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About Nelly35

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  • Service Connected Disability

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  1. I am sorry but I thought I had to put somthing in there to get on this site and I didnt want to claim 100% and get called on it later. I have reached my retentiong control point being an E-5 with 14 years of service I had 91.5 days of leave saved up and now I am on the last leg of my vacation my leave will end on the 28th of this month I started doing all of my QTC appt' in June and now I have all of them done what should I expect now I was kinda hoping that I would be on the ball and such trying to get this rolling but I am seeing alot of people having problems on here so I was woundering what I should expect in the next coming weeks I hope.
  2. I will be getting off of my terminal leave on the 28th of this month when should I here my VA results or what is the next step after all the QTC appointments have been completed I starded my VA claim almost 4 months ago now I got a head start on it cause they said if I started it while I was still in the military it wouldnt take as long. I am woundering what I need to have done from here? Like I said I have completed all the QTC appointments.
  3. I will be getting off of my terminal leave on the 28th of this month when should I here my VA results or what is the next step after all the QTC appointments have been completed I starded my VA claim almost 4 months ago now I got a head start on it cause they said if I started it while I was still in the military it wouldnt take as long. I am woundering what I need to have done from here? Like I said I have completed all the QTC appointments.
  4. Thank you for your help I will deffinitly try and not mess that one up and keep my mouth shut about that thank you alott Semper FI
  5. Thank you for all of the advice but if I have my wife taking care of everything why willl they have some one else do it ? I mean she does so it shouldnt be a problem she is a great woman and does almost everything for me even after I have my moments of yelling at her and throwing things and putting holes in the walls and doors.
  6. I did request the copy of the CandP I have a complete copy of my medical records I had to give the actual file to the va guy and discharge ceert are you talking abotu my DD214? and the reason my wife helps me with eveything is so I dont forget anything or I dont get so mad at people.
  7. I am still on active duty I am currently on terminal leave I started my QTC physical about 4 months ago I have dopne all the appts and I requested a copy of my CandP yes the GAf score if PTSD claim where would I find the results of the CandP exam? what is SMR? I am a forward observer and I was exposed to loud constant noises also in my med records I dont think I have gotten the VCAA yet where can I find that and where can I get help filling that out? My wife has to help me do things so I dont mess them up.
  8. I need some help figureing things out with my gaf score which is a 40 I am also claiming other things also but this is driving me up the darn wall I also have hearing loss and ringing in the ears and degenerative bone desease with buldging disks in my neck which are pinching off half the nurves in my spine I am also claiming my lower back my shoulders my knees and my feet. can some one tell me what I should be expecting?
  9. I am still on terminal leave and I did all of my appointments with QTC and I got a GAF score of 40 what should I expect for a rating? this is not my only claim though just putting that in there also.
  10. I know that this is an old post but I am still confused I am currently on terminal leave and of course I don't play well with others my GAF score is 40 I have found this out after I requested a copy of my C and P records and I am woundering what I should expect from the VA with that score and is there anything else that I should do? I read that alot of you are going threw SSD I am not sure what that is if you all will explain this to me I will have my wife look over it since I am always lost anyways Thanks again
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