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About armyvet2010

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  1. Hello everyone,I was finally able to copy my c&p notes from myhealthevet to get everyones opinion on a possible rating eventhough the exam was not done correctly. I already posted about how my C&P exam went (see prior post) and since i wasn't able to scan a copy of my exam,i got it from myhealthevet.Can i get a possible rating opinion from you all?Just wanted to see where I might possibly get awarded or even get a denial... SECTION I: 1. Diagnostic Summary This section should be completed based on the current examination and clinical findings. Does the Veteran have a diagnosis of PTSD that conforms to DSM5 criteria based on today's evaluation? __Yes _X_ No ICD code: If no diagnosis of PTSD, check all that apply: _X_ Veteran's symptoms do not meet the diagnostic criteria for PTSD under DSM-5 criteria __ Veteran does not have a mental disorder that conforms with DSM-5 criteria _X_ Veteran has another mental disorder diagnosis. Continue to complete this Questionnaire AND/OR the Eating Disorder Questionnaire: 2. Current Diagnoses Mental Disorder Diagnosis #1: Major Depressive Disorder, with anxious distress Comments, if any:_____________________ Mental Disorder Diagnosis #2: Alcohol Use Disorder Comments, if any: __________________ Medical diagnoses relevant to the understanding or management of the Mental Health Disorder (to include TBI): NA 3. Differentiation of symptoms a. Does the Veteran have more than one Mental disorder diagnosed? _X_ Yes __ No If yes, complete the following question: b. Is it possible to differentiate what symptom(s) is/are attributable to each diagnosis? _X_ Yes __ No __ (N/A) If yes, list which symptoms are attributable to each diagnosis: MDD with anxious distress: depressed mood, depressive ruminations which disrupt sleep, poor energy, increased appetite with significant weight gain, guilt feelings about past life decisions, diminished interest/pleasure Alcohol use Disorder: increased consumption; increased tolerance; continued use despite negative impact to mood. c. Does the Veteran have a diagnosed traumatic brain injury (TBI)? __ Yes __ No _X_ Not shown in records reviewed d. Is it possible to differentiate what symptom(s) is/are attributable to each diagnosis? __ Yes __ No X__ (N/A) 4. Occupational and social impairment a. Which of the following best summarizes the Veteran's level of occupational & social impairment with regards to all mental diagnoses? (Check/Retain only one and EXPLAIN RATIONALE) __ No mental disorder diagnosis __ A mental condition has been formally diagnosed, but symptoms are not severe enough either to interfere with occupational and social functioning or to require continuous medication __ Occupational and social impairment due to mild or transient symptoms which decrease work efficiency and ability to perform occupational tasks only during periods of significant stress, or; symptoms controlled by medication _X_ Occupational and social impairment with occasional decrease in work efficiency and intermittent periods of inability to perform occupational tasks, although generally functioning satisfactorily, with normal routine behavior, self-care and conversation __ Occupational and social impairment with reduced reliability and productivity __ Occupational and social impairment with deficiencies in most areas, such as work, school, family relations, judgment, thinking and/or mood __ Total occupational and social impairment b. For the indicated level of occupational and social impairment, is it possible to differentiate what portion of the occupational and social impairment indicated above is caused by each mental disorder? _X_ Yes __ No __ no other mental disorder has been diagnosed If yes, list which portion of the indicated level of occupational and social impairment is attributable to each diagnosis: primarily impacted by depressive features. c. If a diagnosis of TBI exists, is it possible to differentiate what portion of the occupational and social impairment indicated above is caused by the TBI? __ Yes __ No _X_ no diagnosis of TBI If yes, list which portion of the indicated level of occupational and social impairment is attributable to each diagnosis: Section II: Clinical Findings 1. Evidence review In order to provide an accurate medical opinion, the Veteran's claims folder must be reviewed. Medical record review Was the Veteran's [paper] VA claims file reviewed? No Was the Veteran's VA e-folder (VBMS or Virtual VA) reviewed? No - VBMS gave error code If yes, list any records that were reviewed but were not included in the Veteran's VA claims file: If no, check all records reviewed: ____ Military service treatment records ____ Military service personnel records ____ Military enlistment examination ____ Military separation examination ____ Military post-deployment questionnaire ____ Department of Defense Form 214 Separation Documents __X__ Veterans Health Administration medical records (VA treatment records) ____ Civilian medical records ____ Interviews with collateral witnesses (family and others who have known the veteran before and after military service) ____ No records were reviewed ____ Other: ______________________ b. Was pertinent information from collateral sources reviewed? No 2. History a. Relevant Social/Marital/Family history (pre-military, military, and post- military): Veteran was born in Indianapolis, IN and raised in the St Louis, MO area until the end of her 9th grade year. Veteran was raised by her mother and step-father from the age of 5. She reports that her biological father lived in TN and she had relatively frequent telephone contact and in-person every few mo nths. She has four half-siblings, two each from her biological parents. She was raised with one half-sister in the home, 9 years her senior. She and her mother and step-father moved to Cleveland, OH during her 9th grade year where she graduated from high school. She returned to the St Louis area after graduation from high school. Veteran denies childhood history of trauma or maltreatment. Veteran married in May, 2008 during leave from her deployment. They separated while veteran was still on active duty, in July 2009, and the divorce was finalized in Feb, 2012. Veteran has one daughter, born Sept 2010. Veteran does not have contact with the child's father. Veteran has lived with her mother and daughter since her discharge in Sept, 2010. She and her mother and daughter moved to NC from May 2013 until Jan 2014 which veteran reports was so that her mother could assist with the care of her grandmother. Veteran denies that she has maintained contact with her friends. She states that her friends began "acting weird" toward her and she perceives that she was being judged for her "PTSD." She states that she does not keep up with her friends any longer and spends her time at home in her room if she is not at work. She describes that limited finances restrict her activities and she and her daughter primarily watch movies at home. She states that her limited finances interfere with her prioritizing her own interests (i.e., keeping up her hairstyle, clothing). She describes that she would like to have friends, go to the movies, go to the mall but most days "I don't want to be bothered." b. Relevant Occupational, Educational, & Military history (pre-military, military, and post-military): Veteran graduated high school in 2005. She denies academic or behavior problems during her school years. She describes that she had a wide social network but did not participate in school-sponsored sports/activities. Veteran states that her biological parents, step-father, two elder siblings had served in the military which contributed to her decision to enlist in the USA in Nov, 2006. She completed basic training and AIT at Ft Jackson, SC. She was trained as a human resources specialist and her job included postal operations. She was stationed at Ft Hood, TX. Veteran deployed to Afghanistan from Jan, 2008 to April, 2009 where her duties were strictly related to postal operations. Veteran received a Chapter 8 discharge for "pregnancy and childbirth" in Sept, 2010. She achieved the rank of E4 at the time of discharge. She denies administrative or disciplinary action during her military career. Veteran moved to the Belleville, IL area after her military discharge. Veteran has attended SWIC and recently transferred to UMSL. She states that she primarily takes online courses and is presently enrolled in 5 classes (summer semester). She is expected to graduate in Spring, 2014 with a degree in criminal justice. She describes that her concentration is "off" and she is attaining mostly a "C" average. She was employed, briefly, in 2012 as a housekeeper at the St Louis VAMC but "I left on my own...I felt the supervisor was picking on me...she knew I was on medication and had appointments in this building...I just left before I did something I did not want." She recently became employed 30 hours per week with USAREC as an administrative assistant (June, 2014). She denies any other employment since Sept, 2009. She receives some income from the GI bill and child support. c. Relevant Mental Health history, to include prescribed medications and family mental health (pre-military, military, and post-military): Veteran denies mental health treatment prior to military service. Veteran describes that she had "suicidal