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Master Chief Petty Officer
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Everything posted by jfrei

  1. I filed mine at the Wilmington VA but if a C&P is needed it could be dropped out of the FDC program call (202) 530-9470 tomorrow
  2. Not sure of when it does update but if you see a decision sent and you pay the RO a vistit like I did they'll say when they can give you the decision. Which I got 3 days before the mailed o and the update on ebenefits letter came on a Thursday and got me and my wife an ID card for being granted P and T. Update came 6 days before Snail mail came but once your claims In the historical it's been updated
  3. Walk into RO request Voc counselor for evaluation he or she will tell you your options I was there went to training got fired because of my memory now back to Voc rehab
  4. In my case when I say the request I called for 30 days (202) 530-9470 to be told something was pending download on day 30 they said im submitting an inquiry as the WTF is up. Next day sorry no longer required claims in the next phase!! Keep calling no matter what it drives my wife crazy but she now has DEA benefits and she stopped yelling LOL
  5. I once got this as an answer he said you filed a NOD and im looking at your evidence and I don't think this will be granted your wasting your time!! Seriously no joke wish i got his name i was then 30% now 100 P and T almost took his advice and stopped. Never Give Up when you know your Right!!' Semper Fi this was Fubar...
  6. Call (202) 530-9470 ask they will shed some light and post your response please I'm trying to help people be informed
  7. I absolutely did and i raised quite a few hairs even got her to submit questions into the office of general counsel... she told me they said she had to deny since the retro was triple digits. VA will xxxx whenever they can please believe im no preacher. But I kept calling my DRO she certified appeal to the board in three weeks from the DRO hearing impairment and hardship flagged appeal hearing 5 months decided I actually still contact my DRO office whenever I have a delay at the RO and they tell me why....
  8. Do you have another open claim for eligibility? That usually means they are processing your lawyers cut..
  9. Please Call (202) 530-9470 and Post your answers ask them what's going on O Calle after one month I had a hearing after 3'months no Hardship either just talked about my issues. If you get answers please post I'm trying to promote these guys and increase their workload there's only 4 of the I know all of their names just from calling. They can help you get answers this number was given by one who was the head of a correct a claim by Ms Hickey whose no longer in here spot but they still help everyone tremendously... call and post I'm increasing my chance of not getting answered but if you get help I'm happy
  10. So now this confused me I'm 90 scheduler now 100 Total with no exams and SMC S I'm still IU my award letter says Permanent 100 for all my conditions? This is IU still feel like a newby My spouse is entitled to DIC when I was granted Total this past November or when I was granted at 90% in 2010
  11. So apparently I was being scheduled for the TBI review for an increase and a reevaluation of my PTSD before my appeal was granted in two weeks makes sense. I've scheduled them out into July 6th with a doctor 50 miles away. I know I have one shot at a reschedule with QTC as they told me. I spoke with the doctor who seperated my symptoms and I had explained the reason why they still were going to lump them together was he didn't differentiate the level of occupational impairment to each diagnosed mental disorder just seperated the symptoms he said he would be happy to do my TBI review and PTSD exam but he just signed a contract that Friday with QTC and I assume he has to wait a week before he gets approved to do such exams. I can't believe my luck so I scheduled my exam out to July 6th in hopes that he will be approved for the exams and in doing so I am allowed to reschedule one time for both exams with him as he is stationed in my home city and saving me from driving about 2 hours to the other exam if he gets approved In the next two weeks. So I wait two weeks see if he approved to have both rescheduled with him if that doesn't happen I'm just going to withdraw my claim like my attorney suggested I really not gaining anything by doing this it just bothers me they grouped them all together. I can't explain why it's not Ike I'm going to pick up go work. I don't want to get others hurt or myself... which why I filed for SSA everything coming together with everything I've learned on her I #asknod gastone broncovet Berta just to Name a couple sorry. Y memories shit thank you to all I missed I mean no disrespect any thought if I should just bail on everything and be happy with the PT 100 SMCS there's really nothing gain aboiut being scheduler? I mean if I'm approved for SSA and I say that the "If" since I was denied at the initial, which was before I was made PT I hope I'm one of those lucky reconsideration people... waiting for an appeal is not going to be fun
  12. So I got my notification from my appeal stating I was mad le 100% Permanent disabled with no future exams. She looked at the packet where does it say what you won? I had to point to it and say I was made permanent and total and list. Two pages of evidence and explains how they reached this determination. This an appeal notication format which she said I've never seen a VA notification like this. I explained i just filed my appeal two weeks ago and once they saw my evidence they changed it to a grant I feel like she's going to screw me. She went scanned documents into my file came out and said this should help your claim... thinking in my head i should hope so...
