Jim: Thanks for the link to the handbook. I have printed a copy. I am not the favorite patient there at the VAMC Fayetteville. They just hate it when I politely ask for my rights and the care I deserve. I think in this case the misers just don't want to spend the money. Plus they hope I just crawl under a rock and die. Since going to mental health there, I have turned into an alcoholic. Except for my weekly trips to the liquor store and grocery store, I spend the other 6 days at home alone, my only companions being my 3 cats. I think mental health is aware of my living situation and social isolation. On the other hand, they probably think I am just making everything up. i think the VAMC has social workers but i have never seen one face to face. i talked to one on the telephone once but she had a worse attitude than I do
Thanks for letting me vent guys & gals.