thoughts" prior to deployment. She states that somehow "it got around to the whole company" and she states that she felt stigmatized by the other soldiers. She describes that she had problems with leadership "they always seemed to pick on me a lot...it was always favoritism, they always picked me to do details...and they had their favorites in the company...always put me on CQ...it just got to me where I was having suicidal thoughts." She denies that she actually had plan or intent for harm. She was taken to the R&R on post and she was referred off-post to see a psychologist. She recalls that this occurred 6-7 months prior to deployment. Although veteran denies any mental health distress prior to service, this examiner is in agreement with Dr O'Connor's assessment that, "it would be unusual for such stressors to lead to SI in persons with no MH history."She reports that she experienced "suicidal thoughts" during her deployment. She states that she spoke with a chaplain during her deployment and did notparticipate in further mental health treatment at that time.Veteran completed a thorough mental health diagnostic interview, focused on her desire for treatment of PTSD, at the PTSD clinic at Jefferson Barracks VAMC in Jan, 2013. Dr Shawn O'Connor completed the interview and identified, "The veteran reported that she has a long history of significant depressive symptoms dating back to 2007, prior to her deployment, for which she received treatment in the service, both stateside prior to deployment, and then immediately after arriving in OEF. The veteran reported that she wanted to 'get medications and get someone to fill out my disability benefits questionnaire.'"Veteran was determined not meet criteria for PTSD at that time. Dr O'Connor specifically noted that the veteran's complaints were related to interpersonal functioning rather than specific to her deployment/combat experiences. Veteran moved to NC, briefly, in 2013 wherein she continued mental health treatment. She was provided a diagnosis of PTSD, however, a full diagnostic interview during which specific symptoms were detailed was not completed. Thus, this diagnosis is not viewed as particularly accurate. Veteran resumed treatment at the St Louis VAMC in April, 2014 with psychiatry services only. She was provided diagnoses of Dysthymic Disorder and Rule out Axis II (personality disorder). She is prescribed Fluoxetine and Trazodone which she reports taking daily, as directed. Veteran describes that she has become increasingly irritable and uncomfortable, particularly around men. She describes that she experiences "outbursts" and has been known to throw objects or walk away from the situation. She describes that she experiences "panic attacks" with SOB, increased heart rate and "I feel real nervous", which she states occurs 3-4 times per week lasting 5-10 minutes per occasion. She states that this typically happens while she is at home, alone, in her room "my mind wanders off...thinking about different things that happened to me...and that is when it happens." She describes that she becomes distracted while watching television thinking about "how I am now...the personal assault and everything with the military period...why is this happening to me, is it my fault. Things just haven't been right since I joined the military." She reports that she has nightmares about being physically assaulted or "the deployment...bombs going off..." 4-5 times per week. She reports that the dreams awaken her and she is unable to return to sleep. She describes that she initially retires to bed at 10/1030pm, watches TV in bed but turns the TV off to go to sleep. She reports sleep onset delay of 30-60 minutes and awakens 3-4 hours later. She states that she blames herself for joining the military "that is when my life started going downhill...feeling bad that I can't provide for my daughter...I always have that guilt." She states that if she is able to return to sleep after waking, she is only able to remain asleep for one hour. She is typically awake for the day at 0500. Veteran goes to work from 0830-1530, rides the metro link to and from work, and comes straight home after work. She spends her at-home time watching television, completing school work and looking at the internet. She denies that she is involved in any activities outside of work and school assignments. Veteran's mother cares for her daughter while she is at work. She describes that her mood is such that "I don't like being around people." She states that "I feel like people will judge me for what I have been going through. I am afraid I might have my outbursts or say things I don't need to be saying...any little thing a person does will bother me." She states that she