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Senior Chief Petty Officer
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Everything posted by gdsnide

  1. Berta, Well, I'm married so that's a few dollars more. Is an L award the standard award? Is it a good idea to nod an L & try for a higher award? Also, if one does this... & if I filed a NOD would I be receiving Comp. for the L Award during the time it takes to get paperwork processed at the RO? Is it worth the trouble to bring in an Attorney to try & get a higher award? Or is it next to impossible to get above the L Award? Thank you once again for the information. GARY
  2. Berta, Since U have been my mentor on so many different things I wish to present to U my progress so far & any ideas &/or comments you may have. I was talking to Rental Guy about this but him & another person got to flaming so I figured I'd come back to U. Below see my evidence & I believe there is some more but I get tired of looking at all those papers. Also, this is a copy of the one I had posted when I was talking to RG. Thank you for all your help over the years, Sincerly, GARY Post #10 Chief Petty Officer Group: Chief Petty Officers Posts: 268 Joined: 18-September 05 From: Missouri Member No.: 344 Old WebBoard Name: gdsnide OK I have a question on A & A I suffer from Epilepsy & need some one with me all the time as I am liable to have a seizure at any time. Also, I can't drive, my short term memory is shot & am always losing things as I can't remember what I did with them. I put in for A & A & every Doc I see at the VA wrote an Opinion that I need A & A. Docs include Shrink,Psychologist,Neurologist,Primary & an IMO from a Neurologist. Does this sound like a good claim? Also, I am 100% T & P because the Epilepsy was caused in the Military. If anyone thinks this claim may win ( Sent it in June 4) could said person give me an idea of the money I may get. Also, have been diagnoised with Dementia by the Shrink,Neuroligist & Psycholigst. Psycholigist said it was getting worse & I needed A & A 24 hours a day. THANK YOU for your time. GARY Berta, I have always gotten good advice from U so I am back with more questions. Any ideas,guesses &/or advice will be very appreciated as they have always been when I have asked U for help in the past. Thank You. Sincerly, GARY
  3. That sounds like something that may have happened to me if I had not found HADIT The VA should inform Veterans when they are seperating from the Military of this site. I actually trusted the VA before I found this site. What I have learned here is invaluable & the knowledge at this site is awesome. But, still when I deal with the VA I hope for the best & expect the worst GARY
  4. RG, I sincerly hope so as I could use the money. But, as usual with the VA.....Who knows?????? GARY
  5. RG, That be the case. In 1967 on the way back to the States while in Japan & sitting in a Bar & minding my own business ( I think HA) 2 Shore Patrol came in ( Kind of fuzzy what caused altercation as I had been there for about 2 hours... HA) Well, next thing I know I'm getting banged up side the head & all over by these NICE GENTLEMEN ( With them damn batons they carried) & when I hit the floor they started kicking & stomping. Definatly unfriendly as hell. HA Luckily I had a Ship Mate with me to testify on what happened. Because the ship I was on if some one went to Sick Bay they were considered a slacker, no matter what was the matter, & given all the sh-t jobs for about a month. Kind of an unwritten law but everyone knew about it. The Seizures started shortly after that & haven't quite yet. I have been awarded 100% T & P from this NICE encounter with Fellow Sailors. I still wonder to this day what started the ruckus as like I said I was a bit drunk. The best I can think of is maybe we were wearing Blues ( With that damn Suicide patch of what ship one is on) maybe that started it or maybe I cracked a joke they didn't like or maybe they didn't like where my nose was on my face. HA I just wish I hadn't been in there at that particular time when they came in there. My Buddy said " They asked him if he wanted some & he declined" HA GARY Just my Bad Luck, that was in 1967 & I was seperated from the Navy on December 18,1967. GARY
  6. RG Scroll to bottom of page & U will see that all my Docs have signed Opinions saying I need A & A GARY
