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PTSD claim denied, I have hurt myself by withholding info due to being ashamed of issues.
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I've been having issues for years but didn't even realize for a long time they were related to my time in service (88-92). I just pushed the feelings down deep inside and avoided thinking about it. When I finally went to a civilian Dr for my depression back in 2003/2004 I was put on every drug available but nothing worked for long. When I lost my job and went back to school to get an associates degree I had to find a way to continue treatment so i started going to the VA. Problem is while I would sometimes be honest with my Dr about how I was feeling, other times I would deny currently suffering. I didn't want to appear weak, especially if it was a woman treating me. I know that my fault, partly because of how I was raised and partly due to my time in the Marines. Depending on who saw me, their DX differed. My primary care Dr and a social worker suspected PTSD, but the Psychiatrists DX was MDD and SAD. Finally after I graduated college and started a new job I lost the ability to cope and had trouble concentrating and handling the stress. I was let go and spiraled out of control. For the past 3 years now I havn't worked and I only leave my house every couple weeks to buy groceries late at night or to visit my Dr at the VA (if I don't end up canceling or missing my appt due to feeling sick at the thought of leaving the house). I finally decided to apply for compensation as my family who has been supporting me has reached their financial limit. I hoped for the best as I now know I really have a horrible problem and need help to survive and not end up under a bridge somewhere. I will post the C & P examiners exam results now and hope someone can find something to help me with my next step. Also he references several other mental health evaluations. I will post those as replys to myself as this is going to be a LONG post. I will only be editing out my and the examiners name, everything else I will leave in. I know now I can't get help if I leave out information. Thank you for any advice in advance.
Semper Fi
Initial Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Disability Benefits Questionnaire
1. Diagnostic Summary
Does the Veteran have a diagnosis of PTSD that conforms to DSM-5 criteria
based on today's evaluation?
[ ] Yes [X] No
If no diagnosis of PTSD, check all that apply:
[X] Veteran's symptoms do not meet the diagnostic criteria for PTSD under
DSM-5 criteria
[X] Veteran has another Mental Disorder diagnosis. Continue to complete
this Questionnaire and/or the Eating Disorder Questionnaire:
2. Current Diagnoses
a. Mental Disorder Diagnosis #1: Major Depressive Disorder
ICD code: F33.1
Comments, if any:
Less likely than not due to, caused by, or incurred during military
Military records indicate no treatment for this condition and
discharge physical exam indicated no mental health problems. The
veteran did not have any mental health treatment until many years
after military service.
Mental Disorder Diagnosis #2: Social Anxiety Disorder
ICD code: F40.10
Comments, if any:
Less likely than not due to, caused by, or incurred during military service.
Military records indicate no treatment for this condition and
discharge physical exam indicated no mental health problems. The
veteran did not have any mental health treatment until many years
after military service.
Mental Disorder Diagnosis #3: Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
ICD code: F90.0
Comments, if any:
Less likely than not due to, caused by, or incurred during military service.
Military records indicate no treatment for this condition and
discharge physical exam indicated no mental health problems. The
veteran did not have any mental health treatment until many years
after military service.
Furthermore, ADHD, by its very definition and nature, begins in
childhood, and his not caused by any external events.
b. Medical diagnoses relevant to the understanding or management of the
Mental Health Disorder (to include TBI): GERD, history of headaches,
history of neck pain
3. Differentiation of symptoms
a. Does the Veteran have more than one mental disorder diagnosed?
[X] Yes [ ] No
b. Is it possible to differentiate what symptom(s) is/are attributable to
each diagnosis?
[ ] Yes [X] No [ ] Not applicable (N/A)
If no, provide reason that it is not possible to differentiate what
portion of each symptom is attributable to each diagnosis and discuss
whether there is any clinical association between these diagnoses:
Due to symptom overlap and multidirectional interactions among the
c. Does the Veteran have a diagnosed traumatic brain injury (TBI)?
[ ] Yes [X] No [ ] Not shown in records reviewed
4. Occupational and social impairment
a. Which of the following best summarizes the Veteran's level of
and social impairment with regards to all mental diagnoses? (Check only
[X] Occupational and social impairment with deficiencies in most areas,
such as work, school, family relations, judgment, thinking and/or mood
b. For the indicated level of occupational and social impairment, is it
possible to differentiate what portion of the occupational and social
impairment indicated above is caused by each mental disorder?