had to inform her employer (USAREC) that she had a C&P appointment today "they don't think I have PTSD..." She states that she feels that the active duty members with whom she works judge her negatively and do not believe that she has PTSD which makes her feel uncomfortable around them. Veteran endorsed depressive rumination, low energy, diminished interest, appetite increased "I overeat" and she reports that her typical weight was 145- 155 and "now I am at 240" which she states is her highest weight and that it has steadily increased since 2010. She attributes the weight gain to over-eating and increased alcohol consumption. She also endorses guilt and poor concentration. She denies actual SI, plan or intent but endorses occasional thoughts of "what would it be like if I weren't here." d. Relevant Legal & Behavioral history (pre-military, military, and post- military): Veteran reports that her spouse was verbally abusive and "very controlling." She relates an incident in July 2009 during which her spouse pushed her down and began to physically assault her about the face and arms. She states that he became destructive to property in their home. Veteran filed charges against her spouse and requested an order of protection. e. Relevant Substance abuse history (pre-military, military, and post-military): Veteran reports that during her military service she typically consumed alcohol 3 times per week. She reports that consumption over the past 3 years has been 5 times per week, 2-3 "cups" of wine cooler, or "straight" tequila or Smirnoff which, per veteran, equates to a fifth of alcohol, twice per week. "When I drink, it is to help me feel better...about myself in a lot of ways..." She denies use of illicit substances. f. Other, if any: 3. Stressors The stressful event can be due to combat, personal trauma, other life threatening situations (non-combat related stressors). NOTE: For VA purposes, "fear of hostile military or terrorist activity" means that a veteran experienced, witnessed, or was confronted with an event or circumstance that involved actual or threatened death or serious injury, or a threat to the physical integrity of the veteran or others, such as from an actual or potential improvised explosive device; vehicle-imbedded explosive device; incoming artillery, rocket, or mortar fire; grenade; small arms fire, including suspected sniper fire; or attack upon friendly military aircraft. Describe one or more specific stressor event (s) the Veteran considers traumatic (may be pre-military, military, or post-military): a. Stressor #1: Veteran reports that their FOB was attacked several times per day, and during the night, by rockets and mortars. She describes that her postal mission included having to travel by convoy to complete the postal mission. She describes that she was aware of others being injured killed on convoy missions and she was "always scared" while on convoys which she states occurred 3 times per week, "just the thought of, 'what if I get killed'". Does this stressor meet Criterion A (i.e., is it adequate to support the diagnosis of PTSD)? Yes Is the stressor related to the Veteran's fear of hostile military or terrorist activity? Yes Is the stressor related to personal assault, e.g. military sexual trauma? No b. Stressor #2: July 2009 - assault by former spouse Does this stressor meet Criterion A (i.e., is it adequate to support the diagnosis of PTSD)? Yes Is the stressor related to the Veteran's fear of hostile military or terrorist activity? No If no, explain: not military Is the stressor related to personal assault, e.g. military sexual trauma? Yes If yes, please describe the markers that may substantiate the stressor: police report 4. PTSD Diagnostic Criteria Please check criteria used for establishing the current PTSD diagnosis. Do NOT mark symptoms below that are clearly not attributable to the criteria A stressor/PTSD. Instead, overlapping symptoms clearly attributable to other things should be noted under #6 - other symptoms. The diagnostic criteria for PTSD, referred to as Criteria A-H, are from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition (DSM-5). Criterion A: Exposure to actual or threatened a) death, b) serious injury, c) sexual violation, in one or more of the following ways: _X_ Directly experiencing the traumatic event(s) _X_ Witnessing, in person, the traumatic event(s) as they occurred to others __ Learning that the traumatic event(s) occurred to a close family member or close friend; cases of actual or threatened death must have been violent or accidental; or, experiencing repeated or extreme exposure to aversive details of the traumatic events(s) (e.g., first responders collecting human remains; police officers repeatedly