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Master Chief Petty Officer
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Everything posted by jfrei

  1. That is correct I am actually 90 made 100 IU which is P and T. I was 90 since 2010 and 100 IU since Nov 2016. When C and Ps are outsourced the place QTC allows for one reschedule. Right now hopefully this guy approved on time and gets me in otherwise I have to drive two hours with my wife to this appt.
  2. I completed the the Chronic Ad exam where the symptoms were seperated but not the level of occupational impairment forcing them all together in one rating so I'm told will Happen in my new claim by the RO. So they scheduled for a TBI increase exam and yet another PTSD exam to dig little deeper about the issue. Is it bad if I go back to that doctor again I asked QTC and he is under contract just not yet approved. So I scheduled out both exams in July 6 last week she said if I call tomorrow he may have been approved and I may schedule the exams with him. Is I stupid to even bother with this as I'm sure I could very slim chance lose everything, DEA benefits for kids? I know there's no chance I'm improving which is what the doctors the last two years have said but the what if messes with me. Not to mention my SSA battle that began Jan I am now in my reconsideration appeal and was expedited for being P and T not to sure how quickly this will be decided
  3. New VSO just filling in for someone out for the next 8 days of her office when I called him we talked about the care giver program. He said you know whats not in your file your DD214 I said that's weird my stressors for my PTSD were DX I gave him a copy of my May DBQ. Which seperated my PTSD, sTBI, and chronic AD. I said here's my application for the caregiver which the program head said she was going to deny my wife on the phone since I'm not close to being institutionalized. She's never even met me the New VsO he took all my paper work said he was going to talk to her tomorrow about it. He looked at me after my paperwork said never give up keep fighting. We will see where that leads tomorrow maybe an answer to why after she reads my DBQ...
  4. Is it safe to say if I had no prior dx of sleep apnea and now my first ever study showed mild sleep apnea since my sTBI it could be claimed as secondary? I'm awaiting my local Va opinion but if it is secondary to my TBI at which point is pyramid a problem. I already have blackout spills claimed as dizziness and lightness, scars from the feeding and tracheotomy tube, and migraines claimed as headaches. Lumped in with it is PTSD and soon to be Chronic AD for a combined 70% . If i now file for Sleep apnea which now I'm being fit tested for a CPAP machine if found to be a secondary claim could that be lumped in with my TBI and I'm not going to bother asking about ratings.
  5. There is no normal amount of time that's not to say it still takes time to analyze the X-rays. Did you happen to get the actual DBQ that's your ticket and whatever his opinion is
  6. Well you put the mouse at the top right or your screen the three bars so it brings down the drag menu. Highlight activity and then click on the one that says what I've posted in. It will bring up the topic you were posting in together!!
  7. I walked into the Va hospital walked right to the OEF transitional counsel whoever they are I explained this is what was said to me I'm 100 PT for TBI and PTSD now with a chronic adjustment disorder. This C&P is from May 22 they go over all my symptoms seperated by my diagnosises. He said don't stop fighting you deserve it me suggesttion is meet with her in Person with my wife. We will see how that goes... fight what you deserves before it destroys your family just had to get a happy medium with my pursuing and family life
  8. She said the stipend is rarely given at the Delaware VA apparently I'm mistaken by assuming it's a right like SSA where it's just given and it's only a temporary thing. She said I should lool into other compensation routes other programs since I'm P and T. I didn't even no qualified for SMC S that was given to me most likely my attorney requested it. She said this is a catastrophic temporary aid and my wife is ok to do classes, on top of her temporary job and our two kids. I may have gotten off for the doctor not calling child services but I said that's only because my wife keeps me in check everyday I'm worried I'm going to wear her out. Thank god love isn't temporary I sure picked the cream of the crop with my wife.
  9. They told her I'm only eligible for her to get classes and theirs two different programs out there and my sTBI is no longer as severe as it once was
  10. She called my wife and told her my sTBI isn't considered catastrophic anymore and I don't meet the criteria
  11. I called the office of case management furious about three hours after emailing. The girl polite answer hello how can I help you. I just laid it out without given any of my info she was like is this Jamie. lol I said yup here's my SSN she said it definitely sounds like you qualify I'm emailing your RO hospital to call you Ted sent a message. I think tomorrow I need to hand in an application instead of just taking the advice not to by the program head.
