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Second Class Petty Officers
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About thomasc

  • Birthday April 12

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  1. Has anyone heard of sleep apnea being rated secondary to GERD? GERD acid attacks and sleep apnea seem to have similar effects on breathing. Stomach acid can cause some physical damage in the throat.
  2. nefera, I was curious how your sleep study went? did the VA perform your test? I had my sleep study 6/2013, VA gave me a CPAP a week later. There's some attorney in Florida that feels sleep apnea shouldn't be rated, and has made it harder to get rated. Just keep moving forward!
  3. BBE came today! The VA narrative is crazy, basically it says that I was not been rated higher earlier because I did not tell my VA doctors how bad I was. The VA was able to determine my condition from SSDI C&P and that's why I was given an increase. I advise any Veteran receiving SSDI to turn your C&Ps from social security in yourself, it seems that's what saved my A$$! I was rated 70% July 2010, and put in for TDIU April 2011. My BBE has an effective date of April 2011, I am thinking it should be July 2010 because it was filed within a year. Its been awhile, amazing how the years have gone by!
  4. Thanks everyone, still kind of sinking in. Today we got the family all ID'ed up, and meet with state VSO who filled out application for property tax exemption. I am ready for a vacation just need my retro.
  5. That's right - 100% p&t! I logged onto ebenefits and claim was complete with All letters available. It's been a long battle, but with hadit I was almost guaranteed victory. Thank you!
  6. That's half the battle! So where is Dr. Sniger located? I might need some backup myself. Did you have a long wait time? What about the fees?
  7. Hello mos1833, I wonder if your VSO withdrew your CUE claim without your knowledge. VSOs make decisions on our behalf, and sometimes without telling Veterans.
  8. That's one wasted space, because we all know the VA doesn't gather anything! Maybe the VA should use the K.I.S.S. method Claim->Decision->Notice.
  9. Congrats Bob, I know just how you feel! this crazy claims process continues to haunt all Veterans, leaving more questions sometimes than answers. Are you happy with the 90%? or do still have fighting to do? This would be a good time for a vacation to clear your mind and push the reset button.
  10. Shyne, Have you had any updates on ebenefits? It seems you have a lot going on, and the VA seems to love it when Veterans file appeals and file TDIU at the same time. This happened to me, and caused my claims to become intertwined with serious delays. Do you have a VSO? if so what's their advise? Good luck!
  11. Congrats Navy04, sounds like your set. Keep giving your advise on hadit.com as its priceless to other Vets, you've been there done that!
  12. Interesting, I am rated 60% for GERD => Hiatal Hernia, and diagnosed with anemia. I had a stress test for chest pain, but Doctor said my heart was fine, but I am still having chest pain. I've been thinking it might be something to do with my lungs, just a pain to the right side of my chest.
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