exposed to details of child abuse); this does not apply to exposure through electronic media, television, movies, or pictures, unless this exposure is work-related. Criterion B: Presence of (one or more) of the following intrusion symptoms associated with the traumatic event(s), beginning after the traumatic event(s) occurred: __ Recurrent, involuntary, and intrusive distressing memories of the traumatic event(s). _X_ Recurrent distressing dreams in which the content and/or effect of the dream are related to the traumatic event(s). __ Dissociative reactions (e.g., flashbacks) in which the individual feels or acts as if the traumatic event(s) were recurring. (Such reactions may occur on a continuum, with the most extreme expression being a complete loss of awareness of present surroundings). __ Intense or prolonged psychological distress at exposure to internal or external cues that symbolize or resemble an aspect of the traumatic event(s). __ Marked physiological reactions to internal or external cues that symbolize or resemble an aspect of the traumatic event(s). Criterion C: Persistent avoidance of stimuli associated with the traumatic event (s), beginning after the traumatic events(s) occurred, as evidenced by one or both of the following: __ Avoidance of or efforts to avoid distressing memories, thoughts, or feelings about or closely associated with the traumatic event(s). __ Avoidance of or efforts to avoid external reminders (people, places, conversations, activities, objects, situations) that arouse distressing memories, thoughts, or feelings about or closely associated with the traumatic event(s). Criterion D: Negative alterations in cognitions and mood associated with the traumatic event(s), beginning or worsening after the traumatic event(s) occurred, as evidenced by two (or more) of the following: __ Inability to remember an important aspect of the traumatic event(s) (typically due to dissociative amnesia and not to other factors such as head injury, alcohol, or drugs). __ Persistent and exaggerated negative beliefs or expectations about oneself, others, or the world (e.g., "I am bad", "No one can be trusted", "The world is completely dangerous", "My whole nervous system is permanently ruined"). __ Persistent, distorted cognitions about the cause or consequences of the traumatic event(s) that lead to the individual to blame himself/herself or others. __ Persistent negative emotional state (e.g., fear, horror, anger, guilt, or shame). __ Markedly diminished interest or participation in significant activities. __ Feelings of detachment or estrangement from others. __ Persistent inability to experience positive emotions (e.g., inability to experience happiness, satisfaction, or loving feelings.) Criterion E: Marked alterations in arousal and reactivity associated with the traumatic event(s), beginning or worsening after the traumatic event(s) occurred, as evidenced by two (or more) of the following: __ Irritable behavior and angry outbursts (with little or no provocation) typically expressed as verbal or physical aggression toward people or object __ Reckless or self-destructive behavior. __ Hypervigilance. __ Exaggerated startle response. __ Problems with concentration. _X_ Sleep disturbance (e.g., difficulty falling or staying asleep or restless sleep). Criterion F: __ Duration of the disturbance (Criteria B, C, D, and E) is more than 1 month. Criterion G: __ The disturbance causes clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning. Criterion H: __ The disturbance is not attributable to the physiological effects of a substance (e.g., medication, alcohol) or another medical condition. 5. Symptoms For VA rating purposes, check all symptoms that apply to the Veteran's diagnoses: The veteran was advised to present to the JC ER should he experience any active suicidal or homicidal ideation; he readily agreed to do so, should the need arise. The veteran was also given multiple 24-hour crisis hotline numbers. Given that the veteran denied current SI/HI, plan, or intent, was futuristic in his thinking, and contracted to access emergency services, should the need arise, he is considered sustainable as an outpatient at this time. _X_ Depressed mood _X_ Anxiety __ Suspiciousness __ Panic attacks that occur weekly or less often __ Panic attacks more than once a week __ Near-continuous panic or depression affecting the ability to function independently, appropriately and effectively _X_ Chronic sleep impairment __ Mild memory loss, such as forgetting names, directions or recent events __ Impairment of short- and long-term memory, for example, retention of only highly learned material, while forgetting to complete tasks __ Memory loss for names of close