  13. Water under the Bridge VA Shelves Plan to Cut Benefit for Elderly Disabled Vets
  14. I was informed yesterday that this exam was for an increase for TBI and another PTSD exam to seperate it from the TBI since the other mental exam seperated it from my TBI for my new chronic AD claim. This was coming before your appeal issue was resolved in 3 weeks....there was no way of knowing my appeal would be decided at the RO while getting a SOC.
  15. Even if I have a letter that says it's PT with no future examinations
  16. Which is why the doctor seperated them from my TBI I don't care if they lump the AD and PTSD he said one exacerbates the other. But in the PT letter it said since the PTSD was at 70 and since they already rated my sTBI as 70 it made no change and remained the same.
  17. The C&P is actually for the new claim I filed that's is for the Chronic Adjustment Disorder the Va guy said since the doctor seperated the issues and a new TBI review is needed even though I had one the last June 23 where my PTSD wasn't included in that 70% rating he said it's to old.Should I still go it has to do with another claim. They used the C&P when they rated my PT from this pending claim but said they couldn't differentiate the symptoms even though he did in that exam and said it was for PTSD and it was just another mental exam other then PTSD the DBQ says. I will go and take your advice my marriage is very shaken with anxiety because of the claim and my OCD takes over whatever the hell it is i love the advice bronco thanks for the wisdom.
  18. So I'm a little concerned now the VA has reckonized the doctor and now he seperated the diagnosises want to send me to a forth TBI review in the last 6 years it's gone unchanged even after they lumped in PTSD with it. QTC is scheduling this one all I know is I will bring my DBQ from this three week old exam that seperated my issues, my TBI and PTSD were never even together from 2010 up until August 2016 even look at my P and T notification. Apparently even though I wasn't diagnosed with PTSD in my last one in December it was still listed as a symptom. I'm waiting to get xxxxxx... should I just not go they will lump them all together he said Chronic AD TBI and PTSD he said I don't know how because they were all differentiated by this recent doctor. My guess is they will try to lower my TBI/PTSD even after it's been made P and T even with wrong cited exams as they said my last exam was for PTSD and couldn't be seperated and it was not that exam it was exam other then ptsd and he seperated by symptoms. I really want to go to this exam and I will bring my DBQ for my TBI review from June and Dec of last year am this new mental exam. I know with all the knowledge of have of what information they need and what not to hide. Do I go and get this all straighten out I thought I did that at the last mental exam? I already have gotten my new military IDs and losing my PT rating will literally put me out with my family? Just when I thought I was done I hate admitting defeat. They are scheduling it by the end of the week?
  19. I'm just tired of this crap it wasn't even a PTSD they cited and now my new claim for AD will be lumped together is im sure they have the exam. I called another life line I have at the Philly RO he is asking about this mix up with the DRO and calling me back in the next day if not by tonight. Someone needs a good kick in the rocks and now my new claim will be denied. I'm done fighting what's the point other then being scheduler or TDiU I'm P and T with no future exams. So I'm done filing I've wasted years of family time whether the new claim gets denied for not going to an exam after I was at one exam for the claim is whatever. The doctor SCed it so it maybe hard to deny and maybe it will make me scheduler it's time to live life again. And I will continue popping on this site to help what i can it feels good. Today at the RO I helped a Vietnam vet get into to his car and carried his walker into his car. I may not have a short term memory but helping is always a no brainer.
