I was awarded IU last May 2013 with an effective date of May 2012. I filed a request last month that my IU status be considered to be P & T. To support my request I submitted a letter from the Neosurgeon who is treating my SC, IVDS (Lumbar Spine) and who performed my lumbar laminectomy. On the letter he stated that the condition of my lumbar spine will not have a significant improvement in the future and thus anticipate that I will be permanently disabled. I also submitted a copy of the evaluation of the VR & E therapist that I am not feasible for any training and employment due to the severity of my SC disabilities and thus I am enrolled in ILP.
Last week I received a letter from the VARO that states:
You may be entitled to the compensation at the 100 percent rate if you are unable to secure and follow a substantially gainful occupation because of your service connected disabilities. If you believe you qualify, complete, sign and return the enclosed VA Form 21-8940, Veterans Application for Increase Compensation Based on Unemployability.
Send us any treatment related to your claimed conditions. This includes reports or statements from doctors, hospitals, laboratories, medical facilities, mental health clinics etc.
I am just wandering if I have to resend all these reports which they already have and used to rate my disabilities. They already rated me with IU, do I still have to fill up another VA Form 21-8940.
As stated above, I already sent the letters or documents to support my request.