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Master Chief Petty Officer
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Everything posted by jfrei

  1. And as much as I hate saying this and still hope to get better the 55 rule isn't accurate especially when you've had s sTBI and your 2 year old has a better memory.Every doctor told me you won't get better so I filed for P and T I'm not even 35. Like I said I filed for it on ebenefits for evidence i submitted another application and wrote exactly what I was filing for because of my TBI. They denied attorney filed a NOD they changed their mind. So now that my TBI is permanent and total I can't see how if they rate the other two they could possible decrease the TBI now. But until next week catch you on the flip side it's family time. 1800827knownothing says it weird it just says eligibility decision and nothing else...
  2. I haven't found out if they will be separated the doctor separated them in his C&P report for me this C&P was scheduled by the VA I called to switch the doctors since you can ask to one time with a VES exam. The first doctor was the doctor who couldn't seperate my PTSD and TBI the first time I said xxxx that reschedule the next doctor was alittle older 50s said don't worry she's my coworker and new to the field I'll make sure your taken care of. All because I kept calling first to get it scheduled and again to reschedule. When I get the decision I'll post it and when I get a copy on paper of the C&P from my attorney I'll show to all.
  3. Second appeal never left they RO they were preparing the SOC and changed their mind...Im now Permanent and Total paid at 100% with the first appeal at the BVA with ahardship at the VLJ and another intial FDC claim which I just finished my DBQ the doctor separated my TBI PTSD and Chronic AD. It's been a long 7 years but now some rest thank you All from this website I owe my whole claim to the answers I've gotten..!
  4. Right now I have a combined rating of 70% for my PTSD and TBI. This doctor broke my dx down to symptoms for each Chronic Adjustment disorder depression and anxiety with frustration of concerns about my TBI. PTSD hyper vigilianve slee disturbances nightmares suspiciousness increased startled response reduced interest and motivation panic attacks and irribility. For my TBI reduced attention and reduced concentration with a horrible short term memory and auditory memory. Very interested to see how this one panes out. I already have two active appeals pending one with the VLJ and the other pending with the NOD. This C&P was done for my intial claim for chronic AD
  5. Check historical claims to see if it is already finished sometimes it does that or call this number and ask (202) 530-9470.
  6. Awesome thanks for the tool I meant to say thanks when I first saw this
  7. From what I'm told the doctor separated my symptoms from my STBI and my 2 Mh diagnosis PTSD and my chronic AD. So I in theory I should get 2 ratings one for the physical part of my sTBI which he stated was caused by my ignition switch of my car defect and was also won in an appeal already. The PTSD exacerbated the AD which was caused by my terroristic threats... fingers crossed
  8. I've been dx for both again last Monday he listed the symptoms between my SC STBI PTSD and my Chronic AD. 4B. FOR THE INDICATED LEVEL OF OCCUPATIONAL AND SOCIAL IMPAIRMENT, IS IT POSSIBLE TO DIFFERENTIATE WHAT PORTION OF THE OCCUPATIONAL AND SOCIAL IMPAIRMENT INDICATED ABOVE IS CAUSED BY EACH MENTAL DISORDER? He's not able to do this which leads me to believe they'll lump my PTSD/AD together he also stated my sTBI was due to a MVA manufacture defect nothing to do with my fear terroristic activity. Is it possible to get my PTSD seperate from my TBI and have my AD and PTSD lumped together and TBI seperate? I'm really nervous my IU was granted alresdy in Jan due to my TBI residuals which was already at 70% before they lumped in PTSD....
  9. I read my DBQ he said he is able to differentiate between the mental DX by symptoms but not able to show but he's not able to differentiate the level impairment for occupational is due to my TBI or my MH diagnosis. Now the second sounds like they can lump together? He listed the symptoms for each seperate dx I thought I was going to be safe....
  10. 2006 moved back to PA from NC the same time inrecieved a video of my friends dieing moments in a hospital from an IED didn't adjust well to my new Mos was arrested a few times dx chronic adjustment order still around today 2007TBI was caused by a car manufacture defect won my appeal last year, PTSD was war related in 2009 this sounds like a timeline for a Appeal have dx for them all now as seperate ratings.
