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About Valenti

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  • Service Connected Disability
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    Air Force
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  1. I just read something regarding the TDUI that has me a bit nervous to say the least. My wife currently gets 50% for Dysthymic Disorder. As I stated we applied for TDUI, with a letter from her VA psychologist and psychiatrist. The letter however lists her as having a personality disorder. I read that since personality disorder is listed when the VA opens up her records for this TDUI that they may tie her Dysthymic Disorder, to the personalty disorder. Since Personality Disorders are always considered a genetic or pre existing condition she may loose the 50% she is already getting? Is this the case?
  2. To John99 Currently I am in Augusta GA, moving back to Omaha Nebraska in March (have family there that can help). So far her VA doctors have been real helpful in trying to help her get this as they see she isn't fit to be working. Really hoping the doctors in Nebraska will be as helpful. All her medical care is through the VA. She only has been rated at 50% for her mental disorder (Dysthymic) the rest of her 80% is a variety of other things. If she got this TDUI I would be so happy for her, honestly I keep her out of the loop as much as I can cause it stresses her out more then needed.
  3. To John999 Yeah I an currently getting a stipend for being my wifes caregiver, she is at moderate level (she doesn't really need constant care as she does supervision). The letter from her psychologist and psychiatrist are already attached to her claim and I contacted her psychologist to see if we can amend the letter or something. In all honesty although the additional money would be fantastic I really just need to be able to get my wife on post/base so I can get her to use the pool on a daily basis. Getting into the pool a the VA clinic for a hour a week doesn't help much. How does the VA deal with mental disorders as far as TDIU? Do they look at the issues as individually or the effect as a whole.
  4. Thankfully she has the letter from both her psychologist and psychiatrist stating she is unable to work now or in the foreseeable future. However it does not specificaly say service connected beyond the Dysthymic Disorder that she was awarded 50% for. VA doctors diagnosed her with Major Depressive Disorder, Anxiety Disorder, Dysthymia & Personality Disorder. So I don't know how they figure in the other disorders being they are so closely related. Do they award a percentage for each disorder (if it is service connected) or is it just the largest of all the disorders? Where would I find the form that needs to be sent to her former employer?
  5. Ok now I am at a place where I can give a more in depth answer. Dysthymic Disorder 50% Sleep Disturbance 30% Cervical Spinal Strain 10% Bulging disc Lumbar spine 10% Right Knee ligament tear 10% Bilateral Tinnitus 10% Allergic rhinitis 10% She has several other thing listed but they offer 0% She lost her job cause she was unable to perform the duties, things got worse after that. The VA doctors diagnosed her with Major Depressive Disorder, Anxiety Disorder, Dysthymia & Personality Disorder. Only the Dysthymia she currently recieves a rating for. I am not sure if we need to somehow prove that the other disorders are also service connected. It is rather confusing to me since they are all intertwined with eachother. Ebenifits currently say she should expect a answer come April. We are moving back home in March, as her caregiver I need some extra support as I can't leave her alone for any extended period of time. With family being present I will be able to go shopping pay bills etc w/out having to bring her along if she is unwilling or unable to do so. I have read about a C&P exam, needing a form from her previous employer, among other things. I am just not sure what to expect as I am the one doing the research and foot work involving her only when needed because it places un needed preasure on her. I just want to know what to expect in the next coming months.
  6. I keep reading horror stories of people going through this process, so I was curious to get peoples thoughts that know more the myself.
  7. I am the caregiver for my wife as such I am posting on her behalf. In 2008 my wife was awarded 80% disability rating from the VA. The largest portion of her rating comes from Dysthymia disorder at 50%, the remaining being from physical alements. In April of 2013 my wife became unemployed and as such had a mental breakdown. She began to recieve additional treatment and was advised by a VA social worker to apply for unemployability, and we did that in July. In November both her VA psychologist and psychiatrist signed off diagnosing her with Major Depressive Disorder, Anxiety Disorder, Dysthymia & Personality Disorder,(that is much more then her initial VA disability claim but I assume it is all inter related) The letter continues to state that it is of their opinion that due ther her anxiety, depression, and pain are of such severity that she cannot establish or maintain substantial gainful employment at the present time and the foreseeable future. I scanned in and attached this letter into her claim as evidence. The claim although still under processing now states that she is slated to have a answer in April of 2014. I guess I am just curious as to what to expect next and the chances of her recieving approval in April? I have read that although it isn't suposed to age will often be a factor in approval or denial. My wife is 36 going on 37 this year.
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