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Master Chief Petty Officer
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Everything posted by jfrei

  1. If you have applied with IU with this then it's possible but this by itself could be 70%
  2. Did you ever file for IU with this claim for the increase
  3. I didn't ask at first that's how i feel now if he doesn't respond soon I will be going to my 3 different C & Ps. He has nothing to do with my new claim so when he asked me to close it I should have asked he just said you know you can only get one rating and when the doctor seperated the symptoms that's when my PTSD and my new TBI review was ordered by the VA. At the same time I was just found Permanent and Total for both the PTSD and TBI residuals which are lumped together. I don't know if he thinks. If they are seperated that could void the P and T based on the one rating. I am just worried about losing it since my wife and kids all have VAchamp now and DEA benefits.
  4. Just from the appeals but my attorney want me to write a letter to withdraw like I said, but still haven't spoke to him just his secretary he's been in court all last week. I'm still curious if he struck a deal.
  5. I second the 70% increase it won't be 100 unless he said total occupational impairment. Congrats on the increase
  6. I called as well nothing new to report and it's been 3 weeks
  7. Did you ever fill out the eligibility exam on ebenefits? I called last week and they said they are months behind schedule for anything but I'm sure if they have to look and weed through your records it might take longer? Still new to the registry I filled out on ebenefits about amonth ago but those questions just ask about my deployments.... I hope others might have more info on your question
  8. I have 3 pending C&P two increases and one new claim. Both the increases were already pending while I was made 100% Permanent during an appeal for those two issues. He's in court today and will hear what's up tomorrow... as for the withdraw of my new claim where the doctor seperated my issues I'm very anxious to hear why to withdraw
  9. My attorney has asked me to withdraw my two appeals before my C&Ps have been completed both issues have been scheduled. The RO has told me this is just to check the level of severity that they are being the last one was done in 2010. He mentioned that they would be SC but this is for the rating. Why would he say withdraw from them he also asked me to withdraw my new claim for AD which the doctor SC but then they scheduled me for a TBI review and a PTSD increase exam. I have 3 C&Ps scheduled later in July why would i pull out now? I am already 100% P and T but it's An IU Permanent rating does it really matter other then sending in a verification of not working form every year?
  10. During my intial claim it took 4 months I was told it was expedited since I was a veteran. Apparently that was different then I'm now being expedited in my appeal for being Permanent and Total. I provided the decision that has the notification that lists all the medical evidence used to make this decision and I was wondering if anyone has a similar experience. In Delaware I have to go the reconsideration appeal first which began on May 5. June 22 is when I handed the decision for P and T which was back dated to Nov. 11 the date which is on my SSA claim as when my SSDI should be started. I know my chances are low at this Appeal level like 10.5 percent of going my way but showing that I'm now P and T could raise those chances maybe? Does anyone know how quickly it really speeds it up? It's been with the DDS since May 12.
  11. I'm awaiting now to schedule two C&Ps one for a skull fracture where the first doctor opined 7 years ago that the doctors from my sTBI where incorrectly dx with this because they could second guess not one but about 6 or 7 other doctors from my from my intial injury and the months that followed with rehab. It's all Bs that made me wait years to get what I should have originally have gotten 7 years ago. They are now scheduling my exam for my DVT since I was just at the doctor two months ago they wanted to check the severity. Both of these issues were just for service connection so I hope that's a good sign. Then I had two for july 6th but the provider canceled and rescheduled on the 20th of July for increases for PTSD and my TBI review since the Chronic AD doctor separated my symptoms now they want to look at the other two again. I really don't care I'm canceling I'm not going to give them anything they just made me Permanent and Total with that exam in the decision so my opinion there is no reason to waste my time driving 2 hours for nothing to gain im already 100 p and T.
  12. Question did your first exam the doctor seperate your symptoms on the recent one? That was my case i just had a mental exam other then ptsd done, now I have another TBI review, and ptsd exam because the recent exam the doctor seperated my symptoms. Just a thought of anything similar
  13. Crazy Nuts bonkers... iPhones have ruined my life with just a login on my phone to check updates So I was told I'm awaiting a doctors review and I might not need to come in. They just have to opinion if my MVA caused my loss of range of motion which the gentleman I spoke with said I don't know how they can say that it's couldn't have you had no other accident or incident since your TBI and as for your legs they may send you back in since you were seen just last March for them so they may just want a review for a possible increase.... the rep was like I don't see how they can deny without speculation i laughed and said you must have been there long enough, anything can happen the least likely to happen happens with the raters but just maybe I'll get lucky....
  14. Not sure if this means I was granted service connection but they are scheduling me a C and P for my DVT the appeal was only for my left leg which was the worse one that lasted months but it was both legs the doctor will see in the medical records but definately won't grant a disability never filed. They would never just give me me a bilateral claim that's a joke. But does this mean SC was granted ugh hate this game!
  15. I thought the same thing my TBI review stated no mental issues but was dx with PTSD and chronic AD but then I was made PT for having PTSD and residuals of sTBI. Claim still pending for my Chronic Ad so it's a guess a check in my eyes and a joke for us that these examinations just pass us through for easy money for them. Every once and awhile you find one truely in it to help you
  16. Thanks another claim opened up and now that's pending decision approval the next thing I'm waiting to see if it's good is another claim pending eligibility after the new claim closed that's usually the one that shows it was a good decision came about
  17. I was hoping for good news soon or to see an eligibility claim open up with the new move. Hoping that's not a bad sign
  18. We will see i just applied yesterday now awaiting for the denial
  19. But that's what my Va advocate poly trauma guy said to her he said he was accepted in three weeks to go to an inpatient rehab in Richmond, he was approved for 6 months of OT, and third he is starting a therapy program to deal with some life issues. The fact he doesn't have many notes is the VA hospitals fault because we can't even schedule him for years, how is that fair And as for his driving I didn't even want him I drive home but it's my control. He said they'll finally get me the OT which was approved and get her the notes she needs to approve my caregiver by the end of the summer. Why the hell did it take so much fighting to get that answer? Always coming at me with the silver bullet to cool me down...
  20. How about a lane number four one that corrects their own Mistake and get it right the first time...
  21. I was told the reason for the now denial is the lack of doctors notes in my record. I said to my advocate that'd because I'm waiting for a date in the Richmond Rehab, two waiting to begin my 6 months of OT, and awaiting my therapist treatment to be scheduled. So with the of scheduling being done by the VA she used the fact well I drive 10 minutes to my appt without my caregiver so she would deny based on that. I said my advocate said he was worried about me driving last week and my wife controls the GPS because I get lost trying to drive and look at it and what should be a 20 ride turns into a 60 drive everytime. Honestly look at my driving record since I've been married I had 1 accident prior to that I had the average of 2 tickets and at least 1 crash since my 2006 not counting 2007 when I had no license. Actually that just came to me as I wrote this maybe I can use that when i appeal the decision?
  22. Me either he was just the Oef Oif person at the Va hospital
  23. Ok I was just checking my Neurologist chimed in yesterday at my TBI exam said the same thing and to file it she knows I'm already 100 p and t with SMC S. She said I should get everything that I'm dx with filed for SC so later down the road. Right now I have 9 issues SC and two in an appeal that should be granted just a matter of time. This was dx at the Va hospital so hopefully speeds up an FDC claim.
  24. Misspelled he didnt say that the person in charge of the caregiver program at my local VA hospital did on the phone to me and my wife he offered to help me get help said don't stop fighting for it
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