Update on this thread.
First I like to thank all those who has giving me advice on this particular thread.
I received my decision from the BVA yesterday and I was granted two, remanded one and denied one. One of the big grants was my earlier effective date back to Jan 1993. I particular want to thank Asknod for your advice on how to attack the EED. I took your advice and did a NOD for EED instead of trying to get the EED by way of CUE.
I wrote my own form 9. I did all the research of applicable regulations and president case that applied to mine. The VA law judge applied some of the same regulations and cases that I had on my form 9.
Again, thank everybody that gave me advice!
This is money that my family and I really need whenever it gets implemented. I know it takes 3 signatures when it's over 25k.
Now the wait again, ugh!