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Agen Orange

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Posted (edited)

Topic Description shold read " Contact Congress ON Concurrent Pay & AO

The 110 Th Congress will be in session in January 2007.....This is the time to push for full concurrent pay, try to straighten VA out and get the Agent Orange cases awarded...not just for the Blue Water Navy but for all that served in Vietnam. Thailand, Cambodia and Laos..... Write your Senators and Represntatives!!!!!!

Here is one of the letters I wrote to my Senator: Feel Free to use it as a guide.....Nobody but you is going to help.....Do it today....raise HELL.

December 7. 2006

Honorable Senator Mitch McConnell

601 West Broadway

Suite 630

Louisville, Kentucky 40202

Re: Your Ltr. Dtd. 5 Dec 2006

Senator McConnell :

The United States Court for Veterans Claims in a decision dated August 16, 2006 “ Haas vs. Nicholson “ruled that the appellant on appeal from the Veterans Board of Appeals was entitled to a presumption of exposure to the herbicide specifically identified as Agent Orange. It further found that any veteran serving during the Vietnam Era (1962-1975) and who had been awarded the VSM “Vietnam Service Medal” was presumed to have been exposed to the herbicide commonly know as Agent Orange.

The desire of my fellow Vietnam Veterans who served during the Vietnam Era in Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia as well as their territorial waters who have one of the eleven diseases set forth in 38 C.F.R. 3-309(e). be presumed to have been exposed to agent orange and awarded 100% Veterans Administration Compensation.

I propose the decision of The U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims “Haas Vs. Nicholson” be a guide to re-write those portions of U.S.C. 38; 38 C.F.R.; and the Veterans Administration Adjudication Procedure Manual M21-1 by means of new legislation promulgated by the United States Congress.

I have attached the U.S. Court Of Appeals for Veterans Claims decision Haas Vs. Nichoson; National Veterans Legal Services Program additional information on exposure to agent orange.

Edited by rthomass
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  • HadIt.com Elder

Good Idea Rob, I will start on Chandler. Copy that letter to Jim Bunning.

A Veteran is a person who served this country. Treat them with respect.

A Disabled Veteran is a person who served this country and bears the scars of that service regardless of when or where they served.

Treat them with the upmost respect. I do. Rejection is not a sign of failure. Failure is not an option, Medical opinions and evidence wins claims. Trust in others is a virtue but you take the T out of Trust and you are left with Rust so be wise about who you are dealing with.

Posted (edited)
Topic Description shold read " Contact Congress ON Concurrent Pay & AO

The 110 Th Congress will be in session in January 2007.....This is the time to push for full concurrent pay, try to straighten VA out and get the Agent Orange cases awarded...not just for the Blue Water Navy but for all that served in Vietnam. Thailand, Cambodia and Laos..... Write your Senators and Represntatives!!!!!!

Here is one of the letters I wrote to my Senator: Feel Free to use it as a guide.....Nobody but you is going to help.....Do it today....raise HELL.

December 7. 2006

Honorable Senator Mitch McConnell

601 West Broadway

Suite 630

Louisville, Kentucky 40202

Re: Your Ltr. Dtd. 5 Dec 2006

Senator McConnell :

The United States Court for Veterans Claims in a decision dated August 16, 2006 “ Haas vs. Nicholson “ruled that the appellant on appeal from the Veterans Board of Appeals was entitled to a presumption of exposure to the herbicide specifically identified as Agent Orange. It further found that any veteran serving during the Vietnam Era (1962-1975) and who had been awarded the VSM “Vietnam Service Medal” was presumed to have been exposed to the herbicide commonly know as Agent Orange.

The desire of my fellow Vietnam Veterans who served during the Vietnam Era in Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia as well as their territorial waters who have one of the eleven diseases set forth in 38 C.F.R. 3-309(e). be presumed to have been exposed to agent orange and awarded 100% Veterans Administration Compensation.

I propose the decision of The U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims “Haas Vs. Nicholson” be a guide to re-write those portions of U.S.C. 38; 38 C.F.R.; and the Veterans Administration Adjudication Procedure Manual M21-1 by means of new legislation promulgated by the United States Congress.

I have attached the U.S. Court Of Appeals for Veterans Claims decision Haas Vs. Nichoson; National Veterans Legal Services Program additional information on exposure to agent orange.

I am in the process of sending the above letter (100 total) to every Senator in the new 110th Congress . I Challenge you to help me in this fight. Edited by rthomass

I just got back from the Post Office after mailing requests for legislation to every Senator in the new 110 th Congress that will convene in January 2007. Trying to get legislation passed that will mirror that in Haas v. Nicholson. Next project is the members of the House of Representatives....all four hundred plus that willl be a feat and a lot of postage. Just imagine I am actually trying to believe in ths democtatic process......Hope lives forever.


I have now sent 100 letters to every Senator and 430 letters to every menber of the House of Representatives. I am asking for legislation to force the Department of Veteran Affairs and Their Secretary Mr. Nichoson to have every soldier, sailor, marine, and airman that seved during the Vietnam ERA in Vietnam, Thailand, Laos , Cambodia as well as their territorial waters and has a disease listed under 38 C.F.R. #-309(e) "herbicide EXposure" i.e. Agent Orange be presumed to have been exposed. The legislation should not be entitled service in Vietnam but service in Southeast Asia.


Time for the 110th Congress to hear us all the "VETERAN" Will advise all any letters. reactions etc. I receive from Congreess.

  • In Memoriam

My request, for blue-water AO, was prior to Dec. 7. This was the response from my Senator.


Just readin the mail


Excerpt from the 'Declaration of Independence'


We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which, would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity

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