  11. Well I have reading this past issue and. Now with the doctor telling me he is going to seperate my issues on his DBQ but with chronic adjustment disorder PTSD and my TBi
  12. Sounds about right file it already FDC and submit this as evidence what if do
  13. When it asks if the doctor can differentiate between mental diagnosises is that a good sign? I keep being told you can only have one MH rating which is why my PTSD/TBI are combined he said my chronic adjustment disorder is seperate, so what happens to my one rating?
  14. Well there's a few doctors on here people will recommend might have to shell out a fortune but it's a quick way file FDC get and IMO submit in under a FDC. If they like what you sent they'll either grant it or put you in for another C&Pexam
  15. Thanks I know it's easier said then done I'm used to them low balling me... but I will keep you all updated and soon I'll have a copy to post from my attorney
  16. Thank you just confirmed with case management my C&P is in as direct service connected. By technically Chronic Adjustment disorder is another mental issue which I've already have residuals of a TBI and PTSD at 70%... she said it might increase it but not counting my sheep in my sheepless night. They said the same was it was at 70 before they threw in the PTSD...She said she would find out and to call on Friday seriously these guys are a blessing to us all and there's only 3 people there in this office. Sad how 3 people can help us so much at the VA yet the rest delay our claims... I'm still confused with how my TBI is a MH issue..
  17. Is it possible for the doctor to say at a C&P this isn't a secondary item but a direct issue? I filed it for a secondary disability now Im just waiting for a denial based on it being opinionated as direct...
  18. You were right he agreed said this was caused by service connection and nothing else just don't know how the VA will take it having a rating for residuals of a TBI/PTSD already
  19. Thank you it looks good for as I can tell but sSA is another beast
  20. So the exam went well and he said you definately meet the this the criteria for this disorder.But then he said I'm going to put its service connected and should be separate from your TBI/PTSD. Are they going to deny my claim now since I filed for this disorder as secondary due to my TBI/PTSD? I know they aren't going to just give me a new disability without a fight even though it was their doctor at the C&P that opined it should be separated and not considered secondary. Just concerned since I filed for secondary and they are picky as hell when everything has to be exactly their way...
  21. Sorry for not being more specific call VES (877) 637-8387 if there's a request they'll see it and ask you about if your willing to travel up to 100 miles or less or open to weekends or whatever.
  22. If you haven't gotten the letter just goggle them and call they will schedule it without the letter
  23. So I've been service connected for chronic adjustment disorder with bouts of depression and anxiety. I was already SC for PTSD but was grouped in with my residuals of a TBI. The way he worded my chronic AD is that it's seperate from my TBI/PTSD how in the hell is that going to be rated if they can't be together?
  24. You can find temporary jobs in aviation that last a few weeks but they usually pay pretty high like 28 hour because it is a very short lived job and no benefits. Usually they last a month and there's no guarantee of finding one I've spend months in between one I've tried for 7 years in the past 2 years I've had 6 jobs. My memory can't handle all the changes from all the different roles. I make mistakes and not little ones I've made a couple 100000+ mistakes damaging aircraft and blades on helicopters . When I want to try and adapt to something else less productive and easier on my head my panic attacks occur along with my headaches. I've already sold a 401k that was losing money just to get by this month lost even more hit with the earl withdraw penalty. But your right an extra 10k would get us by i just have to find one ? To bad my SSDI is so early in the stages before an actually win at the appeal Delaware has to go through a reconsideration before real appeal and my denied Permanent and total which they said my sTBI is not considered PT had its NOD filed on the 16th. I am made my other appeal has a hardship flagged on it but the new doesn't. I called and asked why i said it was just granted on May 3 why wouldn't it apply to this new one as well?
  25. They are outsourcing from the VA they get a doctor close to you if they call you they'll ask your availability to get one scheduled within a week
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