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About Markn123

  • Birthday 02/18/1963

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    Tarboro N.C.

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  • Service Connected Disability
  • Branch of Service

Markn123's Achievements

  1. Hello everyone, I have seen that a requirement for some SMCs are loss of Use. Would service connection for both Knees and Ankles meet the requirement needed for certain SMCs. Thanks for any assistance
  2. Would I qualify for SMC-L and I have applied for increase in knee and ankle conditions. Thanks for the reply
  3. Hello I am rated 100 P&T % for Dysthymia with generalized anxiety disorder and agoraphobia. This is secondary to Right knee osteoarthritis. * Dysthymia with generalized anxiety disorder and agoraphobia - 100% · Right knee osteoarthritis – 20% · Left knee osteoarthritis – 10% · Bi-Lateral Right ankle - 10% Left ankle – 10% I am filing for increases for knee and ankle conditions. My knee conditions are not be rated as bi-lateral, should they and if not what are the requirement to be rated bi-lateral. Also can I also file for subluxation of these joints and ankylosis? Do I qualify do for Housebound and Aid and Attendance? Thanks for any assistance.
  4. Thanks GulfVet45 and Carlie and everyone else who this post may help.
  5. I am currently 80% Permanent and Total IU and I filed several claims about 7 years that were denied because the VA said they were not service connected. The claims were for GERD and Bi-Lateral Peripheral Neuropathy (not diabetic). The PN was diagnosed by the VA in 2004 and I am also being treated for Gerd. I am sure they are both related to the contaminated water at Camp Lejeune ( was there 1982-84)and was wondering should I file to reopen these claims because of this new evidence. Could these claims could aid in the future for SMCs or getting schedular 100% or could this cause the VA to re-look at my IU conditions.
  6. He received a decision from the VA last month that denied his claim for the ankle and related issues. he filed a NOD just last week and they responded back in only a week stating he did not send in the required new and material information needed to reopen the 3 year old claim. I will suggest that he request an DRO revies as the appeal and resend all the information as certified and return receipt, because they do not mention about the orthopaedic evidence. He is working and has previously filed a claim for TDIU over a year ago but was denied. If he files for an increase stating his PTSD has worsened because of a tour in Afghanistan in 2010, would this enough to reopened the denied TDIU claim. He works but he struggles to make it through every week.
  7. A friend of mines who is already rated 70%(PTSD) had submitted a claim last year requesting a claim he filed back in 2007 be reopened for flat feet, ankle surgery and bilateral bunion pain. The claim was denied because VARO said " New and material evidence had not been submitted". During the last year, his PCP doctor had sent him to see an Orthopaedic specialist who said all these conditions were a result of an in service ankle injury that he had surgery on while enlisted. This is information that was not previously submitted with his first claim; so why is this not considered new and material evidence. Could he drop the reopen claims and used this evidence to open a new claim? Should he had filed these claims as secondary to his PTSD condition?
  8. My wife has obtained her High School Diploma. She was approved for Chapter 35 bennies last year. She wants to take an online degree course. The school is one of the top accrediated online school..University of ------- ..Does Chapter 35 pay for online degree courses?
  9. Yes the community has a High School diploma course. But she was seeing if she could do it home online. I will tell her to ask the community college. Its an accredited online school. thanks
  10. My wife is thinking of taking an online High School Diploma course. Will most community colleges allow the diploma when applying for Chapter 35 and pursuing an degree.
  11. Yes Berta as a matter of fact about 6 months ago my VAMC mental health doctor diagnosed me with General Anxiety Disorder with panic attacks along with my dysthymia. This is in my records. I never knew about SMC S but it is worth looking into . Thank you
  12. I am TDIU P&T for dysthymia.arthritis of knees, and ankles. I filed a claim for an home adaptation grant. Now I am scheduled for a C&P exam for the claim. Has anyone ever been to a exam for this type of grant? What should I expect?
  13. I have just received p&T and my wife wants to use the Chapter 35 benefits. she has to get her high school diploma or GED first before starting community college courses. Does Chapter 35 pay benefits while getting diploma or GED?
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