  7. Rental Guy, Imagine U don't remember this one specific post so I posted it below to refresh your memory. Another item I wish to inform U of is that when I was on Pension I was rated with A & A. Had to go on Pension because in 1995 or 1994 I was running my own small const company & had been doing same for about 25 years. But I was shot out of the saddle because I had Status Epilepticious for 12 hours straight & had to be transferred to a Neurology Hospital as the one I was in couldn't stop the damn things. Bet I burnt up a lot of Neuro Transmittors that day. HA Had not been to the VA Hospital since leaving the Military in 1967. Wrong, was in there once for about 3 days because of these damn Seizures & was not even aware I could apply for SC at that time. I imagine this will be a postive item but do U think that it is a lot more convincing as I was on A & A on Pension. Thank U for your time. GARY rentalguy1 View Member Profile ipsmenu.register( "post-member-99590", '', 'popmenubutton-new', 'popmenubutton-new-out' ); Jul 25 2008, 07:23 PM Post #2 Senior Chief Petty Officer Group: Chief Petty Officers Posts: 1,235 Joined: 19-October 07 From: Bristol, TN Member No.: 3,146 Service Connected Disability: 90% Branch of Service: USA It sounds like you have a very good chance of winning, Gary. We never know exactly what the VA will do, but you bombarded them with the correct evidence from the beginning, so it has a better than fair chance at success. <A href=http://www.hadit.com/forums/index.php?showuser=344">gdsnide View Member Profile ipsmenu.register( "post-member-99581", '', 'popmenubutton-new', 'popmenubutton-new-out' ); Jul 25 2008, 05:45 PM Post #3 Chief Petty Officer Group: Chief Petty Officers Posts: 262 Joined: 18-September 05 From: Missouri Member No.: 344 Old WebBoard Name: gdsnide OK I have a question on A & A I suffer from Epilepsy & need some one with me all the time as I am liable to have a seizure at any time. Also, I can't drive, my short term memory is shot & am always losing things as I can't remember what I did with them. I put in for A & A & every Doc I see at the VA wrote an Opinion that I need A & A. Docs include Shrink,Psychologist,Neurologist,Primary & an IMO from a Neurologist. Does this sound like a good claim? Also, I am 100% T & P because the Epilepsy was caused in the Military. If anyone thinks this claim may win ( Sent it in June 4) could said person give me an idea of the money I may get. Also, have been diagnoised with Dementia by the Shrink,Neuroligist & Psycholigst. Psycholigist said it was getting worse & I needed A & A 24 hours a day. THANK YOU for your time. GARY
  8. I have to see that this is being handled in the right way. Hanging,drawn & quarted or what ever death is to good for SCUM like this. How many other Women have had to Suffer/& or be murdered by this animal in human form. I'm glad to see Bush finally did something right. He ought to sentence the rest of these people in our Prisions who have killed & raped to the same sentence. Viva La Bush ( This one time HA) GARY
  9. The next time just get Bank Drafts for the bills U wish to pay off & there is no cash involved GARY
  10. Pete, after reading the problems some Vets are having with their Meds makes me glad I'm in St. Louis,MO The VA has me on 26 ( Yup, 26) pills a day. Have looked up the retail price on some & no way could I afford them. I take pills for Epilepsy, high blood pressure, & a bunch of them have no idea why I take them as my short term memory has went to hell but always have one of my Daughters with ma & introduce the to the Docs I see as my MEMORY & explain ( If it's a new Doc) my problems. They have me on one pills a Nurse referred to as a "Chill Pill" as it is supposed to calm one down. If it is working I'd probably not even be able to get along with myself without it. Still have problems with people as most are a PIA What I like about all the "Epilepsy" pills is every bottle it say's "We don't know what it does to the Brain but suspect/think it does this or that." I could never afford all these pills as I estimate they are worth about $2,500.00 or more a month. Also, have my Daughter put them in the little pill container so I don't forget to take them but which I still do every once in a while. GARY
  11. Pete,....That's a good subject U posted about & I see U are getting a lot of responses. OK...here we go...I'm from St.Louis,MO & we also have 2 VA Hospitals & clinics & the only really negative thing I can say is " At that clinic they have a Woman Doc who is a real B---- so I go to hospitals which are about 35 miles away which is a bit of a drag as I don't drive because of my Epilepsy. As for the VARO here I have never got one thing approved by them but since I found hadit am as little bit smarter on how the VA works & currently have a claim in with VA Doc opinions & a couple of IMO's so it should be a no brainer for them. But, I feel I have been treated rather fairly by them as they have never lost anything on me. On a couple of C & P's I have had I have had Docs who