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First Class Petty Officer
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    SecurityForces03 got a reaction from Gastone in 100% PTSD and 100% Total??   
    You're totally right. I have pretty bad OCD, but most of us going through the VA debacle become obsessed as well.
    I try to read as it's one of my enjoyments. As you suggested, it's better I sit back and wait to see what happens. I'll post the results of the claim when I find out!
  2. Like
    SecurityForces03 reacted to Gastone in 100% PTSD and 100% Total??   
    Any chance you could post a redacted copy of your recent PTSD C & P DBQ that you believe supports a Bump from 70% to 100?
    The 38 CFR 4 rating requirements for a 100% PTSD Rating haven't changed even though the DSM IV DX Criteria has changed to the DSM V.
    You indicate this is a New Claim for PTSD Increase, what was your original PTSD Award & Effective date? You didn't NOD your original PTSD 70% Award, why not?
    Were those Fed Cops rated at 100% solely on PTSD? That would be a scary thought, from the public and employer perspective. We can only imagine the Civil Litigation exposure that would create.
    Semper Fi
  3. Like
    SecurityForces03 got a reaction from Gastone in Another PTSD exam? Already 70% SC'd! What!?   
    Any suggestion since this is for an increase? I'll bring my list of medications to my appointment. I'll just see what happens!
  4. Like
    SecurityForces03 got a reaction from flores97 in Remanded Appeal Won!!!!!   
    Thank you for the words of encouragement!! I'm going to give it a few weeks before I reach out to AMC since I've been screwed with since 2009, or even the Secretary!
  5. Like
    SecurityForces03 reacted to Berta in Remanded Appeal Won!!!!!   
    Someone might take a time frame guess but Congratulations , that is GREAT NEWS.
    NOD 2009, final award 2016.....everything is so wrong with that picture.But you hung in there!
  6. Like
    SecurityForces03 got a reaction from Navy4life in Remanded Appeal Won!!!!!   
    Hi everyone,
    Had an appeal partially granted in 2015, stemming from a 2009 NOD. In Dec of 2015, I was paid and the other half of my appeal was remanded to AMC.
    Once back at the board, the judge agreed in my favor, yesterday 7/12/16. At this point, it's been sent back to AMC for adjudication/payment.
    Does anyone know what the timeframe is for backpay from AMC?
    Thanks all!
  7. Like
    SecurityForces03 reacted to TexasMarine in Remanded Appeal back at BVA!?   
    Looks good!
    Back from the AMC is always good.  That status is usually a "black hole", taking upwards of 9 months to navigate.  So, good for you on that count.
    "With VLJ" is a status usually reserved for that point in the process where a decision to approve, remand, or deny is made.  That status most likely won't be accomplished until after you have your hearing.
    Once "With VLJ", the case can still be sent to the AMC for processing, so, I caution you not to get too excited at this point.  The AMC is like a special RO specifically for the BVA, and they, like any RO, can take it's sweet time administrating your claim.
    In addition, you can get many updates while "With VLJ".  I seen timelines that included up to 10 "With VLJ" status "updates".  And those are just from folks here on Hadit.com.
    Having said that, the fact that the VA Secretary has shown interest in your case most likely will cause your case to be processed most expeditiously.  I sure hope that holds true for you.
    Good luck to you!   And Bravo for keeping up the good fight.
  8. Like
    SecurityForces03 got a reaction from flores97 in Granted. Remanded, Retro? Oh my!   
    I have a claim appeal date of 2009.
    I was granted 0% for a hydrocelectomy in 2009 which I appealed. I was granted in December 2015 with 10 percentage increase as of 2009 and 40% increase as of 2014. The condition was renamed for a urologic disorder. Not the hydrocelectomy I had.
    The second portion was the remand. I filed for anxiety and depression in 2009 and was denied. In 2014 I applied for PTSD and was granted at 70%. I'm fighting that PTSD was anxiety and depression in 2009 as well. So the remand portion is to see if they can backdate my PTSD to 2009.
  9. Like
    SecurityForces03 got a reaction from Gastone in Granted. Remanded, Retro? Oh my!   
    I have a claim appeal date of 2009.
    I was granted 0% for a hydrocelectomy in 2009 which I appealed. I was granted in December 2015 with 10 percentage increase as of 2009 and 40% increase as of 2014. The condition was renamed for a urologic disorder. Not the hydrocelectomy I had.
    The second portion was the remand. I filed for anxiety and depression in 2009 and was denied. In 2014 I applied for PTSD and was granted at 70%. I'm fighting that PTSD was anxiety and depression in 2009 as well. So the remand portion is to see if they can backdate my PTSD to 2009.
  10. Like
    SecurityForces03 got a reaction from flores97 in Granted. Remanded, Retro? Oh my!   
    Now I just received this from VAVBAWAS/CO/Office of the USB VBA.

    Your inquiry to the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) was referred to the Office of the Under Secretary for Benefits.

    We have contacted the Director of VA's Appeals Management Center (AMC) to assist with your inquiry. A representative of the AMC will contact you in the near future.

    Best Regards,


  11. Like
    SecurityForces03 got a reaction from flores97 in Granted. Remanded, Retro? Oh my!   
    With the great help from Flores97, I decided to email the secretary of the VA today and already received a response. See below and let me know what you guys think!?
    Dear,   The Secretary received the e-mail message you sent this morning.  He forwarded your inquiry to VA leadership for review and direct feedback to you.  