relatives, own occupation, or own name __ Flattened affect __ Circumstantial, circumlocutory or stereotyped speech __ Speech intermittently illogical, obscure, or irrelevant __ Difficulty in understanding complex commands __ Impaired judgment __ Impaired abstract thinking __ Gross impairment in thought processes or communication __ Disturbances of motivation and mood __ Difficulty in establishing and maintaining effective work and social relationships __ Difficulty in adapting to stressful circumstances, including work or a work- like setting __ Inability to establish and maintain effective relationships __ Suicidal ideation __ Obsessional rituals which interfere with routine activities __ Impaired impulse control, such as unprovoked irritability with periods of violence __ Spatial disorientation __ Persistent delusions or hallucinations __ Grossly inappropriate behavior __ Persistent danger of hurting self or others __ Neglect of personal appearance and hygiene __ Intermittent inability to perform ADLs, including maintaining minimal personal hygiene __ Disorientation to time or place Behavioral Observations: Veteran arrived on time, appropriately dressed and responded appropriately throughout the examination. No obvious difficulties with speech, concentration, gait, orientation or fund of knowledge were observed. Veteran appeared to provide an accurate representation of his current mental health status. 6. Other symptoms Does the Veteran have any other symptoms attributable to PTSD (and other mental disorders) that are not listed above? [ X] Yes [ ] No If yes, describe: increased alcohol consumption 7. Competency Is the Veteran capable of managing his or her financial affairs? _X_ Yes __ No 8. Remarks, if any: Per VA mandate, all C&P examinations conducted after 12/1/2013 should utilize DSM-5 diagnostic criteria, but should also note in the remarks whether the veteran's diagnostic status would differ if DSM-IV TR diagnostic criteria were utilized. These guidelines were adhered to for today's evaluation. Please see below. Based on today's report of symptoms and a review of the veteran's medical records it is the opinion of this examiner that the veteran does NOT meet criteria for a diagnosis of PTSD. Although she identifies Criterion A stressor and symptoms of re-experiencing the event(s), she does not identify sufficient symptoms from the remaining criteria to warrant a diagnosis of PTSD. Her symptoms appear to be more depressive in nature rather than a specific response to trauma. Veteran is provided a diagnosis of Major Depressive Disorder with anxious distress. Her symptoms appear to be related to current psychosocial stressors and ruminative depressive thoughts of self-blame related to her military service, (i.e., that she blames herself for joining the military "that is when my life started going downhill...feeling bad that I can't provide for my daughter...I always have that guilt."). Thus, it is opined that her current diagnosis is as likely as not related to her military service, however is perpetuated by ongoing psychosocial stressors unrelated to service. Veteran has not yet engaged in appropriate mental health treatment for her depressive symptoms (i.e., evidence based psychotherapy) which she is encouraged to consider. Veteran is also provided a diagnosis of Alcohol Use Disorder which appears to be secondary to her depressive conditions.
  2. the VA has all my military treatment records that show the sucidal thoughts,depression,and even taking me to the emergency room for the suicidal thoughts.unfortunately the va examiner "couldn't" access them but hopefully the va rater sees everything and makes the RIGHT decision..but who knows
  3. Yeah that's what I don't get...it's not my fault i was assaulted by my now ex husband..not my fault that I deployed overseas and was on numerous convoys to different FOBS to perform postal operations..I wish she wouldve made her opinion more clear so it won't be any confusion..not only that but looked at the WHOLE VA claim file and not just the VA medical records.If you wasn't able to get into the system to view everything,you shouldve had me come back when you was able to view it. It's like everything is up in the air right now because it can go either way,being denied or granted..I'm just not getting my hopes up
  4. Before my exam, I was diagnosed with PTSD, Major Depressive Disorder, and Dsythmia..Once i got my c&p results,it states that she found i was not found to be diagnosed with PTSD due to me not meeting ALL of the criteria,eventhough i met a couple due to being overseas plus the personal assualt that occurred. Only diagnosis I have that was submitted on the exam was Major Depressive Disorder and Alcohol Use Disorder.
