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About dertmagurt

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  1. I've been roaming the forums and I've definitely noticed some legit claims, but I've also noticed a bunch of bogus ones. Most of my personal friends fall into the bogus category... Meaning they weren't grunts, some weren't even active duty, they didn't deploy, and most of their disabilities should only pertain to combat vets. How exactly do pogs qualify for PTSD? It's pretty infuriating... I humped every other week 20-25 miles with 80-100 lbs of gear and I only weighed 115 lbs at the time. Obviously it took a toll on my knees and back. That's not counting the many other physically demanding aspects of being a Marine infantryman. It's hard to not think of the majority of people seeking benefits as lazy or welfare queens. I've read posts from reservist pogs complaining they only have 80% and they're still fighting to achieve 100% and people who have 100% still want more! Super frustrating to know that people like that who most would agree are undeserving are keeping benefits out of the hand of those that truly need them (not even counting myself). I lost 7 friends in my time in the Marines. Countless others were shot or blown up. One of my seniors has 3 Purple Hearts and he only gets 20%. I'm not sure how to feel. I was talked into making a claim over the years and heard about this site. I felt deserving the last week, but after reading some of these posts I'm disgusted and want no association. Any of you feel the same? Does anyone tell pog reservists to get a job and quit gaming the system? I think it's a disservice to true vets and the real disabled or wounded.
  2. Oh and if it matters I was an active duty infantryman. Two deployments, neither were two Afghan or Iraq.
  3. Basically I have had chronic knee and back pain for 8 years. Never went to medical in the Marines or to a civilian doctor either until today. His diagnosis: runner's knee and mobility issues (meaning I should stretch more) Some days the pain is worse than on others, but half the time I'd describe it as severe, so his weak diagnosis was quite shocking to me. Anyway, what do you guys think? Worth the time and effort or suck it up like I've been brainwashed to.
  4. So basically he concluded I have runner's knee and a tight back. A radiologist is going to look at my x-rays more in depth, but obviously the aforementioned diagnosis doesn't sound that serious. Not sure if it's true, I've had chronic pain for 8 years and never saw a doctor about it so I'm no light duty commando. I've also been very active with martial arts and Crossfit so it's hard to believe my pain is due to mobility issues. Anyway my question is this: is this even worth pursuing? I was actually embarrassed when he told me what he did. I was honestly expecting something to be very wrong with my knees. If the diagnosis is true I'm not going to contribute to the already ridiculous claims that are burdening the system. So basically he concluded I have runner's knee and a tight back. A radiologist is going to look at my x-rays more in depth, but obviously the aforementioned diagnosis doesn't sound that serious. Not sure if it's true, I've had chronic pain for 8 years and never saw a doctor about it so I'm no light duty commando. I've also been very active with martial arts and Crossfit so it's hard to believe my pain is due to mobility issues. Anyway my question is this: is this even worth pursuing? I was actually embarrassed when he told me what he did. I was honestly expecting something to be very wrong with my knees. If the diagnosis is true I'm not going to contribute to the already ridiculous claims that are burdening the system.
  5. I'm waiting at the doctor's office as we speak. I definitely have a few vet friends (teammates, superiors, and my corpsman) who can vouch for my knees. I even got a few page 11s for being underweight so if they're willing to nonrec for me it they also damn well better be willing to take it into consideration for my joint issues. Again I can't thank y'all enough for the advice.
  6. The discomfort in my knees is daily, I think I've just grown accustomed to it and it definitely developed in the Marines. As did my back problem. I have zero documentation anywhere... That's why I was such a "good" Marine. Never complained or went on light duty. Looking back though I feel a bit deceived and taken advantage of. If you guys feel like it is a genuine waste of time, which is what CAL VET told me originally then I guess I can just forgive and forget. I'm looking to work in a federal agency anyway so hopefully their medical benefits can fix me up if necessary. My plan was to go see the school doctor this week and have him check out my back and knees. Follow up with his instructions. Hopefully build up a case over a few weeks or months about my injuries and then file with the VA with the help of CAL VET or whoever else. Originally I had heard from a friend that this site had lawyers who would fight for your claim if you gave them half the back pay or something. To be honest, I've never cared about the benefits (obviously), but lately I have noticed my knees and back getting worse and I alway wanted them documented just in case they gave out on me so the Corps would help me fix them. I didn't even know you got paid monthly for it. Hearing that 95% of my friends and former vets do have a rating, though, is frustrating. Especially if they had a desk job (no offense). I literally broke my back my whole enlistment and I have zero so yeah I guess it's also that too.
  7. Thanks for the prompt and informative responses, guys. I am in talks again with CAL VETS, but this time I won't shy away from discussing my issues. It's still a bit hard for me to admit I have problems because of that Marine mentality. Anyway, someone asked for more details. I was a good Marine. Two deployments to combat zones, but no actual combat. Still lost more brothers than I care to count, though. Mostly suicides. Never been to Iraq or Afghanistan. Always had high pro cons, expert marksmanship, perfect PFT, picked up rank fast, held high billets, got several personal awards, etc, I just never went to BAS. My last month in, my SSGT made us all go and I was open to documenting my back and knees, but the corpsman tried to degrade me ("he says his knees hurt when he runs, hahaha") so I just left. That was my only medical experience, I doubt it was recorded. Actually I did get a few STD tests, doubt that means anything though. As far as my issues: - My knees almost always have this sharp pain directly behind my patella. If I run, after about a mile they start to lock up. In the Corps, we'd hump every other Friday and afterwards my legs would completely lock up for 24 hours. I couldn't bend my knees at all, so no walking, driving, etc. - Besides my knees, my lower back has this awkward curve in it and also always has a sharp pain in it. More dull, but if I twist or bend at certain angles it can be excruciating. I assume it's from humping 60-100 lbs of gear on a regular basis when I only weighed 120 max at the time. - Ears I feel kinda deaf. Not super serious, no ringing usually. My friends and family always make fun of me for having the volume on everything super loud and asking people to constantly repeat things. - Lastly, ever since I got out I have horrific night sweats. No nightmares, but 90% of the time, regardless of open window, fan, or AC, I will wake up completely drenched and my bed will be soaked through. Again I really appreciate all the help guys. I'll be happy to provide any more information. Pretty sure that sums it up, though. Semper.
  8. Hey everyone, Marine Corps infantryman here, 2005-2009. Never went to BAS, never go to civilian doctors. Yet, I have jacked up knees and the lower back of a grandpa. A CAL VET rep from my college talked me into starting a claim, but when I went to his office at the Loma Linda VA I was told "Ha! Out for 4 years? No records? No CAR? Good luck. Bye." I was always under the impression that disability was a fraudulent way that people with no integrity pursued, until the majority of my veteran friends snapped me out of that mindset. I was also worried it'd affect my chance of employment. Anyway, I need all sorts of help. I have no idea where to start or what to do. Any and all information would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance guys. Semper fi.
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