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Master Chief Petty Officer
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Everything posted by jfrei

  1. They said my EED is 11/14 for my PT when they granted me the 100% IU. Philly RO said my packet will be out tomorrow. I'm looking into the link you suggested Berta
  2. Just an FYI Berta I read everything everyone replies to my posts and take all advice seriously I would still be at 10% which was my first rating issued untill I found help here
  3. Thanks I was always wondering why everyone kept posting there's
  4. Thanks Berta I'll try to keep posts direct as possible
  5. So I won P T in an appeal backdated to November. I had a son born three weeks ago through wife's insurance with Obamacare because they weren't entitled to this yet. But now she is, is this something I could submit in to them to help with cost of it since I was forced to buy Obamacare since my wife doesn't work full time?
  6. How is it I've suffered a sTBI, dx of PTSD, and a dx of chronic adjustment disorder and have yet to see a GAF score? Everything always states suffered sTBI Glasgow score of 3 that's it.... I think if I had one it could help with increases yes or no?
  7. What lead to this diagnosis were you exposed to something in the military that caused this? If so can you prove it was it dx in the military or any doctor stating it was related to your service. Then yes you have a claim to file
  8. Sorry about your childhood but this is an all around denial to all claimed in my opinion
  9. Reduced reliability 50% Is my guess
  10. Lock in the 70% since it wasn't a total occupational impairment but with the Va anything can happen until it's an appeal then they go by the law and rules not just what the rater thinks is good....
  11. I'm going to be honest so don't get mad I had my TBI SC in 2010 Sc migraines rated by itself with dizziness and lightedness and tinnitus all this wasn't won until my appeal in 2016 it was retro to 2010. Then denied PTSD in 2014 and granted in 2016 but they just changed it as a symptom to my SC sTBI. I didn't even fight it I was tired of the anger it caused. Now I'm sorry I didn't read the details was the TBI combat related and what cause your TBI? I was diagnosed with a chronic Adjustment Disorder by the VA 2017 and did my research about what happened in my life that caused it. I found out that 6 months before my sTBI I watched a film of my friend dieing on a hospital bed from an IED and then two weeks later changed my complete job field from motor T to an aircraft mechanic. And that's when my AD apparently began the doctor opined so he gave it specific symptoms that I described to him and seperated it from my TBI symptoms he did opined he believed my AD exacerbated my PTSD which in itself had it owns symptoms but will be lumped together for one Mh rating I'm sure of it. Please look back see what happened before your TBI was there any sign of a MH issue before your TBI I read you have a hard time adjusting to your jobs as I did 8 in 5 years. Did you have a hard time at your Mos did you act reckless not always a sign of PTSD. Look into your life it could be a simple as a Adjustment disorder? I'm didn't have an IMO just was dx this a the VA psychatrist when I layed out my life story filed FDC two weeks later C&P this is the doctor I explained what happened to my lumped diagnosis issue with my TBI. Not everyone will get a perfect doctor but ask him if hes able to seperate those issues by symptoms if he can't then maybe you can't. If you disagree file the NOD get the evidence lined up ready to go leave no stone unturned. Unless I'm crazy turning stones in a creek... Hopefully I said something useful I still get scattered thoughts that run together like a run on sentence!!! Happy Memorial Day!
  12. I've been reading up on this sleep apena thing and the Neurologist at my VA hospital wanted me to do a sleep study. I said I'm not aware of me snoring but ok I'll do the home test. My wife then says to me you snore in your sleep a couple times a month. I laughed at first until she Im being serious. Lucky I don't sleep on the floor. Do you have to snore every night to have sleep apena?
  13. lol how about my SOC for my appeal being reversed into my favor I'm still in shock i filed a NOD and literally no shit two weeks reversed. I laughed when the reason for denial was my sTBI wasn't permanent and total, it happened over a decade ago. Show me the magic elixir please Doc. But like I said they changed their mind producing the SOC lol this is why we denied you wait wtf I think we mess up again George the "rater". Sorry kinda went on a rant
  14. My first appeal went back and forth 4 times before closing out and it wasn't quick but with the VA anythings possible
  15. This condition is less likely than not related to the veteran's report of anxiety in the service. This is a denial in my eyes maybe someone else might chime in but that statement means not service connected
  16. Good luck and God speed hopefully all this moving into the electronic records will speed things up for ya and do your homework before walking into any C&P look at the DBQ and if you got records proving your case take them into the exam
  17. Is this considered as being a MH or physical disability "residuals of traumatic brain injury with cognitive disorder, short term memory losses/lapses, difficulty sleeping, problem solving with PTSD (to include cerebral contusion with diffuse axonal injury to bilateral frontal and temporal lobes"? This addition didn't come until 6 years later after SC for my TBI. This Berta is why I was so mad, before they put in the "with PTSD" it was just "issues with problem solving" and still kept me at 70%.So really I have no idea what's going to happen with what the rater even after the doctor separated the issues my heads still in circle from what they did when he put the two together...
  18. Thanks for the info I've been mad since the day they did this. At my new C&P I said my TBI was a MVA and was a car defect i deployed 3 years after my TBI and coma. And my Adjustment disorder began before my TBI. So he said I'll fix this I maybe can't differentiate between what's the occupational and social damage and figuring out what caused what more but they each do have their own symptoms and little at least 4 for each of the 3 disabilities. He did say that my PTSD is secondary to my AD and could have exacerbated it but that's still a MH issue and will be just one rating anyways. My heads doing circles guessing what the rater will do I don't know if it's been assigned a rater yet. I have not done enough research but if each disability has each own symptoms but you can't distinguish which is more damaging to your occupational more how will they be rated? I reallly don't want to have to do another appeal ...
  19. Appealed Permanent and total denial granted at the RO in two weeks when issuing a SOC they reversed themselves
  20. Mine was done by VES outsourced by my home she's was new to the field they then tried to schedule it with her again for my AD called and rescheduled had to drive an hour from my home but it was worth it
  21. Not that I have an income but I just want to verify that if I need to send the income form now that I'm P and T? Second question is I have s pending claim where the doc separated my symptoms from my TBI and PTSD just making sure I was 70 before they lumped it with PTSD and after that can't just drop my TBI down which my IU is based upon? I still don't understand if I'm allowed to try and do temp jobs because those are short and quick money for my famil but since my IU is based on my TBI residuals and the doctor said I was a libilty to all employers, is that considered a MH issues? I know it had PTSD lumped in with it but it was already at 70% by itself. I know it's Permanent and Total and just have to wait for anything to take in effect but I really did have a hardship and 2 kids. SSDI denied my first claim and I'm currently in the reconsideration appeal with this new P T I'm submitting to my attorney with the separation of the diagnosises I hope my slim chance just got better can't get any worse.
  22. Sometimes even after you get paid they do a review of everything it happens I received 96k in retro and then it remained open until they did a review of everything.
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