    Thank you for your communication. 


    Office of the Secretary

    Department of Veterans Affairs

    810 Vermont Ave., NW

    Washington, DC  20420
  12. Like
    SecurityForces03 reacted to flores97 in Granted. Remanded, Retro? Oh my!   
    I think it should, SecurityForces03, if you haven't heard anything within a couple of weeks it will be time to send an email to VA Secretary Robert Mcdonald.
  13. Like
    SecurityForces03 reacted to broncovet in Granted. Remanded, Retro? Oh my!   
    It may help.  You have to be proactive and wait 2 weeks, then check to see if it DID happen.  
    The VA is like a four year old where you have to check to make  sure they do everything you tell them, or else they will forget or just plain ignore you.  
  14. Like
    SecurityForces03 reacted to broncovet in Granted. Remanded, Retro? Oh my!   
    This is exactly what we are talking about.  The VA publishes these rules, and, in this case, a fast letter which requires the VA to pay promptly in "partial grants".  Then what do they do?  Well, they ignore them, of course.  This is a great example of a "broken" VA.  
    Remember, BVA decisions already require "expiditious treatment", and that means "lowest priority on the totem pole", that is, if they get around to it at all.  If we say anything, then all Veterans are labeled as chronic complainers looking for a handout.  This is systemic and widespread.  
  15. Like
    SecurityForces03 reacted to Berta in Granted. Remanded, Retro? Oh my!   
    Good...this is looking up!
  16. Like
    SecurityForces03 got a reaction from flores97 in Granted. Remanded, Retro? Oh my!   
    I will do this today!!!! Thank you!
  17. Like
    SecurityForces03 reacted to Berta in Granted. Remanded, Retro? Oh my!   
    SecurityForces I personally would send them an IRIS as a complaint ( there is a complaint pop down box  for IRIS)
    referring them directly to the Fast Letter above on partial grants from the BVA.. Give them your Docket Number for the BVA decision.Or a hyperlink to it, as it is surely at the BVA web site by now.
    I have used IRIS many times but I forget if they can accept attachments.Thats OK if they don't, they can read the Fast Letter themselves because they certainly know how it works. You can copy the link above to it  and put that into the complaint.
  18. Like
    SecurityForces03 got a reaction from flores97 in Granted. Remanded, Retro? Oh my!   
    Found a good link for the fast letter. 
  19. Like
    SecurityForces03 reacted to TexasMarine in Granted. Remanded, Retro? Oh my!   
    Sorry SF03.  I am at the AMC as well, and as far as I can tell, they don't give status reports.
    Even my lawyer can't seem to penetrate their cover.  (beware the man behind curtain ;)
    Mine has been their since 10/5/15 with no end in sight.
  20. Like
    SecurityForces03 reacted to Berta in Granted. Remanded, Retro? Oh my!   
    The Training letter that regards BVA partial grants is here somewhere.
    If the claim goes on too much longer (I assume the BVA made an award) you can copy off the training letter and send it to them.
    Then again the VA is slow as molasses... and in my opinion,  the AMC is comparable to the black hole. I had a fax # for them once, then I heard they put their fax machine into a closet.
  21. Like
    SecurityForces03 got a reaction from flores97 in BVA denies EVERYTHING   
    Sorry to hear. I'm dealing with the BVA as well. 3/4 of my claim was remanded to RO and the other 1/4 was approved. Which was a no brainer. Nevertheless, keep after it, don't give up.
    I'm a Patriots fan so I have really nothing nice to say about the Broncos. Lol.
  22. Like
    SecurityForces03 got a reaction from rwskitch in BVA denies EVERYTHING   
    Sorry to hear. I'm dealing with the BVA as well. 3/4 of my claim was remanded to RO and the other 1/4 was approved. Which was a no brainer. Nevertheless, keep after it, don't give up.
    I'm a Patriots fan so I have really nothing nice to say about the Broncos. Lol.
  23. Like
    SecurityForces03 got a reaction from ArNG11 in BVA denies EVERYTHING   
    Sorry to hear. I'm dealing with the BVA as well. 3/4 of my claim was remanded to RO and the other 1/4 was approved. Which was a no brainer. Nevertheless, keep after it, don't give up.
    I'm a Patriots fan so I have really nothing nice to say about the Broncos. Lol.
  24. Like
    SecurityForces03 got a reaction from flores97 in Appeal Update...Lol?   
    Hi all,
    History for who don't know about my claim. My appeal was decided. I will receive a new percentage and pack pay.
    However, a portion was remanded for a PTSD backdate. Today I received a form regarding my appeal for release of medical records. Lol. My appeal is at my VARO in San Diego and they apparently need more evidence from any other providers. I'm already awarded PTSD in 2014. I'm just asking for a backdate of 2009. 
    Why in the world do they need a release of medical records for private physicians? How will this really matter for a date change? Mind boggling VA. The BVA agrees that my PTSD is good to go(70%), but they're saying that anxiety and depression that I was treated for after multiple deployments is different. Will be sending these forms back tomorrow :rollseyes:
  25. Like
    SecurityForces03 got a reaction from Vync in Remanded Appeal? Now what?   
    Lol, I should know better!!! Having worked for the government for over 12 years, the only thing I get on a consistent basis is a hard time!!!
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