wouldn't approve a darn thing but that is an exception instead of business as usual. In my opinion the ST.Louis Hospitals are very good & the Dental Dept. is great. I called Dental & had an appt. in 2 days. Doc visits take a bit of time but that is to be expected with all the people they see. I think what a lot of Vets fail to see is the fact that VA visits are free & when anything is free there is going to be a very long line. I go out of my way to be nice to the Docs I see, try to make them a friend so they will help me when I need it. But, like I said "the RO has never approved anything I have sent in" but that could be because of my inability to send what they wanted &/or needed as I didn't know exactly what to send" After the claim I have in now I may have a different opinion if they don't approve it so will wait & see but overall ( Even though they have never approved a darn thing I have sent in HA) I would have to give the St.Louis,MO RO a B+ because as far as I know they have never changed anything I have sent in but I wish they would start approving so then I wouldn't have to go to the BVA to get an approval but with the new law that should be a thing of the past ( I hope HA) But, overall I think I get treated fairly by everyone I come into contact with except for a few of the C & P Docs. I hope the other Vets who feel they are not being treated fairly start to get treated fairly. But, the one thing I remember when I go there if I am negative than the Doc is going to respond in the same way. Also, the glasses & hearing aids is excellent Good Luck to all. GARY
  12. halos2 I would suggest U find someone who is a bit more computer savvy to do this for U. Seems as if evertyone has Computers now a days so ask your friends/& or neighbors if they can help U with this problem GARY
  13. Some Sonny's catfish Bait would be almost as bad & can be bought at Wal Mart
  14. I have heard it both ways. That a Politician helps U & also that they slow down your claim. Remember, it's a Politician U are appealing to & he is part of the Government. So, it's a coin toss in my opinion. Get a Lawyer as soon as U qualify & U will see some results, usually. It all depends on how well the Lawyer knows VA Law. BUT, what ever happens NEVER give up your claim as that is the only way U lose. Took me 9 years total to get 100% T & P GARY
  15. Updating them would be no trouble at all because I have a good relatioship with all the Docs I see at the VA. The report from a Psychologist they sent me to see (For 4.5 hours) was very recents & he said "I need A & A 24 hours a day. Also have opinions from neuros,shrinks & my primary saying the same thing. GARY
  16. Rob, What finally worked for me after 9 years is I got smart & got a Lawyer. Some Vets don't like Lawyers as they get 20% of back pay. But, isn't 80% of back pay & a check each month worth 20 %? GARY
  17. Vickie, No, the board didn't say anything about any C & P's. Every Doc I see at the VA has agreed with me & signed forms to that fact that I sent in. So, I don't see how they could send me to any C & P's as there are no more Docs to get claims from. Guess I will wait a while & see what happens. Thank U for your response. GARY
  18. I have noticed a lot of people on here have pictured by their names.....How does one go about doing same.....Thank U.....GARY
  19. Pete, I'm in St.Louis,MO & if a Vet doesn't pick up meds while at hospital they will send them in 7-10 days........Also, a Vet can order Meds over the phone & they mail them....But, if one has refills they have to make sure to order them or VA doesn't send them...GARY
  20. I would suggest U use a different Lawyer when U go back to SS.....I was denied when I tried & when I hired a Lawyer the ALJ couldn't approve me fast enough....GARY
  21. I had a claim remanded from the BVA to the RO & they told the RO to expedite the claim & if one reads between the lines the BVA more or less told them they weren't to smart. I have submitted a lot more evidence to my claim & it is almost all from VA Docs agreeing with my claim. So, I was wondering if the RO has any time limit to respond to the BVA I had a claim remanded once before & the RO sit on it for about 18 months. This was before I found HADIT so I was like a Lamb in the woods & figured this was normal procedure but at present have my doubts, Any opinions would be greatly appreciated. Thank U GARY
  22. Allman,. I may do it right or wrong but when ever the VA starts all their double talk & can't find this or that I find a dood VA Lawyer. Of course U have to be turned down once but may be worth a try. My first claim took 9 years to get 100 % comp. with T&P GARY
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