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About MLR

  • Birthday 07/22/1969

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  1. Take your dd214, blue id's or dav card into a CORPORATE at&T store for 15% of the cell bill.
  2. actually if you read the whole link in Carlie's respone........ Service connection was RESTORED for obesity secondary to Sc'd condition. It appears that the secondary service connection was stopped in error. So yes, it appears that sleep apnea CAN be considered as a result of obesity due to a S/C'd condition as long as a nexus letter is provided
  3. I hurt my left ankle pretty badly & had to visit the ER at Ft Benning while on terminal leave from the Army back in early 2000. On my last day of Army active duty I had an appt for my ankle at an Air Force base in Florida. It seems that paperwork from neither one of these hospital visits made it into my medical records. Is there any other way to possibly track down this documentation? It was in early 2000 & I do have the exact day of the ER visit & the exact day & time of the later appt in Florida. I also have secondary insurance paperowrk about the crutches recieved, etc, etc.
  4. Got a letter in the mail today..... Another c&P for this same condition on the 25th of april. I hope this one turns out better than the last one I guess they saw something wrong with the last docs findings also...
  5. depression could be 2ndary to ur back condition/pain (if u r SC'd for back or pain already). Search this site & u will find quite a few threads in relation to this tye of thing. Confused, cuz you asked if you can claim depression 2ndary to back/pain but then u said VA is working on claim...What claim is VA working on? If ur MH doc is a non-VA doc, then yes tell them the dates....if it is a VA doc then there's no need to tell them the dates. Hope this helps ya out, as I'm just trying to "pay it forward", as others have done for me!
  6. I wanna thank all of "yawl" for replying!! Also, thanks for the advice! I was ready to head to the docs office & find out where he got those #'s from. Getting records together (except the 1"s lost by a docs office in Fla, due to a hurricane). Also going to a civilian pain mgmt/phys therapy clinic in the A.M. to start treatment again & work on the IMO thru them. Thanks again every1, I'll post up when the rating decision comes in.
  7. Thad, Thanks for takin the time to post a response! This doc was obviously in a different room than I was. Man I can't even explain how I feel right now.... I could not move my head AT ALL to the left side when I had this exam & ROM was limited MUCH more than this report states. I do walk with a limp (abnormal gait) but this doc (board certified in family practice) put that my ROM was equal for both right & left and NO abnormal gait. Also, my whole left side of my neck was in spasm & my muscles on top of my left shoulder & neck were twitching while in the exam. That's the reason why I put the results up here, cuz I was rated at 20% before for Cervical DDD & am much worse off now. After reading the results of this exam myself.....I felt that the doc just made up stuff to fill in the blanks or put someone else's exam in place of mine. The only part that is right was the nerve & pain part. This doc was from QTC (atl). It's a shame that the VA pays QTC for exams of this calibur. I feel like a victim now and need to start figuring out how to appeal this....even though I have not recieved the official rating decision yet.
  8. Yawl, If anyone can help me understand what this all means and/or where u think it may fall within the rating scale....please chime in!! I have looked at the ratings schedule but I don't know where I fit in (currently rated at 20% for cervical DDD). I do know that I'm having WAY more problems with my neck now, as compared to when I was originally rated 10yrs ago. It is confusing to me cuz I was truly having a "bad day" when I went in for this exam. I could barely turn my neck, especially to the left, while at this exam (I actually had to call out from work for 2 days after this exam cuz I could not move). The doc also stated to me that he was supposed to have my records there to review but the VA had not sent them over to him at QTC. He actually made a call to get them sent over while I was in the room but had to leave a message. Thanks in advance for ANY & ALL feedback cuz I NEVER type this much.... Here's the results: CERVICAL SPINE: No evidence of muscle spasm, guarding, weakness, loss of tone & atrophy of limbs. There is evidence of radiating pain on movement described as all movements. Tenderness described as posterior cervical region. No ankylosis of c-spine. ROM Degree Repetitive Flexion: 40 40 40 Extension: 41 41 41 Rt Lateral Flexion: 35 35 35 Lft Lateral Flexion: 35 35 35 Rt Rotation: 70 70 70 Lft Rotation: 70 70 70 Joint function of spine is additionally limited by the following after repetive use: pain & pain has the major functional impact. Not additionally limited by: fatigue, weakness, endurance & incoordination. NEUROLOGICAL EXAM (SPINE): C-spine sensory function is impaired. C7 = Sensory deficiet of left long finger. C8 = Sensory deficiet of left ulnar side of the left ring finger & left little finger. Right biceps & triceps jerk 2+. Left biceps & triceps jerl 2+. Upper extremities show no signs of pathologic reflexes. Normal cutaneous reflexes. There are signs of Cervical IVDS. Most likely peripheral nerve is the Ulnar nerve. DIAGNOSIS: For the VA diagnosis of Cervical Degenerative Disc Disease, the diagnosis is changed to Cervical Degenerative Disc Disease; Intervertebral Dis Syndrome, most likely affecting left Ulnar nerve (sensory component); cervical strain. This is a result of a progression of the previous diagnosis. EXAM: Subjective factors are: pain, cervical LOM, abnormal sensation LUE. The objective factors are: established diagnosis, cervical LOM with TTP posterior cervical region, abnormal sensory findings LUE. Diagnosis is IVDS & most likely involved peripheral nerve is the left Ulnar nerve which affects the left side of the body. the IVDS does not cause any complications. REMARKS: The effect of the conditions usual occupation is abnormal sensation left hand, cervical LOM. The effect of the condition on th eclaimant's daily activity is abnormal sensation left hand, cervical LOM.
