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Posts posted by Missi7

  1. I receive hydrocodone 7.5/APAP 500, 150 per month (in my former state, I received hydrocodone 10/APAP 500), sometimes I do indeed take an extra one or break one in half and add it to my normal dose around lunchtime, so I'm glad to have some extra put away. But the fact is: My V.A. doctor specifically told me over the phone that I had violated my pain contract and possibly federal drug laws, and wants to see me next week, and quote "he doesn't want to continue pain management and will forward this recommendation to his director." I told "ok, see ya next week."

    If I could go back in time 7 years, I never would've started on opiates for my pain management, they do indeed help ease the pain, but NOW my body is physically and psychologically dependant on hydrocodone, and with my bad heart, I'm afriad of death due to withdrawals (I've ran out before due to mail delays and have experienced withdrawals first hand for 1-3 days over the years) It IS NOT fun!

    I'm considering going into a 30 day detox here in Florida which will monitor my heart 24/7 and rid my body of opiate dependency, it's very expensive, but I think in the long run, it will be well worth it to get this monkey off my back, it's my opinion that long-term opiate usage increases pain associated with injuries, makes one dependant upon the drug in order to function and re-wires the brain to not produce natural chemicals because they're being replaced with synthetic feelings and emotions. If anyone out there doesn't believe this, STOP taking your opiates for 5 days, starting right now. I bet you my next 10 checks that within 5 days, your body will feel like it's been ran over by a steam roller, your heart will pound, you'll sweat profusely, then get the chills, you'll get grumpy, anxious and eventually you'll find yourself bed-ridden, begging for a pill. I've watched my father go thru this (he died in 2002 btw), I've seen my mother go thru this, my sister and I've experienced it myself. Sudden opiate withdrawal can be fatal for the meek, weak or elderly.

    When I get my white envelope with pills every month, there's 3 long pieces of paper inside the package, it specifically states "this drug can be habit forming" and "when used for extended periods of time, this medication may not work as well and may require different dosing" and "It is not recommended for use for long term periods or in high doses." Yeah right. Nobody deserves to be on opiates 7 years, the VA could've changed my meds to a more long-acting drug, tapered me off an put me on a non-opiate drug for pain (which I requested in 2008)yes, it's documented, gave me a tens unit, etc, none of this was ever discussed. Seven years of pills - that's their answer. In fact, pills is the VA's answer to everything. Got a headache, pills, feel depressed? Pills, back hurts, Pills, carpal tunnel? Pills, stub your toe, Pills, can't sleep? Pills, feeling a bit anxious are you? Here's a pill. How about getting to the ROOT of the problem? Instead of masking the symptoms with pills...IMO, VA doctors are legal drug dealers, they get people addicted, then don't want to deal with the addiction when someone "violates a pain contract."

    I think my mind is already made up to pay the 3,500 and check myself in for the duration, at least I'll be monitored by people who actually care and tell the VA to take their "pills" and stuff them where the sun don't shine. The program is guaranteed to get you off opiates, and from what I've been reading and the Youtube vids I've watched - you actually FEEL BETTER being OFF opiates.

    I got my 100% rating due to CHF and other cardiovascular problems, only 30% on my back, 50% PTSD, 10% hearing, 20% cervical injury. I would like to think any doctor worth his salt would not be so cruel as to totally take a veteran off his meds without appropriate taper and/or something to counteract withdrawals? I'm worried about our meeting next week for sure. 1. Will he accuse me of being an addict? 2. Will he try to press charges for prescription fraud? 3. Could he stop my meds immediately? 4. Could I face criminal charges? 5. Could he refuse any further treatment regarding my other ailments? At least if he does cancel my meds totally, I have enough to slowly taper off with and hopefully ease the symptoms associated with opiate withdrawals.

    I do plan to take the pills to show the doctor that I've not abused them, but I did take a few extra ones here and there as needed when my body ached beyond my normal threshold. I'm too old and tired for all this BS from the VA, guys, it's got me worried sick.

    What do you think my VA doctor's decision will be?

    I cannot understand how anyone can feel better by not having pain meds to reduce pain to a bearable state. I absolutely was in agony before I decided to take the pain meds. Sure there woul dbe less of the effect the drug has but the pain. IF ONE is really in pain the getting off of pain medicine is like committing suicide. Having a ever progressive spine disease and joint disease, among other pain problems. I can NOT live without the power of pain meds. I thank God fro pain meds! If I am not worthy of healing from Him at least there is pain meds to ease the suffering, albeit they do have consequence on the body. So sorry I can not see feeling better by not taking pain meds. Id rather die than live with that pain again.

