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About spcsumrall

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  1. It is kind of complicated as the reason I got out. I had received an article 15 in January 2007. I served my punishment and eventually got re-promoted to e-4 then I was continuously harassed and belittled till the point of mental breakdown. After I told the military psychiatric doctor he diagnosed me with bi-polar, with anxiety condition. I was in service when that happened. It was obvious to everyone I was not like this before I joined, including my fiance who was with me for four years before I joined. The reason I got a general under honorable circumstances is because they put the article 15 as one of the reasons for discharge, despite me having served my punishment and having already been re promoted. The other reason plainly stated on my dd214 was axis-1 bipolar. and the article 15 could be argued as a direct result of being bipolar, it's just I was not diagnosed yet so they took it as direct disobedience. I was a good soldier before the trouble, afterward I was labeled a lousy soldier by our battalion CO. and he did everything in his power to make my life terrible, and constantly badgering me making me admit stuff I didn't do just so he could have someone to put stuff over on. My NCO was a lousy soldier, always drinking alcohol and taking naps and sending me to do all the work. Tells you something when they have been in the army 25 years and still E-5. I never served in combat. That does not mean I did not develop an issue. I was unnecessarily punished for other peoples mistakes, made to sleep only 1-1.5 hours a night for over 2 months. There were other things that happened that are between me and my therapist I do not wish to disclose but needless to say, it was a devastating and changed my life forever. I just want people to understand I am not looking for a handout. I don't think 2 therapist plus the 1 in service would make up diagnosis that directly points to military service as the reason i am unable to work. period. And it seems like it would be really difficult to call it pre-existing considering i was diagnosed in service and have only required treatment after service and absolutely no documented cases or symptoms before joining. So how could they call it pre-existing? My fiance and other people have been asked to submit their views, which they have, all concurring with time in service being the time I "changed for the worse"
  2. I have considered finding a lawyer but I'm gonna give it the 30 days the VCAA letter stated and see if a decision has been made. I don't wanna push too hard I just want to speak with people who have been through similar situations. I received a General: under honorable conditions. My physicals were basically average, seeing as the condition is mental related that would probably not be where they're looking. I don't have my discharge physical anymore. I have lost alot of paperwork, but I do however have my service medical records and they have been given to the VA as requested. It clearly states Axis-1 bipolar. I also have medical records from private or non-military doctors to concur that the condition has worsened, as I have been hospitalized 2 times for major depression, bipolar, generalized anxiety disorder, and PTSD. They all point to my service as the reason, as I was not this way before. And I have submitted all the documents the VA has requested.
  3. Thank you for that info, I can definitely see how that will be useful. But my exam was by a contracted office, I am not quite sure it was a VA office, it was definitely not a VA hospital. Does this sound like a C&P? And is anyone allowed to say that there's hope for me? I don't want anyone to say numbers, dates or anything else. I am just in need of encouragement and don't want to be fighting a pointless battle. I understand it takes years sometimes and people aren't always satisfied. I am not looking for an answer, simply some advice. Just need to know if I am headed in the right direction. It is not easy to go this long without help and I'm nothing short of amazed I have gotten this far. All of your help is appreciated and thanks all of you who even look my direction.
  4. Yes I have recieved a VCAA letter, and I returned it with the last 4 items deemed necessary immediately, checked and received by my regional VA office on July 1st 2011. No my address has not changed. Yes I have given the VA my bank account # for direct deposit. Yes I have a VSO. I have and will always be calm and collected when talking to or responding to anyone. I feel no reason to disrespect those trying to help. I posted all this previously but no big deal. I do have the nexus because 2 doctors as well as a ruling from an Army doctor While IN SERVICE that clearly shows the same diagnosis. And the C&P exam is a mystery, I did go to an exam, She checked all my physical being, then I offered information on my illness. She wrote all the info provided under the "other findings" and said I was free to go. I have no Idea what the results were. I will keep waiting and appreciate the responses. Again Thank you all
  5. Yes, I could only choose between none and 1-100% and to be honest I didn't quite know what to answer. trying to get benefits is the main point overall. But my service was wartime and I have confirmed with VA via correspondence from them I have put in for Comp. and Pension. So far it has been quite a battle and I am pretty sure I am in Decision phase, and I have sent them everything they asked for or said they needed promptly. Talking to the VA gets me nowhere via telephone, if I didn't live an hour from the Regional office I would just go there and ask what phase? is there hope? I truly just don't want to wait this long and get some kind of denial or something. I tried to get a premium ebenefits account to help my curiosity and that's a joke if you're not receiving benefits already, tried in person at VA hospital and over the va hotline. I will be honest I am not very wise as there is a lot I am unaware of, but I am pretty sure there is sunshine in the end. I just gotta get through the storm. And if I need to change anything I will as to not be confusing please let me know. I am new to the forum and am still not quite sure how things work. But thank you all so far and I appreciate the support.
  6. I was discharged in Apr. 2007 for Axis-1 Bipolar. I did not even know about the VA and what they do for vets until Sep. 2010 which is when I called and researched everything. So I filed early in September for SC Dis. Compensation and TDIU also pension, basically everything available. I have been unable to work since I lost my job in Jun. 2010 for being Bipolar with an extreme Anxiety condition. I was checked into a hospital for my condition and they summed it up as I should NOT have been working and that would explain why i have had literally 13 jobs since 2007. I submitted all forms I had including the diagnosis from a military doctor while in service official DA DOC stating Axis-1 Bipolar. So to bring it all together I have been off work for over 13 months now. I have 2 civilian doctors stating it is ptsd and bipolar with generalized anxiety disorder, and major depression and agoraphobia and I know from experience I am in no condition to work because sometimes I am suicidal, violent, and obscenely aggressive when uncomfortable. Now my family is hitting hard times, I do not have any family support system at all. I have sold everything I own other than personal items just to make ends meet. So I had an exam by a doctor back in may. I am not sure if this was c&p exam or not, she checked my reflexes and asked some personal questions, and said I could go. I gave her information on my mental state and she wrote it down but it seems all she was worried about was physical. So now I am within 16 days of being delinquent on my rent. My bills are set to turn off before then and I have no money at all whatsoever. My bank account is dramatically negative. I received a VCAA letter stating a decision will be made in 30 days after i sent them the last 2 forms. I IMMEDIATELY got them the forms by-mail checked and delivered to my regional VA office as of the 1st of July 2011. Also enclosed was my letter of hardship and all bills to support it. I was told by a rep over the phone it could still take 90 days. I know they are not supposed to give time frames because of all the variables, however I do not have 90 days and that makes my position feel even more bleak. So I called and called and finally got through to someone and they informed me of the American legion and TFA grant. Filled it on July 12th out and still no response. My situation has become desperate as I do not want to see my family in the homeless shelter. I just need someone, anyone, to evaluate the information given and see if there is anything I can do or am not doing. The VA has confirmed on 3 accounts they have absolutely everything they need. Also I am open to constructive criticism as well as any advice you can give. Kind words help to, just need re-assuring. I'm afraid and lost. It has become too much for us to bear. Thank you in advance
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