  20. How is this not being able to distinguish between the two it was not a PTSD exam but a general exam the one they referred to was done August of 2016 and she couldn't tell the difference this doctor did? Why is everything a flight I've about had it with this whole xxxxxxx system
  21. It's an for a new intial claim I'm P and T without it 90% scheduler but 100% IU. The person on the phone said your appeal was just decided for. p and t and was just sent out on the 8th He said they may of not seen it. I called the BS flag saying the raters didn't see it... once they see it's P and T since you called Im submitted an inquiry but who knows they are unpredictable and I'm at 91 so it only needs to be 50% to raise me to 100% scheduler
  22. My attorney says my TBI was made P and T and I don't have to go her said they can review your one from 5 months ago or your neuropsych test from one month ago. But will that make it a denial automatically since I'm not going to a C&P even though the doctor said it was SC?
  23. I can't even follow a GPS without getting lost. I can't even do this SSA crap anymore I hired an attorney to help. All I do is go to doctor appts and live life in my home. Since that RFC I was dx with a chronic AD bouts of depression and anxiety and sleep apnea life sucks all I want is help for my wife a kids I was also recently mad Permanent and totally disabled if that would help I have no idea just that decision in the mail today. I'll post it on Monday for you all to read this website has basically saved me from anxiety although still prevents me from sleeping most nights i had a recent Voc rehab assessment done where his opinion was I couldn't work as well and I shouldn't as the choices I make a times could hurt myself or others. Luckily the doctor gave me time for my meds to give some help in the decision/ judgement making that I she didn't call child services on me. I went to her for help I knew if I was honest what could happen to me and my family but I couldn't continue risking my family putting them in danger because the choices I made were not wise but I did them anyways. This is why the doctor said in November that i was a liability to all employers trying to find a sheltered is harder then you think and even when you do they can say no like American Airlines did and put me on medical hold for almost two months before I had to resign. But SSA disagrees apparently I should have just told them call my last employers I costed them roughly over a few hundred thousand dollars. One of the only reason I was hired is because I didn't mention my health problems and when i did with two of those jobs i was one put on med hold and two fired on the spot. Being able to follow two step instructions was the reason for denial. My doctors all disagree because I can follow auditory instructions without forgetting and when I read them I tend to skim and Miss important steps, especially safety notes. I hope that my P and T will help me in life now maybe I can't get SGA work but I hope to be able to get a job that will be ok with me missing months I was just approved for an inpatient rehab for my sTBI leaving this February coming up just before my birthday. In the mean time I was approved for 6 months of OT from the choice by the Wilmington VA for help in daily living not daily working just living. Having cashed out all my retirement and 401k has given me enough to get by but now I've screwed myself not being able to work.
  24. That fact you said you have to take time off from work would show the need for IU. But keeping a job is the same thing to me I tried for 6 years and then 8 jobs later i seeked help and when i requested help from my employer they put me on medical hold from working for life. Still considered employed but was on unpaid leave forcing me to resign which is when I applied for IU and I was only at 90% 70% was just for my sTBI. Your only robbing yourself if you don't seek treatment it's no being greedy.
  25. It's for my TBI residuals which was just made P and T. It's for my new claim for chronic adjustment disorder since the doctor separated my Mh issues and my TBI but SCed it. She said it could possibly just be a review of my last one in December. Which made me unemployability at the time if that's what they want to review that's fine since he stated I had no MH issues related to my TBI...all this anxiety had this bubble I feel I'm stuck in. I just got military ID for me and my wife and the decision for PT was mailed out today I just printed the update of ebenefits and that's all the base needed. Good to know I can do that but the first exam the doctor seperated my MH issues from my TBI and said it was SC can I withdraw it even though he SC the claim as a secondary issue? MAybe it will be a good thing the difference from the last time is I've been out of work this whole year. It's just seeing that a 2nd request was requested even though the one they sent me to was the 2nd request gets me all worked up after I just won the appeal for P and T she said it was a neurlogical review and was requested today she said call tomorrow see what happened. So much for. Sleeping...
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