Hello everyone, first time posting here. I have started an IU claim back in April 2014, I attended to C&Ps for increase for IVDS, TBI with Migraines, Cognitive disorder and MDD. The C&Ps seemed to go well, the C&Ps functional impact areas were noted as followed:
IVDS: Does the Veteran's thoracolumbar spine (back) condition impact his or her ability to work?
If yes decribe the impact of each of the Veteran's thoracolumbar spine (back) conditions providing one or more examples:
He would have trouble bending, stooping, climbing stairs. However, he was a contractor working with computers with his job running out March 2014. Therefore, he can work sedentary work like working on computers.
TBI: Does the Veteran's residual conditions attributable to a traumatic brain injury impact his or her ability to work?
The veteran can function in an occupational environment with his service connected condition of Cognitive Disorder NOS with limitations.
Cognitive Disorder NOS:
Work Impact; It may take him longer to process, memorize and learn some types of information. Therefore he should plan accordingly to account for the extra time necessary for him to become proficient in new skills. He should avoid overly stimulating and noisy crowded environment.
On the Cognitive Disorder NOS, the psychologist noted that in his opinion it wouldn't preclude me from securing and following substantial gainful employment.
I also have a letter from an Orthopedic Specialist outside the VA which indicated that according to his observations based on the MRI and I am a candidate for surgery, but also that he would like to exhaust all possible treatment options before conducting surgery because it doesn't work in all the cases. Also the examiner at the C&P explained to me that because I have L1 thru L5 and S1 that she doesn't recommended based on the location of the wedging.
I took the C&P results to my VSO and he said that he thinks that I have a good shot at it. I have personally other VA decisions and seems that VA has awarded IU to cases that were similar to mine, however I also understand that in the VA realm of thins that does not mean much.
I keep looking at ebennies and just working myself to frustration thinking about the possibility of a denial. I have even search around for an IMO (spoke to Dr. Anise and Dr. Busch) and I am seriously considering getting and IMO in order to ensure that there is no possible way for a long drawn out fight.
Any opinions would be much appreciated. But most importantly "Thank You All For Your SERVICE".