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Nineteendelta last won the day on October 1 2014

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  1. Thank for your reply NavyWife. Lots of great information. It is certainly of great help.
  2. Thank you for your reply Navywife. Yes have been denied. I started a topic called post concussion syndrome vs tbi. I need to put a game together for an appeal. Once again thank you.
  3. Hi all is there a DBQ for TBI and where can I find? Thank you.
  4. Thank you for the reply carlie, below is exactly what the letter states, Traumatic brain injury (TBI) Service connection may be granted for a disability which began in military service or was caused by some even or experience in service. Service connection for traumatic brain injury (TBI) is denied because the medical evidence of record fails to show that this disability has been clinically diagnosed. Upon examination on May 3, 2014 the examiner found that you do not meet the criteria for a diagnosis of TBI. With your receipt of the Combat Action Badge we requested the VA examination and asked the examiner to opine on the connection of any TBI diagnosis with the acknowledged events leading to your Combat medal. No diagnosis was found, therefore, service connection for traumatic brain injury (TBI) is denied. Headaches Service connection may be granted for a disease or injury which resulted from a service connection disability or was aggravated thereby. The evidence does not show that traumatic brain injury (TBI) is related to service. Therefore, service connections for headaches on a secondary basis to this condition cannot be established. There is no evidence showing headaches was incurred in or aggravated by military service. Also, I called VA to ask what this ment. I was told something about without a TBI diagnosis the examiner could not say I had TBI. I am totally comfused. I was told that the combat action badge (that i recieved for the IED attack) did not state what it was for. I sent in my DA Form 638 that states I was involved in an IED, but after reveiwing the list of evidence considered DA Form 638 was not listed. I am 100% sure I included it when I sent in my packet. I have requested the C&P exam notes and will be requesting my C-file. I have already set up an appointment with a private neurologist for next week. I plan on appealing the desicion and sending in a DBQ and Nexus letter.
  5. Hello all, I am pretty new to this site. I just received my denial letter for tbi and headaches secondary to tbi. I take two meds for my headaches prescribed by va neurologist and have been seeing va speech path For help my memory problems. I was denied because they said I didn't have a diagnoses of tbi, I do however have a diagnosed of post concussion syndrome. From what I have read the two are the same thing or am wrong?
  6. Hello everyone, I need advice on submitting for SC and thank you in advance. First my background, I was in Southern Iraq (Camp Bucca) from Nov. 2006 to Oct. 2007. The first half of the tour we were tasked with route clearance. The second half we were tasked manning guard towers. During the time guarding the towers we were constantly breathing in odor from the sewage ponds and breathing in smoke from the open burn pits. The ponds and burn pits were no more than 200 yards from the towers we would man. The smoke was constant and made my eyes and nostrils sting while leaving a bad taste in my mouth. A lot of the times it would be black and thick. While at Bucca I was hospitalized with “acute gastroenteritis” and “acute renal failure” for three days. I was unable to keep anything down, coming out both ends. I am currently rated at 30% ptsd and 10% tinnitus. I had been complaining to my VA pcp about bloating, alternating constipation and diarrhea and she would say to talk to MH since it was probably due to my ptsd medication. When I talked to MH they would say it was not the ptsd medication because it would not cause alternating constipation and diarrhea (I should have pressed more). I finally gave up and went to a private doctor. They did a colonoscopy and found cancer in my rectum about a year ago (VA dropped the ball). All is well now except the sigmoidoscopy every three months. I have read that some vets have been getting cancer due to burn pits. Is it possible to claim rectal cancer for SC and would It be hard to prove or is it one of the presumptive GWS? I also wanted to put in for IBS since I still have alternating bloating, constipation and diarrhea. I have my medical record saying I was hospitalized for three days. My next question is if I applied for IBS, would VA say it is due to my cancer (if I put in for rectal cancer and was denied) and deny me SC? Has anyone had a similar situation? How should I move forward with this? To me it seems kinda messy. Any input is helpful.
  7. Does anyone know about the vista system? I had a c & p exam on May 3, 2014 and on my downloaded blue button notes it says to look in the vista system. How and where can I read my exam notes on the vista system? Thank you in advance.
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