Two days later I get the denial. All before the Va made me Permanent and Total which i hope the appealed winning decision helps my case. I mean technically it wasn't an appeal a NOD was filed but the DRO writing the SOC changed the decision to a grant no BVA was needed the first i have ever heard of this happening. So Gastone am I right about just listening to the attorney, nothing really to gain but a lot to lose?
  17. At all my PTSD I have never been called Total impairment at 100% for any of my issues. Although rated at 70% for my TBI which was because of my memory, the IU doctor opinions that I was a liability to all employers and what employers in their right mind would hire me knowing that I could potentially cause myself or someone else injury in my field of work. Which made me 100% IU and Permanent and Total since my TBI is not and won't be better in my lifetime.
  18. Well if you. Did file for IU they'd request that form having them cite all of the occurrences for your claim. When you can't take the crap of disabilities file then
  19. Yeha I filled out about one month ago for my deployment to bastion in Afghanistan in 2009 we'd watch the sky at night lite up by the burn pits I never worried then what was burning
  20. Please call (202) 530-9470 still what your claim is being held up for and please post their response?
  21. Yes that could help and also asking for your current employers stance about your current job in a written statement would help if he wants to help out
  22. I don't know of instance where the VA gave something without asking for it. And they do request that form or you can have them fill it out and submit it on ebenefits if you are in good graces with them
  23. There's a form they fill out about your past employer and you can submit that in as evidence for your IU claim like I did
  24. When under the disability tab does it still show as pending at the bottom? If you click on historical claims is it under there? May not be updated yet if it's granted
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