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About carolinarocks28

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  • Service Connected Disability
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    Playing sports whenever I can, video games, my family, Navy

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  1. Hello, new to the site, glad there are other out there that need help and give help when needed. I am an E-4 in the Navy, stationed at NAS Lemoore, California. I have been in the navy about 4 1/2 years, all of that time spent either in boot camp or here in Lemoore, Ca. My question is how much would I get from being medically discharged at this time. I know most of the info about medical discharge and medical retirement, I don't need to know the simple stuff, just a personal opinion on how much I would get from my conditions. My conditions are listed as below: The main one that is most likely going to get me discharged is a disease I got in the Navy called Eosinoaphilic esophagitus. Which basically is a disease in the Esophagus that causes certain sectons close to my stomach to swell up to the diameter of an ink pen, causing pain and discomfort when eating. The problem with this disease, and why they will not keep me, is I cannot go onto a ship, because if I were to eat something and my esophagus rips/tears, Naval medical officers do not know how to perform the emergency surgery. Another reason this condition is so bad is because there is no known cure for it, and it is life long, and potentially deadly as i just explained about it tearing. I can go through treatments, once a month for the rest of my life, but these treatments are not available on the boat. I have talked to many sailors and ex-sailors here on base, they all say that alone can get me a high percentage, because it is closely related to cancer (because the way the disease works is the white blood cells form in my esophagus causing it to swell), and believe me when my doctor told me that I started to cry I was so scared. Another thing I developed in the Navy is Asthma, probably from the air quality out here. Also been hit in my nose by tools and aircraft stabs, causing a fracture that lead to my sinus cavaties being completly blocked, causeing very bad allergies, and most likely will lead to nose surgery in the future, before I get out of active duty status. I twisted my knee really bad during command PT couple years ago, had surgery on it last year (they found that my knee cap completely tore through the muscle tissue covering it, they didn't catch it right away and had me doing physical therapy which lead to it healing 2 inches to the right, out aligned, causeing pain, which caused the surgery. It still hurts today and it pops and grinds all the time. my other knee grinds too, but I don't think that would get any attention when it comes to med board. My back is another big one, but everyone has back problems in the navy, I pulled mine a while ago, and after countless visits to physical therapy and chiropractor, there is still a knot in my lower left area of my back. both o fmy shoulders have been injured during PT too, one just being sprained, but the other one had minor tears in my rotator's cuff. Something else coming to light in my condition is that I might be diabetic, have to do more tests on that, I might have high blood pressure and cholesterol related to stress, and possibly sleep apnea... And according to the VA office after reviewing my medical file I have bi-lateral hearing loss which I knew nothing of. If anyone has had these same conditions, I would love to know how much the navy said you were medically rated, and how much the VA office rated you afterwards (because the way I understand it is the Navy looks at you first, rates you either 10, 20, or 30 %, and than from there you would go to the VA ofice and they are the ones to state whether you are anywhere from 30%-100%)
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