When I received these utensils in the mail I was unaware I had Parkinson’s Disease, as that is one of the common ailments among Agent Orange/Dioxin contaminated Veterans. But it came as a surprise to my Primary VA Caregiver last week that I received this shipment.
However, I believe, my Ischemic Heart Disease to be a direct correlation to Agent Orange exposure, but at this point, the VA does not! So far I have had a quadruple by-pass and EIGHT stents due to Ischemic Heart Disease as well I have Peripheral Neuropathy, but that recently developed, I believe because all of this hit me at once. Strange enough, my 100% disability rating comes from none of the above diseases!
My medication for Ischemic Heart Disease is taken daily, but this last year I seem to have to double up on them as their strength seems to have gotten weaker over the last year.