1.) I would have requested a copy of my husbands SMR's before opening the claim .
After opening a claim the SMR's are sent to the RO & then you must rely on them to give you a complete copy. I'll never know what may have been lost along the way. Also, had I gone thru them first, I could have worded the claimed conditions more specifically as his records showed.
2.) I would have only claimed the most important issues and not put all the claims in at once.
Even though you want an earlier effective date, putting in all at once or adding to the claim as it is being worked REALLY slows the claim. Things that should be s/c but would be rated at 0% - wait on those. Yes, you want everything s/c that should be, so if it worsens you won't have such a hassel, but realize those will slow the process.
3.) I would have prepared myself for the "denial" 1st round, 2nd round etc... As most of the claims were for presumptive issues, I foolishly beleived they would be s/c'd right away. The denials are very difficult to stomach when you are watching your loved one suffer & deteriorate from conditions you know are military related. Prepare yourself & don't take it personally.
Believe in yourself, believe in your claim & consider each denial as "forced savings" when you read the denial & feel defeted, think of the lump sum you will get when you WIN ! Read the success stories & stay inspired.
It is still surreal to us. My husand was ust granted 100% p&t in July , I have my avatar at 0, since it was he that served & not me.