[ ] Yes [X] No [ ] No other mental disorder has been diagnosed
If no, provide reason that it is not possible to differentiate what
portion of the indicated level of occupational and social impairment
is attributable to each diagnosis: Due to symptom overlap and multidirectional interactions among the disorders.
c. If a diagnosis of TBI exists, is it possible to differentiate what
portion of the occupational and social impairment indicated above is caused by
the TBI?
[ ] Yes [ ] No [X] No diagnosis of TBI
Clinical Findings:
1. Evidence Review
Evidence reviewed (check all that apply):
[X] VA e-folder (VBMS or Virtual VA)
[X] Other (please identify other evidence reviewed):
The vet brought a copy of his recent Statement in support of claim
which was on his smart phone screen. This examiner reviewed that. It
had not been submitted yet to the Regional office. The veteran also
brought in a wooden plaque with a Marine Corps Meritorious Mast award
on it dated 12/14/1989 indicating that he was involved in capturing an
intruder on their base in the Philippines as part of their patrol.
2. History
a. Relevant Social/Marital/Family history (pre-military, military, and
This veteran has had a number of past mental health evaluations here
at the VA. Please see the 12/16/2011 psychology evaluation, the 4/272012
psychiatry intake, and the 10/17/2016 psychology mental health
treatment plan for details of his history.
The veteran is 47 and is divorced since 2001 (past records noted above
suggest this seems to have had little to do with his mental health
issues). His last relationship ended in 2012 he reported today that she apparently had another man already lined up, as she was dating him just a couple days after they broke up. He reported no current/recent relationship. He reported he really has not been getting out much at
all - says he does not like himself and reported he worries others will judge and talk about him. He says he is watchful and on guard for
others' negative evaluations. He resides alone, with his small dog. Mother and brother are 2 hours away in XXXXXXX. He has little contact,
avoiding her alot and her possible questions about his job hunt. He used to play some online gaming and still does, but only occasionally.
No groups, clubs, organizations or church. No close individual friends. He reported no other recreation/leisure. He says he sleeps on the
couch since his relationship breakup about 5 years ago, as the bed reminds him of her. He says his sleep schedule is widely varied and he will do alot of daytime sleeping, watches some TV. He only rarely goes to the store and does so late at night so as to avoid other people and their
perceived judgement. He reports he has had little motivation to attend to household tasks and becomes easily overwhelmed and thus avoids or
procrastinates. As a result, he reports there are many empty grocery bags laying around, and he simply piles the mail on the kitchen table.
Part of that may also be due to avoiding what might be in the mail. He reports he keeps phone ringer off so as to avoid contact from the
bill collectors. He says he owes $50,000 in school loans and years ago put $20,000 of his girlfriend's school loans on his credit card and
cannot pay fully. It seems his attempt at coping is through avoidance, which then adds to the problems he has.
The veteran enlisted into the Marine Corps and served August 1988 to
August 1992. He rose to an E4 rank and had an honorable discharge.
He served time both in the Philippines and in the Persian Gulf during the
Desert storm/desert shield.. His MOS was mortars.
His statement in support of claim seen on his cell phone screen today
listed two events, one of which he reported occurred in the
Philippines in May 1990. He says he and his girlfriend at the time work in the
marketplace and then went to a bar down the street. Not too long
afterwards, he and others in the bar found out that two airman had
been shot in the market area where he had been not long before. This
examiner notes that while this could be an upsetting or shocking bit
of information to find out, the veteran did not experience any actual
trauma. He did not witness the shooting and was not even aware of it
until being told shortly after it occurred. The second incident he
reported was from February 1991 in Kuwait and reported that they took
small arms fire at one point and also took enemy mortar fire and they
were in a mortar battle. He felt the enemy mortars were getting
closer, as close as 50 yards away, until the enemy position was
neutralized. This event would meet DSM?five trauma criteria for PTSD.
Other VA notes also refer to the veteran being next to a man who
almost committed suicide, but a sergeant apparently prevented it. This would
also not meet trauma criteria as nothing actually happened. There was
no trauma witnessed, and the veteran himself was not in significant
threat. The veteran today said he really wanted to have a career in
the USMC, but also noted that the reason he actually got out was due to a
Reduction In Force at that time.
b. Relevant Occupational and Educational history (pre-military, military,
This veteran has had a number of past mental health evaluations here
the VA. Please see the 12/16/2011 psychology evaluation, the 4/272012
psychiatry intake, and the 10/17/2016 psychology mental health
treatment plan for details of his history.
Vet reported today that he has had mental health treatment in the
private sector starting about 2003/2004 regarding ADHD and was placed
on Adderal as well as a number of antidepressants.