  12. I emailed Ted Ebert who emailed case management I also called them and was told to expect a call back soon from the hospital for your answer as to why you wouldn't qualify or you could qualify. She said it was based off her view of my medical record I said no matter how psychically I've healed after my coma my neuropsych test results show impairment as my MRI shows residuals still from my severe TBI. I didnt even hand the application in due to he saying I would be denied. I've been approved for choice 6 months of OT just to maintain ADL which was two months ago nothing yet schedule and was told maybe awhile still. I went mad angry today maybe I'll just hand in the application tomorrow morning see what happens she is the head I'll attached my MRI results and my neuropsych test results for her to try saying I'm all dandy well whoopty freaking doo maybe I'll just go live in a Van down by the river
  13. I am yes if housebound Is having SMC S I was activated for Iraq gave up the reserves went active duty also went to Afghanistan.
  14. Called the White House hotline she said I'll get call 14 days or less.ill post my findings if it's positive or not
  15. I know she can't even work a full time job because of me
  16. I didn't apply yet but will be handing it in today the F with her
  17. She said because I can perform some of my daily living activities with i have trouble with them or not doesn't matter. Does this mean Inability to perform an activity of daily living (ADL) means any one ofthe has to be everyone on that list? She said because I can perform at least one of those ADL maybe I'm wrong because I can get dressed without aid other then wearing shorts and sandels with a foot of snow means I can get dressed without aid then ok I don't qualify
  18. I was told I didn't sound like I qualify based on my doctors note. Being P and T due to my sTBI doesn't automatically infer I qualify I forgot to tell her I'm also given SMC S for being housebound not sure if that helps? As if them lumping my PTSD and my TBI wasn't bad enough.
  19. That more likely to get others killed due to their inexperience
  20. So apparently the counselor over the phone said I may have difficulties with my daily living due to the stress and memory issue buy since I'm to far from being institutionalized I don't qualify for the program. So what the hell qualifies you? She said the most extreme cases but then I said what the point of the 3 tiers when you're saying that really doesn't matter.
  21. I know that I qualify for the program by just reading the requirements but qualifying is a different issue. If I am using this program to get management of my daily living with my family, is that a denial when they see my PTSD and sTBI have been made Permanent by the VA for the rest of my life?
  22. Mine says Permanent with no future examinations due to the lack of improvement of a decade since my sTBI
  23. I served after 9/11 and in Afghanistan in 2009 thanks for the heads up. Why does that even matter a disabled Vets all bleed the same color. I hear you about the overwhelming feeling I do not react well with any form of stress. i hope that rules changed soon I hear it's under investigation don't know what for. Forgot to say Happy Fathers Day to all.
  24. I was told by my neurologist to ask into the VA caregiver program when my psychiatrist at the VA she wants me to have her supervise me with things so I don't hurt myself or worse my kids. Hearing that made me feel like a burden to my wife who has enough to deal with me asking the same questions everyday and drives with me every where so I can remember where Im going and getting lost for hours with a GPS is my drawing the line now. I know she needs help she works parttime now and cares forthree kids two of which are under 3. ones under 40 se cooks for me most of the time when I try to cook I do things like leaving the gas burner on the whole night which Ive done 4 times in the last 2 months and when I used the grill I drained 3 Propane tanks leaving the burner on over night thank god we don't smoke. Everyday I struggle with remembering what and where I am going having here there to remember every place we go. The stress between two children and me when I have my outbursts away from the kids I don't know how she does it. I am looking at trying to get her some help because we are as close o house poor as they come now. My doctor told me to talk to the caregiver manager to talk about getting my wife into the program. How long does this take? Will my wife have to leave her PT job? I have heard about these tiers but not sure how they calculate the hours when my wife is literally there everyday enduring the frustration of explaining to me 4 to 5 times the same thing? I get lost walking from room to room in my own home forgetting what I was getting or where I left it. I have now been without my wallet for almost 2 months this is the third time since I moved into the new home having left it in a whole town over from oiurs.I do still drive and get frusterated because I still get lost with a GPS which leaves my wife holding the GPS an telling me where to turn. That's just the tip of the ICE berg can someone tell me if I qualify for either A/A other then SMC S which I get or able to be apart of the Care giver program? I know the program would take care of my wife who literally is running out of ideas of what to do since we cant afford daycare and now the doctor doesn't trust me alone with the kids as well as my wife doesn't. And she shoudnt since my daughter got into a bucket of paint stripper I left out and I was so lucky I saw it immediately and washed her skin before harm was done. I don't know how to put being a failed father and husband sucks but if I harm my children from being so impulsive and distracted I don't know whats next for me...
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