  5. I went and got a copy of my exam from the st.llouis va medical center today...and it was not what I expected. First she denied I had ptsd (for combat related and also personal assault and it was mostly due to depression..then for my mental conditions she wrote major depressive disorder with anxiety distress and also wrote down alcohol use disorder. ..to make things worse she ONLY viewed my va medical records and not my whole claim file due error issues with the system..and at the remarks area, she wrote that "her symptoms appear to be related to current psychosocial stressors and ruminate depressive thoughts of self blame related to her military service.Thus, it is opined that her current diagnosis is as likely as not related to her military ser, however is perpetuated by ongoing psychosocial stressors unrelated to service"...She only checked off that i was experiencing anxiety,and depression..for occupational and social impairment she marked me as 30 percent..I don't even know what to expect for my decision because of all this..im afraid it will be another denial (the first one was because they never rescheduled my first exam so they automatically denied me)..she didn't write everything I said which really pissed me off..And another thing...She agreed with a VA doctor I seen a while back that stated it would be unusual for such stressors to lead SI in persons with no mental health history..that is really BS because I had ZERO mental health history before entering in the service..even my mom is upset about this!!How should I handle this?? Is there any hope left in getting granted (probably not).Im so upset right now!!
  6. Hello everyone, I reopened my claim back in January due to a denial last September for PTSD and Mental Condition. I sent in a reconsideration due to a C&P exam never being rescheduled,so they reopened it. I had my C&P exam yesterday(I thought it went well) and the doctor signed off on it and it was sent back to the Chicago RO this afternoon. Well,I just called Peggy to check to see if anything else was needed and I was told my claim was noted as special status,meaning it was an expedited claim.I haven't sent in anything for a hardship so I'm not sure what it means for my claim and why it was noted.It was originally opened in May 2012 so I didn't think it had anything to do with the length of my claim.Does anyone have any idea what this means??Thanks!!
  7. Hello everyone. I have an upcoming C&P that is scheduled in a few weeks. I filed for PTSD (both combat and physical assualt related) and mental condition. I am a little nervous because I don't know what to expect once at the exam. I know I have to be honest about everything,but I want to be sure I leave nothing out. This has been a long two years of this claim pending. Any advice on what to do or not to do while at or before the exam?
  8. Hello everyone.I was wondering if i can get some helpful advice on how to have a successful claim.I have filed for PTSD,depression,anxiety,and mental condition.Here's a summary if what happened: I enlisted in the Army in 2006 and while stationed in Texas in 2007, i was seen in the ER and was sent for a referral at the R&R center on base for what was going on. They was saying that i was going through depression and anxiety with being home sick and relationship issues all while in the military.While i was deployed in 2008 in Afghanistan, I was sent to the hospital on my FOB to see a counselor about depression and anxiety AGAIN about being deployed (i was on a fob where we was always hit alot) and marital issues.I was also on convoy a few times a week,which cause me to also be fearful alot.When i got out in 2010,im still going through the same thing but worse.My anger is also real short, which was never an issue until i got into the military.I try to control it but it's always an issue and i can't control it.I was seeing a doctor at the St.Louis Va Hospital,but i no longer go there due to difficulty of getting to my appointments.I live about 35 minutes away from there.At the time he had me on setraline for depression for about 30 days.Im now seeing a private doctor at a local mental health clinic in my area and she prescribed me cyproheptadine (for nightmares) and put me back on sertraline (depression) since it did not work when a VA doctor prescribed it to me back in July.While at my appointment this past week,they made a diagnosis for major depressive disorder and PTSD.She wouldnt sign any DBQ's for me yet since I havent been there long enough,but they are going to send in my medical records to the Chicago Regional Office thats handling my claim.Is there anything I should do at this point?I had a VSO but when they was supposed to send in some paperwork work,the VA never received.Any advice would be helpful.Thanks.
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