He started here at the VAMC in 2011, dealing with issues of ADHD,
Depression and Anxiety (particularly Social Anxiety). He has seen
psychiatry, psychology and social work at various times since then, up
until the preseent.
He also had Neuropsychological testing on 10/14/2011 regarding an ADHD
Psychiatry records indicate medication has not been all that effective
regarding his depression and social anxiety.
He currently is treated with Adderal for ADHD and recently was
(re)started on escitalopram.
He has also been in and out of psychotherapy for the above conditions.
This examiner notes that the previous evaluations noted above assessed
for PTSD but indicated he did not meet criteria.
Those evaluations also indicated that the veteran's depression
condition really worsened in recent years following the breakup of his
long-term relationship about five or six years ago, though a little
bit before that there was some increased depression. Furthermore, those
evaluations also indicate the veteran has felt that he always has
tended to be rather anxious and depressed with low self-esteem. The
records indicate a history of a very strict and harsh, verbally
abusive, father as well as a history of being bullied in school,
though did not get any mental health services. Curiously, VA social work
notes from more recent times such as 5/18/2017, seem to describe the
social anxiety as being caused by or started in the military, related
to harsh treatment by a corporal. This is not likely accurate given
the previous treatment notes described in the first paragraph above
that indicate a long history of this type of feeling even in his
youth, as well as more recent onset/worsening of symptoms just a few years
ago following the relationship breakup.
d. Relevant Legal and Behavioral history (pre-military, military, and
This veteran has had a number of past mental health evaluations here
at the VA. Please see the 12/16/2011 psychology evaluation, the 4/272012
psychiatry intake, and the 10/17/2016 psychology mental health
treatment plan for details of his history.
e. Relevant Substance abuse history (pre-military, military, and
This veteran has had a number of past mental health evaluations here
at the VA. Please see the 12/16/2011 psychology evaluation, the 4/272012
psychiatry intake, and the 10/17/2016 psychology mental health
treatment plan for details of his history.
f. Other, if any:
3. Stressors
Describe one or more specific stressor event(s) the Veteran considers
traumatic (may be pre-military, military, or post-military):
a. Stressor #1: Small arms fire and mortar battle in Gulf War
Does this stressor meet Criterion A (i.e., is it adequate to support
the diagnosis of PTSD)?
[X] Yes [ ] No
Is the stressor related to the Veteran's fear of hostile military or
terrorist activity?
[X] Yes [ ] No
Is the stressor related to personal assault, e.g. military sexual
[ ] Yes [X] No
4. PTSD Diagnostic Criteria
Please check criteria used for establishing the current PTSD diagnosis. Do
NOT mark symptoms below that are clearly not attributable to the Criterion A
stressor/PTSD. Instead, overlapping symptoms clearly attributable to other
things should be noted under #7 - Other symptoms. The diagnostic criteria
for PTSD, referred to as Criterion A-H, are from the Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition (DSM-5).
Criterion A: Exposure to actual or threatened a) death, b) serious
injury, c) sexual violence, in one or more of the following ways:
[X] Directly experiencing the traumatic event(s)
[X] Witnessing, in person, the traumatic event(s) as they
occurred to others
Criterion B: Presence of (one or more) of the following intrusion
symptoms associated with the traumatic event(s), beginning after the
traumatic event(s) occurred:
[X] No criterion in this section met.
Criterion C: Persistent avoidance of stimuli associated with the
traumatic event(s), beginning after the traumatic events(s) occurred, as evidenced by one or both of the following:
[X] No criterion in this section met.
Criterion D: Negative alterations in cognitions and mood associated with
the traumatic event(s), beginning or worsening after the
traumatic event(s) occurred, as evidenced by two (or more) of
the following:
[X] No criterion in this section met.
Criterion E: Marked alterations in arousal and reactivity associated with
the traumatic event(s), beginning or worsening after the
traumatic event(s) occurred, as evidenced by two (or more) of
the following:
[X] No criterion in this section met.
Criterion F:
[X] No criterion in this section met.
Criterion G:
[X] No criterion in this section met.
Criterion H:
[X] No criterion in this section met.
Criterion I: Which stressor(s) contributed to the Veteran's PTSD
No response provided.
