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My Very Emotional Experience At My C & P Exam....

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Thanks Cowgirl & Betty!

Cowgirl - I have been seeing a psych dr. since 1994. The dr. that I have now is very helpful and does whatever he can to help me, because he truly believes that I can't work any longer and he has said that a number of times. (I think the VA ignored him a number of times too)

Betty - Thanks, because I am usually not a quick thinker and usually leave an appointment and then think of what I should have said.

When I arrived at my (1st) appointment to see the Nurse Practioner I was really nervous, and she was really nice. She asked me some questions about my smptoms and I answered as best I could. After the appointment I felt pretty good about that appointment.

When I arrived at my (2nd) appointment to see the psych dr. She told me that , the VA wanted her to ask me some questions and she would write in my answers. She started out by asking me what was worse about my conditions and I told her about my panic attacks and my recent visit to the ER and my 5 day hospital stay because the drs thought I was having a heart attack, but it turned out to be a panic/anxiety attack. I pulled out all of my medicines and sat them on her desk and that's when she made that comment about the medicines must be working or I wouldn't be keep taking them and I polietly responded by telling her "that I was afraid not to take them because things may get worse than they already are". Anyway, I was so emtionally and began to cry, but I tried to hold back my tears, I thought about how bad my life had gotten and how young I am and how just 6 or 7 years ago, I never would have thought that I would be on all of this medicine and afraid to leave my house because I can't tolerate being around alot of people. How my stomach gets in knots and the cramping kicks in, and I feel hot all over and Boy, I could go on and on. ANyway, I just wanted her to know how I felt and I wish she could feel my pain just for a minute.

After, the appointment was completed, she walked me to the door and said "I am so sorry that you are having such a difficult time", and I just shook my head yes, and she then told me that they were moving into another building and she explained that it would be easier for veterans to find it, and then she told me which way to walk down the hall to get to the exit.

Wow, what an experience for me.

Forgive me, for being so long winded today, I just wanted to share those things with you.

Look forward to hearing from anyone of my fellow veterans soon.


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  • HadIt.com Elder


Yes, life can come at you fast. I feel sorry for you, for you sound

so young to be living the life that I have lead.

Our fears are so much the same.

I would be sitting here lying to you, if I said that all this will go

away, but with your medication, it will be a crutch for you.

You will have better days and not so good days, but remember we will

always be here to help you.

You did really well at your examination and was able to express

yourself and I am sure the Psychiatrist did feel your pain.

Take care,



Thanks Betty...But please don't feel sorry for me..The truth of the matter is, I can't even imagine life as being normal. I can't even remember when life as I know it now, started..I totally agree with you though, life does come at you fast, however we can only take one step at a time. I appreciate this board, because some days I don't know what I would do, if I couldn't come here and read about my fellow veterans. I am often reminded that another veteran has worse problems than me, or so it may seem. I just want to try and live in peace. Taking one day at a time. I would also like to be part of the hadit.com crew, and maybe I can learn something along this long journey across this unforgiven sea, and be able to help a fellow veteran.

Thanks again for your sincere concern!


  • HadIt.com Elder




You do sound depressed; is that what your C&P was for? Depression? Your avatar says you are 70% SC . . . Anyway, hope you find some comfort at Hadit. I would be lost without the company here! Stick around, good to have good folks aboard! ~Wings

USAF 1980-1986, 70% SC PTSD, 100% TDIU (P&T)

  • HadIt.com Elder

Cherie, so nice to see you post on the board. I don't get here regularly with trying to keep up with my stuff, but its nice to see progression in claims. Of course, progression to the VA could mean somethin' else to us, eh?

WHat do you normally do during the day for an occupation? I struggle with what to do next, between tending to doctors appointments and tending to family with kiddos at home. After my military service and settling down a bit, I've been reading quite often and consider joining a book club at the library, just not there yet. Maybe soon.

Being service connected for lumbar, mh, a myriad of lil things, having a VA counselor is a nice outlet for me (along with monthly compensation! Thank God!) I sure hope your health issues balance and you find what daily works are good for you.

Remember you could ask for another exam depending on the results of this one. Self advocate!!


For my children, my God sent husband and my Hadit family of veterans, I carry on.

God Bless A m e r i c a, Her Veterans and their Families!


Thanks Wings,

and yes, my c & p was for depression and aniexty attacks as well as IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)...I had put in a claim for TDIU...I'm hoping that I will be awarded TDIU.

Cowgirl, I don't do much at home, trying to find a hobby. I spent most of my time with my hubby. We are both disabled. He is not a vet though. He is a liver transplant patient.

I feel pretty good about the exam though. I really just let them know what has been going on with me. I mean the VA Gainesville just paid my recent hospital bill for over 25K. They thought it was a heart attack but it was a panic attack. (hun, go figure)

Anyway, I appreciate your comments...Thanks for being there to "read" my mind....


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