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Troy Spurlock

First Class Petty Officer
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About Troy Spurlock

  • Birthday 12/05/1970

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    Retired from the Yamhill County DA's Office, Oregon, in 2016 due to medical D&C rated issues

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    Fighting the good fight against government corruption within the VA or SSA!!!

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  1. Thank you Berta for your kind words and support!
  2. Thank you again Carlie, tonio, and T-Bird...as well as everyone else who has posted the same. When I graduated college in 2008 I applied for the Regional Office and was lied to about how much education I needed (per an inside source who was a Team Leader on the Appeals Team who didn't even have a college education); and a little more than a year ago I tried a VSO position at the County level and was yet denied again merely because I never represented a veteran before a "Board" before. I respectfully told the panel that I wrote my NODs and Appeals so effectively I have yet had the need to appear before a "Board." Anyhow, the County Commissioner and another veteran in charge of the local American Legion wanted me hired, but they were outvoted 3 to 2. It's okay though, working on my own I have more freedom to speak in the interests of the veteran and not restrained in the interests of the government. Hence my effective results in assisting those who find me by word of mouth. Harleyman...I appreciate your suggestion as it will help in not only this particular Navy Veteran's case, but another Army Vietnam veteran's case where I recently learned we lost 3 out of 4 claims (I knew we would because he just didn't have the evidence (he couldn't afford an independent medical examiner evaluation/report), but I gave it my best shot...; notwithstanding, he is increased to 80% and has been unemployed for quite some time and the VA provided a history of his disabilities and ratings which I feel the same form you suggested may work for him before I file any NODs on the denied claims. Never give up! Never surrender! Perseverance does pay off in the end... Troy Spurlock
  3. Thank you for that advice, I will definately look into that!!!
  4. Carlie, The cover letter states that the estimated amount of retro benefits is $126,357.67!!!! He was granted the following: 50% depression effective August 31, 2011 30% Nephropathy (Nehmer Granted) effective Feb. 28, 2001 20% Diabetes II (Nehmer Granted) effective Dec. 6, 2000 His 40% degenerative joint disease, lumbar spine is continued...as were a few other conditions rated at 0% The unemployability was denied on a December 2000 C&P. We have a letter from SSA showing when he began drawing disability, and sent a request for records from PERS when he went on disability...and all of his medical records since clearly establish that he cannot work. Once he gets a NEW C&P for the NOD of this claim...I don't see getting 100% unemployability as being a problem right now. Troy
  5. You know, this really ticks me off!!! You sound just like my supervisor at work with such an unjustified comment! It is NEVER about me! It is ALWAYS about the person I am helping! Be it at work with customers or the veterans I selflessly serve on my dime (time and expenses in providing this assistance)! I have every right to be proud of the fact that I can successfully represent the best interests of the veteran I am helping and announce that I am happy with that success!!
  6. Since December 2000, the Navy Veteran put his hands in the VFW to no avail. Less than 2 years ago a neighbor put me in contact with him and in less than that two years...I fought long and hard and in less than that 2 years he went from 40% to 90%n as of today. The last hurtle is unemployability since he has been disabled since his last job (ENRON) in December 2000...the VA this date based its denial of unemployability on that December 2000 C&P exam. 13 year old data, denial, yet in the current rating granting a lot of Agent Orange conditions that by sheer common sense on its face proves he is unemployable...they still denied him. I think it's a bone, and I am going to take it and chew on it. NOD going to be filed this coming week. Either way, we came a long way in a short time with a few letters and strong language (strong, but polite or profession....depending on your subjective interpretation) demanding a proper review of this veterans case. Anyhow, another star in my belt...and I will continue the good fight!! TS
  7. Found out yesterday that the research I did and gave to his widow, which she took to a local VSO, was used and in a little over two months they upgraded my friend's rating to 100% so she will get $1500 a month DIC. Success!
  8. Thanks for the replies At this time I don't know why she was denied DIC. He was 100% unemployable, from what info I have gathered this far. I will know more Thursday when I get into town there and visit with his widow who has his paperwork and the denial letter in his briefcase to take to my Kim's with me to review and see what I can do. Until then I will review and look more into what has been posted and linked to this far. Again, thanks!!!
  9. A VERY close family friend passed away suddenly a couple weeks ago, and he was married three time, the third wife he was married to 31 years. Apparently he didn't change his insurance beneficiary information so his first wife and son got the insurance, but the VA sent a letter to his current wife/widow stating they are denying her anything even though he was 100% P&T S/C. I am digging into the CFRs and USSCs, but any insight into this would help speed the process, as I leave in 5 days for home to attend his funeral and pay my respects, and attempt in any way I can to help her get something from the VA has his current spouse of 31 years with dependents with her. thanks! Troy
  10. Thank you all!!! I've learned a lot being a member here over the past several years; many taking the time to answer questions I've had, and even more are the great exchanges between everyone that helped along the way in helping this veteran and a couple others I've since been helping. So thanks to all of you too! Cheers!!
  11. Finally hot word on the last rating of three won at the BVA for the Vietnam veteran I have been helping. This one was te biggest win of them all, he fought this since he got out and the most recent reopened claim that I took over in 2008 was May 2007. He got 30% for his skin condition claimed as chloracne. When we first met he was ready to give up and live out his 20% rating he had. Now he is at 80% since June 2009, so his five plus year back pay should be a nice check. He was my first test case of helping veterans with their claims and appeals and I believe I can say it was a success.
  12. One year ago this month the last appeal of three I won on behalf of a Vietnam Veteran has finally been decided on percentage wise by the RO. This veteran has been fighting his skin condition, claimed as chloracne, since 1974 with a recent reopened claim of 2007. Since I won at the BVA, the approved 30% rating was backdated to 2007!!! All claims applied and fought for this veteran won! Whene I met him he was at a mere 20%; now he is at 80% as of today because of me knowledge and experience dealing with the corrupt VA "insurance" rubber stamped denial practifes!!!
  13. John, I advocate on my own and not with any state or federal VA, they're too corrupt and most VSOs are lazy, at least those I've come across and heard about. Encourage the gentlemen to keep filing/appealing, doing so isn't going to make them lose their benefits. That only happens if it can be medically proven that they are better (meaning the rated condition no longer exists), which is most unlikely to happen.
  14. Thanks Carlie, I just got a copy of his C&P the other day and I will have to review it know the DC comes the doctor used and cross reference with your information.
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