5. Symptoms
For VA rating purposes, check all symptoms that actively apply to the
Veteran's diagnoses:
[X] Depressed mood
[X] Anxiety
[X] Disturbances of motivation and mood
[X] Difficulty in establishing and maintaining effective work and social
[X] Difficulty in adapting to stressful circumstances, including work or
worklike setting
6. Behavioral Observations
The veteran's affect was broad, though mood appeared dysphoric and anxious.
He was quite talkative and animated at times. He was polite and
Eye contact and behavior were normal.
7. Other symptoms
Does the Veteran have any other symptoms attributable to PTSD (and other
mental disorders) that are not listed above?
[X] Yes [ ] No
If yes, describe:
The veteran has a history of attention deficit/hyperactivity
disorder (ADHD), inattentive type. Please see the DSM?five as well
as the neuropsychological testing from 10/14/2011 for details of
such symptoms.
8. Competency
Is the Veteran capable of managing his or her financial affairs?
[X] Yes [ ] No
9. Remarks, (including any testing results) if any
The exam request form states/asks:
"Exams on this request:
** Status of request:
Pending, reported to MAS
The following contentions need to be examined:
Active duty service dates:
Branch: Marine Corps
EOD: 08/02/1988
RAD: 08/01/1992
Please review the Veteran's electronic folder in VBMS and state that it
was reviewed in your report.
TYPE OF MEDICAL OPINION REQUESTED: Direct service connection
OPINION: Direct service connection
Does the Veteran have a diagnosis of (a) PTSD that is at least as likely
as not (50 percent or greater probability) incurred in or caused by (the)
Combat Action Ribbon during service?
Rationale must be provided in the appropriate section. Your review is not
limited to the evidence identified on this request form, or tabbed in the
claims folder. If an examination or additional testing is required,
obtain them prior to rendering your opinion.
NOTE: Your (examiner) review of the record is NOT restricted to the
evidence listed below. This list is provided in an effort to assist the
examiner in locating potentially relevant evidence.
STORM AND DESERT SHIELD dated 06/27/2017
If more than one mental disorder is diagnosed please comment on their
relationship to one another and, if possible, please state which symptoms
are attributed to each disorder.
If your examination determines that the Veteran does not have diagnosis
of PTSD and you diagnose another mental disorder, please provide an
opinion as to whether it is at least as likely as not that the Veteran's
diagnosed mental disorder is a result of an in-service stressor related
As noted above, this veteran does not appear to meet criteria for PTSD,
lacking sufficient number, frequency, and severity of symptoms to warrant
such a diagnosis. The veteran does have depression and anxiety (mainly
social anxiety) and ADHD conditions described above, though it is this
examiner's opinion that they are less likely due to, caused by, or
incurred during military service for the reasons noted above.
Today, the veteran denied any delusions or hallucinations. There are no
panic attacks and no OCD. He denied any suicidal or homicidal ideation.
He says that he knows if he were ever to kill himself, it would hurt his
mother significantly and he would did not want to do that. He does
report frequently being in a low, sad and depressed mood. He reported crying
spells, decreased hope, low self-esteem, feeling easily overwhelmed,
feeling "stuck" and self critical. He described feeling depressed over
various regrets he has in his life. He also reported a lot of anxiety.
Some of this is regarding his current life situation including financial
difficulties, though a lot also appears to be related to socially related
anxiety feelings. He feels others judge and evaluate him in a negative
manner. He feels he just does not measure up and worries when others are
looking at him, that they are thinking negative thoughts or critical
thoughts about him. This also creates not only emotional anxiety, but
also physical symptoms such as nausea. Regarding PTSD issues, the
veteran says he has sometimes dreamt that he is in the US Marine Corps but is out
of shape. He reported no recent issues with any actual trauma related
nightmares. He also says he has negatively dreamed recently about his
most recent ex-girlfriend (from five years ago). The veteran did not
describe upsetting intrusive trauma memories nor severe distress at any
particular cues. The veteran does not appear to actually meet criteria
for HYPERvigilance. He seemed to deny his issues with anxiety around
people have to do with actual fear for his physical safety. This
avoidance of people and public has to do more with worrying about their
judging him. He reports when driving he is aware of other cars and where
people are around him, though this does not appear to be related to
trauma or represent any PTSD. The veteran seems to describe having no real set
sleep schedule and he will go to sleep at widely varying times. He says
he has some difficulty falling asleep but once he is asleep, he will
sleep for as long as 12-16 hours. This may be related to his nonservice related
anxiety/depression condition and his negative coping strategy of
NOTE: VA may request additional medical information, including additional examinations if necessary to complete VA's review of the Veteran's application.
PhD Clinical Psychologist
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