  2. Here is the form I was talking about for future use. Submit this with 10 10 ezr


    oh yay! I am happy to see someone standing up to the fraud! I have recorded staff and caught them in out right lies. Recording without their knowing IS legal but varies by state.

    Some states allow only one person to be aware of the recording, while some require ALL parties to be aware. It is a good way to prove accountability and outright fraud. Never give up! I get so frustrated when I hear vets say just to heck wiht it and go on and do without care or pay and go indebt for care to avoid some VA madness. One guy had blood in his urine and his doctor said was in his head. Went to private doc and he had cancer. Cost him a fortune though to save his life. ( Of course he was worth a fortune:) ) just the idea it should not be that way. Vets across America are dealing with bad stuff and just not connected to unite and share what issues are occurring. I just got a letter today saying all vets will be weaned off pain meds and ONLY those with surgery or acute injury can be on pain meds for up to 6 weeks only. NO more long term pain meds period! Does not matter if you have agonizing pain that does NOT go away .So when vets are up for renewal they will be taken down a dose then another the next month until they have NO pain meds! It is up to vets to say we must unite. Go to Congressman and say look THIS is going on and must be stopped. WE THE VETS have power to bring change. BY doing EXACTLY what you are doing! Stand your ground and expose. Change must come.

  3. John is right but if you can I would go and speak to the patient advocate first. Sometimes they can fix problems like this on the spot. If that does not work go to the Administrator.

    I do not have a pain contract with VA but I have a prescription for hydrocodone 60 for 30 days and xanax 120 for 30 days and guess what meds by mail screws up on delivery.

    Yes you are in a bad situation for an abrupt withdrawal.

    I wish you the best. When this is over and fixed I hope you should consider a complaint to the VAOIG. You have been treated poorly by the VA

    Anyone who takes their meds that are prescribed are not addicts. You are dependent and the VA should recognize this.

    Have to say that the picture of your profile is one beautiful doggy! Is that yours? I breed Standard Poodles and show too when able.

    This site has been encouraging to me. It hurts to be treated so callously by doctors. I hate it when someone puts in your record tested postive for opiates when DUH your prescribed opiates! That just irritates the pee pee out of me!:( ( Maybe THAT is why I lose my bladder from time to time not my back:P ( Sorry) If they want to test for drugs should they not test the level and say the patient is prescribed this and the test is consistent to what they are prescribed? Those little notes they put in files are not harmless. Someone commented about notes put in vets files. I get my record copy of it every so many months to keep up with my own file. And look through it as I have seen some tacky stuff put in it. Weird stuff too.Like commenting on private parts to food items! Good grief! I have never signed a pain contract. That sounds like a legal avoid liability thing to me. I do beg to differ that VA cannot be sued. Malpractice when a va doctor is sued in their individual capacity CAN be effective. Injunction requests depending on the situation also can help. But the vet has to make sure they fill out a Standard form 95 to avoid violation of FTCA ( Federal Tort Claim Act) which gives VA 6 months to respond. If they don"t it is a denial. Yet I do believe a request for injunctive relief can be filed outside the form 95.

    I appreciate your comments about vets being poorly treated when docs act like those taking pain meds are dopers. Yikers. I waited for years to not take pain meds. Only when I could not bear it any more and my spine was in such bad shape with every single disc now either abutting the cord, herniated with stenosis, some just bulging, bone lesions, bone cysts, and of course they do nothing but give meds. BUt hey at least I cna walk! When I take the meds I have some active life. Not bedridden wishing I could just die already oh please God take me take me! SO in 2003 I started pain meds on my birthday of all days. Yippee! Pain free day for my birthday! Now I take 10/500 every six hours for pain as needed. Always have some left at end of month. Careful to wait out when pain comes and not time yet for a pill. Use heat tens unit and some ibuprofen.

    So today sep 13 I get this letter saying the ONLY vets now that can have pain meds are ones who have surgery or acute injury and only for 4-6 weeks. They are transitioning to un pain med vets everywhere is what my doctor told me. Of course she called after I left a message that it was cruel to not even discuss such with patients just send a letter and say your cut off and oh by the way the last few years I gave you pain meds you did not need them. ( That is my , in essence she is saying...interpretation)

  4. John is right but if you can I would go and speak to the patient advocate first. Sometimes they can fix problems like this on the spot. If that does not work go to the Administrator.

    I do not have a pain contract with VA but I have a prescription for hydrocodone 60 for 30 days and xanax 120 for 30 days and guess what meds by mail screws up on delivery.

    Yes you are in a bad situation for an abrupt withdrawal.

    I wish you the best. When this is over and fixed I hope you should consider a complaint to the VAOIG. You have been treated poorly by the VA

    Anyone who takes their meds that are prescribed are not addicts. You are dependent and the VA should recognize this.

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