  9. Interesting. I have developed some of the symptoms of GWS, but I was not deployed to SWA. I did get all of the shots prior to the 1st Gulf War, while stationed at Ft. Ord Ca. I have often wondered if it was possible for a if a person that was not deployed could develop GWS. Also, where did it say anything about Gardasil in that article? I couldn't find it & I'm curious cuz my daughter just got those shots.
  10. If I'm rated for Intervertebral Disc Syndrome @ 20%, does that cover all of the spinal conditions listed within the codes or is it just 1 condition onto itself? For instance, if I have spinal stenosis also, is that a seperate rateable condition? I was curious because I have a few diagnosed issues with my cervical spine that have seperate codes according to the table below....I'm just not sure if they are rated seperately, if the are coded with different #'s. Thanks, in advance, for any responses! Spine5235Vertebral fracture or dislocation.5236Sacroiliac injury and weakness.5237Lumbosacral or cervical strain.5238Spinal stenosis.5239Spondylolisthesis or segmental instability.5240Ankylosing spondylitis.5241Spinal fusion.5242Degenerative arthritis.5243Intervertebral disc syndrome.
  11. Are "rgero311975" and "c&p man" the same person? or is it just split personalities? I'm confused....
  12. I'm far from an expert, & I really do hope some of the more knowelable folks chime in, but I can say that I found a bva decision where sleep apnea was rated as secondary to fibromyalgia. I know it's not exactly the same but fibro does effect the neck & shoulder area. There appears to be alot of unknown variables with sleep apnea. It seems to make sense that some c-spine conditions or injuries would impact on the windpipe area but I haven't been able to find any difinitive studies to back it up. If u don't mind me asking, what is the termonolgy of your c-spine s/c disorder. I have "Chronic Neck Pain - Degenrative Disc Disease" rated at 20% currently. I also have sleep apnea but I was not diagnosed until 2yrs 4mos after discharge. I know I had it while I was in the military but I always thought it was just the way i was...never knew it was an actual condition.
  13. Thank you VERY much vaf!! I had noticed a few days ago while researching on the net that Naproxen is known to effect SA in a negative way. I know I was prescribed that for a long time by the VA & also morphine. Y'all are awesome, every piece of info seems to open up things to add to my case!! Thanks a million to all of u that take time to chime in on these posts cuz every little bit helps immensely!
  14. Does Sleep Apnea need to be caused by an injury or does it just need to have "hadit's" onset during active duty? I have approx 7 people working on buddy letters now & some of those folks knew me before the onset of SA & also experienced my issues after it began. I had no facial trauma while in but it did start after an injury, probably due to my weight gain & I also think a motor vehicle accident increased it more (had neck issues after that) & ultimately eneded up gettting discharged due to the neck issues & original knee injuries. I believe my neck isssues may have been, at least, partially misdiagnosed but I will talk to the pain mgmt people to see if i may have fibromyalgia cuz all of the symptoms of that will be in my records. I found a bva decision where SA was found to be 2ndary to fibro. Anyway, I ordered my inpatient & outpatient SMRs yesterday thru the E-Vet-Rec website. I know that I know my body & issues better than any1 but my med records are the key to everything....& without those, I'm really just trying to get background guidance. Broncovet, thats for the explanation of the IMO & Nexus letters. I appreciate it... Not trying to "trick" the system here, just trying to figure out the best way to approach it. Thanks to all that have responded!!!!
  15. All I can say is that I do truly appreciate the advice & opinions that I've gotten in my limited posts on this site & 1 other site. I'm trying to apply to advice given to me & I also try to research as much as possible before asking a question...but there is so much info out there that it can get very confusing at times. Also, as one person mentioned early...a.d.d, concentration & memory issues do make it a little difficult at times. I actually never realized that those issues were connected to my other SC problems but thru these forums I have discovered that I'm not alone in my day to day problems. I thank those who post advice & guidance & encouragement too. sometimes just reading others situations goes a long way to helping too...to know that "i'm not alone". Respect....
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